Muhlenberg County Kentucky

Muhlenberg map

Deed Records

Deed Index, Grantors: Reno

Year Grantor Grantee Book / Page Description
Reno & Finch Drury, Milly J. 21/207 2 acres near South Carrollton
Reno, & Kahn Greenville Coal Company 43/50 5 tracts near Powderly
Reno & Martin Ford, J.L. 19/192 144 acres on Bat East Creek
Reno & Rothrock Nofsinger, Bradford 22/274 Power of Attorney
Reno & Weatherford Penrod, David 34/249 11 acres on Owensboro & Nashville Railroad
Reno, Alfred Ferguson, J.K. 6/60 200 acres on Cypress Creek
Reno, Alfred McLean, Alney 6/60 200 acres on Cypress Creek
1907 Reno, Damon & wf. &c. Mitchell, Julius 76/306 Lot #13 in Weirs 1st Subdivision in Greenville
1910 Reno, David R. & wf. Ellen Frost, Ed 78/566 6 acres on Cypress Creek
Reno, E.A. Clayton, Fannie J. 30/515 1 lot in Owensboro Junction
Reno, E.A. Davenport, Sarah 33/362 1 house & lot in Central City
1906 Reno, E.E. Creel, B.F. 62/366 1 house & lot in Central City
1903 Reno, E.E., administrator Cobb, W.R. 55/430 Release
1906 Reno, E.E., administrator Lovelace, Lewis Reno 63/385 Release on land from estate of Jessie H. Reno decd.
1907 Reno, E.E. & wf. Della E. May, John T. 72/212 1 house & lot in Central City
1895 Reno, E.E. & wf. S.E. Casebier, J.T. 58/73 76 acres on Nelson Creek
1910 Reno, Elijah McEuen, Oscar 105/296 2 lots in Central City
1904 Reno, G.T. Leigh, R.F. 58/382 25 acres on Cypress Creek
Reno, H.T. Brown, Samuel 27/108 106 acres on Cypress Creek
Reno, H.T. & wf. Reno, R.D. 35/332 __ acres on Cypress Creek
Reno, H.T. & wf. Reno, R. Davis Sr. 38/558 Interest in 175 acres on Cypress Creek
Reno, J.H. Dillingham, V.L. 13/121 180 acres
Reno, J.H. Enslaved people 14/25 Certificate of title to 2 enslaved people
Reno, J.H. Silas 14/297 Deed of Emancipation
Reno, J.H. Harkins, John 15/387 123½ acres near Greenville
Reno, J.H. Jago, Jacob 16/520 2 acres on Cypress Creek
Reno, J.H. Cobb, Jeremiah 18/618 Certificate of Acknowledgement
Reno, J.H. Ball, James 21/197 47 acres on Cypress Creek
Reno, J.H. Ball, A.E. 21/198 26¾ acres
Reno, J.H. Wells, W.L. 22/277 150 acres on Long Creek
Reno, J.H. Jones, Sherrod 22/412 196 acres on Cypress Creek
Reno, J.H. Bruce, Susan 25/196 35 acres
Reno, J.H. Lee, Malinda J. 27/162 Tract on Sand Lick Creek
Reno, J.H. Harris, M.J. 28/74 Interest in 32 acres on Cypress Creek
Reno, J.H. Morris, E.A. 28/280 65 acres on Cypress Creek
Reno, J.H. Skipworth, J.T. 28/397 100 acres on Bat East Creek
Reno, J.H. Bruce, Sally Ann 30/158 65 acres on Cypress Creek
Reno, J.H. Roll, T.L. 39/321 Deed of Partition
Reno, J.H., executor Calhoon, Anderson 39/597 49 acres on Bat East Creek
