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Summary of Thomas Ramsey
Revolutionary War Pension Files |
Submitted by Joe W. Hardiman
June, 1818 - Lancaster, Garrard County, Kentucky
Benjamin LECHER, Clerk, records the pension petition request of Thomas
RAMSEY.(Petition is missing from file.)
July 30, 1818 - Garrard County, Kentucky
Thomas RAMSEY signs a statement appointing the Honorable George ROBERTSON, a
member of congress, as his attorney for matters regarding his Revolutionary War
November 25, 1818 - Garrard County, Kentucky
Thomas RAMSEY appeared in open court before William L KELLEY.Thomas stated that
he engaged in the Second Virginia Regiment in 1775 and was regularly discharged
after his term of two years.Soon after a man came into the neighborhood who was
supposed to be a deserter was exhibiting a paper which he called a
discharge.Some of the neighbors obtained Thomas Ramseys discharge to
compare it with the paper held by the man aforesaid. Thomas never saw his
discharge again.Thomas states that he is in low circumstances and stands in
need of the aid and assistance of his country
Larkin RAMSEY deposed that Thomas RAMSEY is a relation of his and that he knows
of his own personal knowledge that Thomas was absent from his usual place of
residence for about two years and that he heard the officers of the army speak
of service of Thomas RAMSEY in terms of high respect and commendation.He
further stated that he has no doubt Thomas Received his discharge as he heard
Capt GARRIT speak of him in favorable terms.
Francis RAMSEY of Rockcastle County states that he saw his brother Thomas
during the time he served in the army and he had his regimental clothes on and
he has heard his brother officers and soldiers converse with in relation to
their services.He also states that he saw the discharge give to his brother.
William L KELLY, signs a statement that Thomas RAMSEY appeared before him in
open court and certifies that the statements made are true.The said RAMSEY is
in reduced circumstances.
December 7, 1818 - Lancaster, Garrard County, Kentucky
Benjamin LECHER, Clerk of Court, attests to the signature of Judge William L
KELLY on the documents for Thomas RAMSEY.
February 6, 1819 - Washington D.C.
Certificate # 6527 issued for Thomas RAMSEY for Revolutionary War Service
Pension.Amount of pension to be 9 dollars per month to commence on 30 June
1818. Arrears of 17.33 and pension received up to 4 March 1819 $48.00.Total
received $65.33
April 21, 1820 - Lancaster, Garrard, Kentucky
George ROBERTSON signs a statement for Thomas RAMSEY #6,527 an open court
appearance was recorded.
August 21, 1820 - Garrard County, Kentucky Court
Thomas RAMSEY appeared in open court stating that he had enlisted for two years
in Essex County Virginia Under Lt James RAPSHA on the 15th day of February 1776
in the company of infantry commanded by Captain Samuel HAWES attached to the
regiment commanded by Alexander SPOTSWOOD.He received his discharge at Valley
Forge the 15th of February 1778.He was in the battles of Brandywine and
Germantown.He also swears that he has not nor has any person for him entrust
any property nor have any income other than in the following schedule:
Sixty One acres of land worth $5.00/acre$300
Two horses worth fifty Dollars
50 Two cows and six head of cattle
50head of sheep
14 head of hogs
Household and kitchen furniture
Amounting in the whole to$430
The said RAMSEY is by profession a tillar of the land. He is about 63 or 64
years of age.He is infirm.His wife 64 years of age infirm.He has living with
him 2 daughters one aged 23 the 10th day of next January, health and
industrious.The other was aged 18 years the 4th day of last April.She is
becoming infirm and affords no "??????" to the family.He has five
sons all of whom are married and long since left him.
August 23, 1820 - Garrard County, Kentucky
Benjamin LECHER signs a statement that it is the opinion of the court that
Thomas RAMSEY has a total worth of $430.
November 2, 1820 - Lancaster, Garrard, Kentucky
George ROBERTSON signature on document also dated April 21, 1820 "Struck
off". Does this mean that this is the date Thomas RAMSEY lost his pension?
January 29, 1827
M H LETCHER letter to pension board regarding land value for Thomas RAMSEY.The
valuation of the 63 acres of land and the last schedule made on September 21,
1820.The price of land in Kentucky has fallen very greatly and in addition
there is little or no timber now left and the land is of much less value.
August 15, 1836 - Garrard County, Kentucky
Thomas RAMSEY appears in court in an attempt to recover the Revolutionary War
Pension which was suspended because of his property.(The total value of his
property does not balance with the line items.)
