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Summary of Francis Ramsey
Revolutionary War Pension Request |
Submitted by Joe W. Hardiman
September 28, 1830 - Scott County, KY
Abraham Buford, late a Col in the Virginia Line signed a letter stating that
Francis Ramsey had served three years in the Southern Army during the
revolution. Francis was enlisted by Sergeant Hatcher.
November 6,1830 - Garrard County, KY
Francis Ramsey a resident of Rockcastle County signed a declaration that he had
enlisted the latter part of 1779 in the Continental Line of the Revolution and
served until the end of the War. He was enlisted in the regiment of Abraham
Buford, and his captain was Andrew Wallace, who was killed near Francis at the
Battle of Guilford Court House. He was in the battle at Camden commanded by Col
Green, and afterward under Cap Marles. He was at the Siege of 96, and also at
the battle of Euton Springs, and afterward was attached to Col Lee's* Light
Infantry commanded by Major Richard Eceleston. Francis served until the end of
the War and was discharged at Georgetown, South Carolina June 6, 1783. (Francis
enlisted short of his 16th birthday as a Drum Major.) (*Father of Robert E.
Thomas Millain, J.P., signed a statement that Francis Ramsey had made the above
December 13, 1830 - Garrard County, KY
R. P. Letcher signed a statement verifying the signature of Thomas Millain.
December 23, 1830 - Garrard County, KY
R. P. Letcher signed a statement that he had known Francis Ramsey for 20 years
and knows him to be a man of truth and honesty.
November 3, 1843 Rockcastle County, KY
Francis Ramsey, aged 53, a nephew of Francis Ramsey deceased December 26, 1842,
signed a statement that he knows that Francis and Martha Ramsey lived together
as man and wife the 38 years that he had known them. C. H. Trabue cut out the
pages* from the family Bible that had their marriage listed. These pages were
submitted to the pension board. (Francis Ramsey Bible Page 1; Page 2)
George Hawk, J. P., signed the statement of Francis Ramsey and also made a
statement that he had known Frances Ramsey for over 20 years and knows him to
be a man of truth and honesty.
James Terrill, Clerk of Court, signed a statement verifying the signature of
George Hawk.
Martha Ramsey, aged 75, signed a statement that she is widow of Francis Ramsey
and seeks the benefits of his Revolutionary War pension. The records of her
Birth and Marriage and the birth of their Children are written in Francis' own
handwriting on the Bible pages she is submitting to the pension board. She
appointed C. H. Trabue as her attorney and wants all correspondence to go
through him. She cannot attend open court to attest owen to her old age and
weakneed of body from falling off a horse a few years ago.
George Hawk, J. P. signed Martha Ramsey's Statement, and confirmed that she was
unable to attend open court.
James Terrill, Clerk of Court, verified the signature of George Hawk.
December 18, 1843 - Frankfurt, KY
C. H. Trabue Letter to Pension Board for Martha Ramsey.
July 5, 1844 - Rockcastle County, KY
Martha Ramsey again signed a statement that she was still a widow of Francis
Ramsey, attested to by J. P. Sayers, J. P., and James Terrill, Clerk of Court.
July 15, 1844
Certificate of Widow's pension for Martha Ramsey issued by pension board.
January 30, 1845 - Rockcastle County, KY
Martha Ramsey again states she is still the widow of Francis Ramsey, and that
C. H. Trabue and S. F. J. Trabue are to be her attorney for all correspondence.
James D Ballard, J. P., signed Martha Ramsey's statement with James Terrill,
Clerk of Court, verifying James Ballard's signature.
April 16, 1845
New certificate of widows pension issued from Washington D.C. pension office.
She received arrears in the amount of $500. There is a note on this page that
refers to a letter filed under Nancy Chasteen. (
Read contents of letter )
December 14, 1845 - Rockcastle County, KY
Martha Ramsey sent a letter to the pension board stating that her father was
Richard Alen of Cumberland County Virginia. Her mother and father both died in
that County. She states that she was raised there and she supposes that her
parents were married there.
February 19, 1912 - Danville Boyle County, KY
Mrs. J. P. Frank requesting information from pension board so she can join DAR
under Francis Ramsey. She stated that Francis was a 16 year old drum major in
the War.
Mrs. Della Ramsey Kenney requesting information from pension board so she can
join DAR under Francis Ramsey. (She signed as Mrs. Allen Kenney)
April 11, 1912
Letter from pension board to Ida M Ramsey.
April 12, 1912 -Huntington, W. V.
Miss Ida M Ramsey letter to pension board requesting Revolutionary War record
of Francis Ramsey.