Reno, J.H. & wf. Stanley, Isaac 14/218 140 acres
Reno, J.H. & wf. Reno, Jesse K. 17/465 118 acres
Reno, J.H. & wf. Miller, Jacob 18/361 50 acres
Reno, J.H. & wf. Jago, Jacob 18/362 9 acres
Reno, J.H. & wf. Fentress, L.D. 21/117 __ acres on Cypress Creek
Reno, J.H. & wf. Reed, S.M. 28/53 47 acres on Thompsons Creek
Reno, J.H. & wf. Nofsinger, Bradford 28/54 69 acres on Cypress Creek
Reno, J.H. & wf. Tooley, John 28/328 135 acres on Bat East Creek
Reno, J.H. & wf. Yonts, A.J. 28/536 55 acres on Bat East Creek
Reno, J.H. & wf. Smith, James M. 28/374 72 acres on Isaacs Creek
Reno, J.H. & wf. Yost, W.H. Sr. 31/53 300 acres on Thompsons Creek
Reno, J.H. & wf. Dearmond, James M. 32/180 42 acres on Cypress Creek
Reno, J.H. & wf. Newman, M.W. 35/70 75 acres on Bat East Creek
Reno, J.H. & wf. Carter, Susan 39/442 100 acres on Cypress Creek
Reno, J.H. & wf. United Baptist Church, trustees 42/38 1 acres
1882 Reno, J.H. & wf. M.P. Jenkins, Winey 43/441 1 tract of 4 acres
Reno, J.H. & wf. Kyle, George 44/130 13 acres
1889 Reno, J.H. &c. Reno, Lewis 43/67 1 lot in Greenville
Reno, Jesse Ferguson, John K. 6/174 Part of 2 lots in Lewisburg
Reno, Jesse McLean, Alney 6/174 Part of 2 lots in Lewisburg
Reno, Jesse Tyler, Charles 7/23 Deed of Partition
Reno, Jesse Anthony, Jacob 7/58 Mortgage
Reno, Jesse Cain, Samuel 7/339 150 acres on Cypress Creek
Reno, Jesse Barker, James 7/366 100 acres on Cypress Creek
Reno, Jesse Carter, Peggy 8/21 161 acres on Cypress Creek
Reno, Jesse Clark, Robert 8/189 173 acres on Cypress Creek
Reno, Jesse & wf. Morehead, Charles 5/232 200 acres on Cypress Creek
Reno, Jesse H. Steinbridge, John A. 16/73 1 lot near Greenville
Reno, Jesse H. Bennett, Edward R. 19/174 1 storehouse & lot in Greenville
Reno, Jesse H. Wickliffe, Agnes 19/196 1 lot in Greenville
Reno, Jesse H. Brown, James F.M. 19/448 121 acres on Elk Pond Creek
Reno, Jesse H. Hendrie, Alexander 19/451 __ acres on Elk Pond Creek
Reno, Jesse H. Jernigan, H.W. 20/223 2 tracts
Reno, Jesse H. Holland, Thomas 22/28 50 acres on Cypress Creek
Reno, Jesse H. Reno, L.R. 23/14 1 lot in Greenville
Reno, Jesse H. United Baptist Church, trustees 23/96 1 lot for church building
Reno, Jesse H. Irvin, William 23/164 1 lot in Greenville
Reno, Jesse H. Terry, S.J. 24/168 5 acres near Greenville
Reno, Jesse H. Elizabethtown & Paducah Railroad Company 25/360 Right of Way
Reno, Jesse H. Gardner, W.W. 25/580 Deed of Trust
Reno, Jesse H. Gardner, W.W. 25/581 Deed of Trust
Reno, Jesse H. Gardner, W.W. 25/582 Deed of Trust
Reno, Jesse H. Hay, Henry 26/3 1 acres near Greenville
Reno, Jesse H. Pittman, B.E. 26/162 52 acres on Madisonville Rd.