61 1/4 acres at $1.50 per acre $92.132
One horse12.00
Four head of cattle16.00
Twenty head of swine 15.00
Household furniture5.00
Farming utensils3.00
150 acres of poor land in Pulaski Cty18.064 valued at 12 1/2 cents per acre
Twelve head of sheep 6.00
Total value of property$169.09
Thomas states that he is a farmer but not at present by age and he is afflicted
vary able to do much hard work and that his wife aged 72 is in bad health and
not much assistance.He has a sickly granddaughter living with him aged 19
unable to work.He owes:
Samuel Quileir$16.50 for ??? for my family
Gent Fauchuer $5.00 for ??? of a mare
??? Cooke he owes $2.00 for ????
Dr Mason $2.00 for medical services
He has in money $2.00 which he received for chickens
and due him 12 1/2cents for eggs, and no one else owes him anything.
The following changes have been made in his property:
I have lost three mares by dying
The yellow horse I gave in exchange for the Pulaski Land mentioned above which
I have offered for sale at 12 1/2 cents per acre and am unable to get and which
is not worth more according to valuation
The other yellow horse sold to Peter Fauchuer for $42 commonwealth paper equal
to $22.50 to enable him to pay of the doctor bill and to get ???
The court rendered an opinion that the total value of property for Thomas
Ramsey is $169.09
1836 -1837 -1838 -Washington D.C.notes from Pension File
Thomas Ramseys pension was suspended for about 7 or 8 or more years.There
are a series of letters regarding this suspension, but none of them originating
from Washington are in the files at the National Archives. There is a note that
his pension was restored and to commence 29 January 1827.Notification letter
was sent on same day to Hon R.P.LACHER, House of Representatives.A letter was
sent to Hon J HARLAN, House of Representatives, on Dec 19, 1836.Copies of
papers were sent to Hon B STOREY January 7 1837, and Hon B HAWK January 19,
1837.Letters were sent to HON J HARLAN and Hon J EWING May 12, 1838.A letter to
T RAMSEY August 21, 1844.May 20, 1852 a letter to A. SMITH.Oct 30 1855 a letter
to Frank VERNON.
December 13, 1836
J HARLAN, House of Representatives, letter to pension office in Washington DC
requesting information regarding Thomas RAMSEY referred through letter of Mr.
January 27, 1838
J HARLAN, House of Representatives, letter to pension office requesting seeking
information in regards to the suspension of the pension of Thomas RAMSEY as
referred in a letter by Mr. WHITE.
August 11, 1844 - Mt Vernon, Kentucky
Thomas RAMSEY Jr. letter to pension office in Washington D.C. requesting the
amount of the pension of his father, Thomas RAMSEY, of Garrard County, Ky.He
also requested the reason that his father's Revolutionary War Pension had been
suspended for 7 or 8 years (or more) before he had died.
October 25, 1849 - Mt Vernon, Kentucky
Thomas RAMSEY Jr. letter to pension office in Washington D.C.regarding his
father, Thomas RAMSEY, of Garrard County Kentucky.Thomas Jr. is requesting the
pension office to look at the original papers submitted by his father.Thomas
Jr. wants to know the amount paid his father, when he was drafted, how many
enlistments, and was his father entitled to land as a result of his service.Did
his father draw money instead of land in 1780?Thomas RAMSEY Sr. died six years
last August (Aug 1843).
October 25, 1855 - Mt Vernon, Kentucky
Frank RAMSEY letter to pension board requesting reason his father, Thomas
RAMSEY of Garrard County Kentucky, was suspended from the Revolutionary War
Pension roles.
July 6, 1925 - Indianapolis, Indiana (Denison Hotel)
Mrs. Archibald W HALL letter to pension office requesting war record and family
data of Thomas RAMSEY of Garrard County Kentucky.
August 19, 1925 - Washington D.C.
Winfield SCOTT Commissioner of Rev 1812 Wars Section letter to Mrs. Archibald W
HALL.Letter states that Thomas RAMSEY, claim S35604, enlisted in Essex County,
Virginia in February 1776 in Captain Samuel HAWES' Company, Colonel Alexander
Spotswoods Virginia Regiment, and served two years as private; he was in
the battles of Brandywine and Germantown.Thomas RAMSEY was allowed a pension on
his application executed in June 1818 at which time he was about 60 years of
age and a resident of Garrard County, Kentucky.In 1820 he referred to his wife,
aged sixty-four years, and two daughters, one born January 10, 1798, and the
other born April 4, 1802, and five sons, no names stated.In 1826 he referred to
his grandchild, an orphan girl about nineteen years of age, her name not