Reno, Jesse H. Lile, Margaret L. 27/138 136 acres on Pond River
Reno, Jesse H. Rutledge, P.H. 27/192 5 acres near Greenville
Reno, Jesse H. Pace, E.O. 27/472 25 acres near Greenville
Reno, Jesse H. Mitchell, W.A. 27/486 24½ acres on Cypress Creek
Reno, Jesse H. Lam, Nelly 27/575 37 acres near Jesse Robertson
Reno, Jesse H. Row, J.H. 27/617 80 acres
Reno, Jesse H. Jenkins, John 29/381 100 acres on Long Creek
Reno, Jesse H. Dukes, E.W. 30/529 150 acres on Caney Creek
Reno, Jesse H. Jones, Thomas J. 31/148 1 lot in Greenville
Reno, Jesse H. Cobb, L.J. 39/8 32½ acres on Morton Ferry Road
Reno, Jesse H. Clardy, Nancy F. heirs 40/386 208 acres on Clifty Creek
Reno, Jesse H. Reno, Lewis 40/492 __ acres on Clifty Creek
Reno, Jesse H. Cary, James 44/202 65 acres on Cypress Creek
Reno, Jesse H., assignee Newman, William Y. 29/525 __ acres on Elk Pond Creek
Reno, Jesse H., executor Pittman, B.P. 23/540 2 tracts on Elk Pond Creek
Reno, Jesse H., treasurer 22/408 Settlement
Reno, Jesse H., treasurer 22/447 Report
Reno, Jesse H. & wf. Weir, E.R. 14/217 500 acres on Caney Creek
Reno, Jesse H. & wf. Foster, William 14/462 1 lot in Greenville
Reno, Jesse H. & wf. Foster, William 14/463 1 lot in Greenville
Reno, Jesse H. & wf. Adkins, Sanders 14/463 1 lot in Greenville
Reno, Jesse H. & wf. Clifford, J.A. 18/187 8 acres in Greenville
Reno, Jesse H. & wf. Short, J. 20/107 1 lot in Greenville
Reno, Jesse H. & wf. Shutt, Jonathan 20/410 1 lot in or near Greenville
Reno, Jesse H. & wf. Lucas, John S. 20/551 2 tracts on Elk Pond Creek
Reno, Jesse H. & wf. Hays, H.L. 21/68 1 tract on Wards Run
Reno, Jesse H. & wf. Taylor, Jefferson 26/17 2½ acres on Caney Creek
Reno, Jesse H. & wf. Brinkman, John heirs 26/387 __ acres on Nelson Creek
Reno, Jesse H. & wf. James, W.B. 28/173 1 lot in Greenville
Reno, Jesse H. & wf. Mobley, W.E. 28/288 32 acres on Caney Creek
Reno, Jesse H. & wf. Martin, W.W. 28/290 Interest in lot in Greenville
Reno, Jesse H. & wf. Brooks, Calvin W. 28/326 98 acres on Green River
Reno, Jesse H. & wf. Robinson, W.E. 28/327 98 acres on Green River
Reno, Jesse H. & wf. Hays, H.L. 28/413 10 acres on Wards Run
Reno, Jesse H. & wf. African M.E. Zion Church, trustees 28/417 1 lot in Greenville
Reno, Jesse H. & wf. Prowse, George O. 28/470 100 acres on Pond River
Reno, Jesse H. & wf. Glenn, Robert 28/535 95 acres on Elk Pond Creek
Reno, Jesse H. & wf. Martin, Joe R. 28/538 1 house & lot in Greenville
Reno, Jesse H. & wf. Reno, Lewis 30/471 3 acres in Greenville
Reno, Jesse H. & wf. Gardner, W.E. 31/147 1 tract on Caney Creek
Reno, Jesse H. & wf. Jones, Thomas J. 31/149 Part of lot in Greenville
Reno, Jesse H. & wf. Cobb, W.R. 31/160 51½ acres on Wards Run
Reno, Jesse H. & wf. Terry, Laura A. 31/546 120 acres on Nelson Creek
Reno, Jesse H. & wf. Wilkinson, W.H. 32/66 1 lot in Greenville
Reno, Jesse H. & wf. Martin, James R. 32/256 1 lot in Greenville
Reno, Jesse H. & wf. Craig, Susannah F. 32/314 78 acres on Clifty Creek
Reno, Jesse H. & wf. Casebier, J.D. 33/200 100 acres on Elk Pond Creek
Reno, Jesse H. & wf. Stroud, Bradford 34/620 37 acres on Cypress Creek
Reno, Jesse H. & wf. Newman, H.G. 35/409 13¾ acres on Clifty Creek
Reno, Jesse H. & wf. Pritchett, Caroline 38/42 1 house & lot in Greenville
Reno, Jesse H. & wf. Kyle, William 38/94 50 acres on Greenville Rd.
Reno, Jesse H. & wf. Lovelace, L.R. 39/91 2 tracts on Nelson Creek
Reno, Jesse H. & wf. Nofsinger, Samuel R. 42/96 __ acres on Cypress Creek
Reno, Jesse H. & wf. Reno, Lewis 43/67 1 lot in Greenville
1894 Reno, Jesse H. & wf. M.P. Kyle, George 44/130 13 acres, part of Keith survey
1894 Reno, Jesse H. & wf. M.P. Reno, Edward E. 44/340 70 acres on Nelson Creek
1894 Reno, Jesse H. & wf. M.P. Yonts, A.J. 44/620 20 acres on Bat East Creek
1892 Reno, Jesse H. &c. Cary, James 44/202 65 acres on Cypress Creek
Reno, Jesse K. Groves, William 30/621 68 acres on Pond River
Reno, Jesse K. & wf. Lee, William G. 21/296 118¾ acres
Reno, Jesse K. & wf. Martin, Charles Y. 30/616 30 acres
Reno, Jesse K. & wf. Hendricks, Sarah A. 42/176 19½ acres on Cypress Creek
1895 Reno, Jesse L. & wf. Reno, R.J. 45/160 1 tract of 7 acres
Reno, John Randolph, Robert 3/293 Bill of Sale
Reno, John Ferguson, John K. 6/60 200 acres on Cypress Creek
Reno, John McLean, Alney 6/60 200 acres on Cypress Creek
Reno, John Reno, Lewis 6/107 Bill of Sale
Reno, John E. Weir, E.R. 16/387 120 acres on Cypress Creek
Reno, John E. Bennett, Bryant C. 19/291 1 house & lot in South Carrollton
Reno, John E. Liter, Adam 19/554 Part of lot in South Carrollton
Reno, John E. McCown, Malvina 20/575 7 acres
Reno, John E. Finch, William 20/593 1 tract on Cypress Creek
Reno, John E. Whitehouse, John 20/594 75 acres on Pond Creek
Reno, John E. Vincent, Charles 21/227 100 acres on Cypress Creek
Reno, John E. Vandyne, E.O. 21/422 147 acres on Cypress Creek
Reno, John E. Stobaugh, Henry 21/425 60 acres on Cypress Creek
Reno, John E. Morehead, Presley 21/481 4 acres near South Carrollton
Reno, John E. Bruce, James 21/562 72½ acres on Cypress Creek
Reno, John E. Baker, P.H. 22/195 ½ house & lot in South Carrollton
Reno, John E. Kincheloe, L.W. 22/378 334 acres on Cypress Creek
Reno, John E. Kincheloe, L.W. 22/379 1 house & lot in South Carrollton
Reno, John E. Hughes, John B. 23/340 3 lots in South Carrollton
Reno, John E. Morehead 24/391 1 lot in South Carrollton
Reno, John E. Rothrock 24/391 1 lot in South Carrollton
Reno, John E. Markwell, Hooper E. 24/574 116 acres on Cypress Creek
Reno, John E. Hite, John 25/27 2½ acres near Greenville
Reno, John E. Pritchett, J.J. 25/55 1 lot in South Carrollton
Reno, John E. McDonald, C.C. 25/112 4 acres near Greenville
Reno, John E. Pollard, John 25/250 1 lot in South Carrollton
Reno, John E. Gregory, John 25/403 30 acres on Cypress Creek
Reno, John E. McIntire, John 26/180 1¼ acres in Greenville
Reno, John E. Eaves, Prentice 27/221 House & lot near Greenville
Reno, John E. Nall, Nancy B. 27/441 50 acres on Log Creek
Reno, John E. Nall, Sallie K. 27/441 50 acres on Log Creek
Reno, John E. Hendricks, James P. 27/442 25 acres on Log Creek
Reno, John E. Whitmer, Mary G. 27/442 72 acres on Log Creek
Reno, John E. Mitchell, W.A. 27/486 24½ acres on Cypress Creek
Reno, John E. Devine, Andrew L. 27/500 ½ int. in tract known as Girvin Tract
Reno, John E. Dwire, John 27/500 ½ int. in tract known as Girvin Tract
Reno, John E. Jenkins, John 29/381 100 acres on Long Creek
Reno, John E. Palmer, Kate 30/349 Marriage Contract
Reno, John E. Myers, D.H. 30/549 1 lot in or near Greenville
Reno, John E. Galloway, Margaret 30/600 10 acres on Cypress Creek
Reno, John E. Humphrey, William S. 31/430 Interest in 75 acres
Reno, John E. Moore, Jesse 32/240 2 tracts on Green River
Reno, John E. Humphrey, William S. 34/414 75 acres
Reno, John E. Clarady, Nancy F. heirs 40/386 208 acres on Clifty Creek
Reno, John E. Cary, James 44/202 65 acres on Cypress Creek
Reno, John E. & wf. Kittinger, John 14/378 1 lot in South Carrollton
Reno, John E. & wf. Lovelace, A.H. 14/405 1 lot in South Carrollton
Reno, John E. & wf. Davis, Susan P. 17/428 4 acres & lots in South Carrollton
Reno, John E. & wf. Liter, Sarah C. 20/584 3¾ acres near South Carrollton
Reno, John E. & wf. Clark, John 20/593 1 acre near South Carrollton
Reno, John E. & wf. Salsburg, David 21/224 2 tracts on Green River
Reno, John E. & wf. Fatman & Company 21/502 1 lot in Greenville
Reno, John E. & wf. Bruce, Thomas 25/1 1 lot in South Carrollton
1869 Reno, John E. & wf. Fentress, L.D. 25/19 1 acre near South Carrollton
Reno, John E. & wf. Hughes, Albert 25/245 2 acres near Greenville
Reno, John E. & wf. Gregory, Elizabeth 25/382 102 acres on Cypress Creek
Reno, John E. & wf. Myers, David H. 26/184 2 acres near Greenville
Reno, John E. & wf. Reno, Hiram T. 26/372 106 acres on Cypress Creek
Reno, John E. & wf. Campfield, John 27/74 40 acres on Mud River
Reno, John E. & wf. Ragon, J.V. 27/78 1⅖ acres near Greenville
Reno, John E. & wf. Eades, G.B. 27/79 Interest in lot &c.
Reno, John E. & wf. Walton, Margaret 27/85 1 lot near Greenville
Reno, John E. & wf. Williams, Lue 27/85 1 lot near Greenville
Reno, John E. & wf. Yost, Lizzie 27/126 1 lot in Greenville
Reno, John E. & wf. Short, Sue A. 27/127 1 lot in Greenville
Reno, John E. & wf. McDonald, H.C. 27/262 65 acres on Cypress Creek
Reno, John E. & wf. Arnold, Samuel 27/364 1 lot in Greenville
Reno, John E. & wf. Carneal, James 27/365 1 lot near Greenville
Reno, John E. & wf. Campfield, John 27/413 80 acres on Mud River
Reno, John E. & wf. Stobaugh, James 28/90 69 acres on Cypress Creek
Reno, John E. & wf. Vincent, A.C. 28/160 52¼ acres on Cypress Creek
Reno, John E. & wf. Hay, Henry 28/330 1¼ acres near Greenville
Reno, John E. & wf. Lewis, Riley 28/544 1 acre near Greenville
Reno, John E. & wf. Eades, Anna 41/157 1 lot in Greenville
1882 Reno, John E. & wf. Sharp, Hettie &c. 43/489 105 acres on Cypress Creek
1900 Reno, John E. & wf. Graddy, A.O. 51/86 7 acres near Greenville
Reno, John R. Wickliffe, C.B. 27/259 105 acres
Reno, John R. Rice, J.F. 27/529 105 acres
Reno, John R. Reno, L.R. 29/506 1 house & lot in Greenville
1895 Reno, Kate H. & hus. John E. McDonald, A.C. 44/472 50 acres on Caney Creek
1899 Reno, Kate H. & hus. John E. Martin, Felix J. & wf. 53/28 2 lots in Greenville
1902 Reno, Kate H. & hus. John E. Rice, J.F. 54/12 1 lot in Greenville
Reno, L.K. Clayton, Fannie J. 30/515 1 lot in Owensboro Junction
Reno, L.K. Davenport, Sarah 33/362 1 house & lot in Central City
1901 Reno, Lawson &c. Hillside Coal Company &c. 52/58 1 house & lot in Greenville
1901 Reno, Lawson &c. Lam, J.W. &c. 52/58 1 house & lot in Greenville
1902 Reno, Lawson & wf. C.V. Ellison, Cordelia &c. 53/515 100 acres on Pond River
1901 Reno, Lawson & wf. &c. Lam, James W. 84/454 1 lot in Greenville
1901 Reno, Lawson & wf. &c. Muhlenberg County Savings Bank 56/317 1 lot in Greenville
Reno, Lawson R. Rust, John J. 10/4 Deed mortgage
Reno, Lawson R. Reno, J.H. 12/493 Deed mortgage
Reno, Lawson R. & wf. Johnston, Oliver H. 12/265 200 acre son Cypress Creek
Reno, Lawson R. & wf. Baker, P.H. 21/367 1 lot in Greenville
Reno, Lawson R. & wf. Myers, D.H. 21/367 1 lot in Greenville
Reno, Lawson R. & wf. Grundy, D.W. 28/485 1 lot in Greenville
Reno, Lawson R. & wf. Grundy, J.H. 28/485 1 lot in Greenville
Reno, Lawson R. & wf. Carneal, Hezekiah 30/454 29 acres on Pond Creek
Reno, Lawson R. & wf. Martin, C.Y. 34/283 1 lot near Greenville
Reno, Lewis Stephens, David H. 3/261 1 lot in Greenville
Reno, Lewis Hopkins, James 5/320 Bill of Sale
Reno, Lewis Murphy, Charles W. 8/444 1 lot in Greenville
Reno, Lewis Bodine, Jacob 9/289 80 acres on Green River
Reno, Lewis Reno, J.E. 16/357 120 acres near Lewisburg
Reno, Lewis Malin, Charles A. 28/17 1 lot in Greenville
Reno, Lewis Muhlenberg Milling, Mining & Manufacturing Company 41/547 J.E. Mills property
Reno, Lewis Greenville Coal Company 42/222 2 house & lots in Powderly
Reno, Lewis heirs Weir, E.R. 16/386 Int. in 120 acres
Reno, Lewis & wf. Kincheloe, Lewis 5/59 100 acres on Cypress Creek
Reno, Lewis & wf. Duvall, John Jr. 6/55 200 acres on Nelson Creek
Reno, Lewis & wf. McDonald, O.V. 30/176 29 acres on Cypress Creek
Reno, Lewis & wf. Irvin, William 32/77 1 house & lot in Greenville
Reno, Lewis & wf. Roark, Amanda 32/282 1 lot in Greenville
Reno, Lewis & wf. Yost, Lizzie & children 33/499 6 acres in Greenville
Reno, Lewis & wf. Jones, Eunice 34/382 1 lot in Greenville
Reno, Lewis & wf. Hoolin, Hugh H. 36/588 1 lot in Greenville
Reno, Lewis & wf. Mendel, Charles 37/236 1 lot in Greenville
Reno, Lewis & wf. Walker, M.J. 41/271 58½ acres on Sand Lick Creek
Reno, Lewis & wf. Rice, S.E. 41/378 1 lot in Greenville
Reno, Lewis & wf. Lands, Lucy W. 42/4 1 lot near Greenville
Reno, Lewis & wf. Johnston, F.H. 42/191 1 lot in Greenville
Reno, Lewis & wf. Kittinger, Jacob C. 42/203 2 lots in Greenville
1894 Reno, Lewis & wf. May Muhlenberg County 43/224 1 lot in Greenville
1894 Reno, Lewis & wf. May Bennett, Mrs. M.T. 43/227 1 house & lot in Greenville
1894 Reno, Lewis & wf. May First National Bank, Greenville 43/383 1 lot in Greenville
1894 Reno, Lewis & wf. May Porter, M.B. 44/30 1 lot in Greenville
1895 Reno, Lewis & wf. May Lewis, Henry C. 44/362 1 lot in Greenville
1891 Reno, Lewis & wf. May Allen, William B. Jr. 45/78 1 lot in Greenville
1897 Reno, Lewis & wf. May Rice, J.F. 46/40 1 lot in Greenville
1898 Reno, Lewis & wf. School District F, (Colored), trustees 46/412 1 lot in Greenville
1903 Reno, Lewis & wf. May Eades, William 70/378 2 lots in Greenville
1903 Reno, Lewis & wf. May Lam, J.W. 70/378 2 lots in Greenville
1905 Reno, Lewis & wf. May Reno, William 60/142 1 lot in Greenville
1894 Reno, Lewis & wf. May &c. Greenville Coal Company 43/50 60 acres on Cypress Creek
1900 Reno, Lewis & wf. May &c. Wickliffe, W.A. 53/28 2940 acres on Sulphur Spring Tr.
1900 Reno, Lewis & wf. May &c. Kininmonth, R.W. &c. 50/133 107 acres on Sulphur Spring
1902 Reno, Lewis & wf. May &c. Allen, Sam H. 53/187 68 acres on Sulphur Spring
1904 Reno, Lewis & wf. May &c. Eaves, S.J. 57/83 53 acres near Greenville
1897 Reno, Louis & wf. &c. Davis, Agnes E. &c. 67/531 Release
Reno, M.P. Reno, Lewis 40/492 1 lot & brewery in Paradise
1902 Reno, M.P. Reno, E.E. 52/450 2 lots in Central City
1903 Reno, M.P. Cobb, W.R. 55/430 Deed of Release
1897 Reno, Mrs. M.P. Moores, J.W. 45/188 380 acres on Pond Creek
1897 Reno, Mrs. M.P. Reno, E.E. 45/405 2 lots in Central City
1906 Reno, May Eaves, H.E. 67/338 1 lot in Greenville
1906 Reno, May Martin, R.T. 67/344 1 lot in Greenville
1907 Reno, May Jones, Sallie Reno 73/25 25 acres adj. Greenville
1908 Reno, May McLean, Sarah 79/195 1 lot in Greenville
1908 Reno, May Duncan, W.G. Jr. 72/622 1 house & lot in Greenville
1908 Reno, May Martin, John E. &c. 75/497 2 lots in Greenville
1908 Reno, May Martin, John E. &c. 76/311 2 lots in Greenville
1909 Reno, May Pannell, Mattie A. 77/106 2 tracts on Greenville & Hopkinsville Rd.
1909 Reno, May Yost, William H. 77/143 1 tract known as the Brank Farm
1907 Reno, May &c. Duncan, A.W. 70/289 1 lot in Greenville
Reno, R.D. Morehead, Charles 9/150 161 acres on Cypress Creek
Reno, R.D. Barfield, Thomas 9/598 Deed mortgage
Reno, R.D. Rumsey & Reno 10/288 Deed mortgage
Reno, R.D. Jones, W.G. 10/370 Deed mortgage
Reno, R.D. Reno, J.E. 18/14 Deed mortgage
Reno, R.D. Reno, J.H. 18/14 Deed mortgage
1908 Reno, R.D. Kentucky Midland Railroad Company 112/240 Right of Way
Reno, R.D. & wf. Calvert, Thomas 9/250 514 acres on Cypress Creek
Reno, R.D. & wf. Jago, Benjamin 17/239 2 tracts on Pond Creek
Reno, R.D. & wf. Reno, R.D. Jr. 38/559 Interest in 175 acres on Cypress Creek
1902 Reno, R.D. & wf. Ellen Sumner, Thomas E. 53/488 77 acres on Cypress Creek
1906 Reno, R.D. & wf. Ellen Kentucky Midland Railroad Company 65/248 Right of Way
1895 Reno, R.J. & wf. Jesse L. Reno, T.R. 45/158 49 acres
1896 Reno, R.J. & wf. S.F. Huddleston, John 45/14 46½ acres on Cypress Creek
1896 Reno, R.J. & wf. S.F. Durall, J.A. 45/72 19½ acres
1905 Reno, R.J. & wf. Susan Jones, C.J. 68/401 4½ acres on Cypress Creek
Reno, Rufus J. Reno, R.D. 38/365 175 acres on Cypress Creek
Reno, Rufus J. & wf. Huddleston, Jack 40/6 25 acres on Cypress Creek
Reno, Rufus J. & wf. Nofsinger, Samuel 42/190 2¾ acres on Cypress Creek
1893 Reno, Rufus J. & wf. S.F. Noffsinger, Samuel R. 46/232 100 acres on Cypress Creek
1899 Reno, Sallie E. &c. Rankins, Morris 54/218 1 house & lot in Central City
Reno, T.L. & wf. Brown, L.B. 44/352 10 acres
1893 Reno, T.R. & wf. Reno, Randolph Davis 55/566 1 tract
1895 Reno, T.R. & wf.a Brown, L.B. 44/352 10 acres
1900 Reno, T.R. & wf. Miller, J.E. 58/316 49 acres on Cypress Creek
1901 Reno, T.R. & wf. Lovell, Walter 60/364 100 acres Cypress Creek
1910 Reno, T.R. & wf. Henry, Katherine 78/306 1 house & lot in Central City
1910 Reno, T.R. & wf. Wright, Mary E. 78/613 1 house & lot in Central City
Reno, Thomas R. & wf. Gross, James R. 36/32 168 acres on Big Creek
1909 Reno, Will & wf. &c. Bennewitz, Lewis 77/144 1 tract on Pond Creek

Updated March 18, 2024

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