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CHAPTER I. - II - III - IV - V - VI - VII - VIII - IX - X -XI - XII
Cadiz Precinct - Canton Precinct - Ferguson Springs - Laura Furnace
LINTON PRECINCT. J. S. McNICHOLS was born in Montgomery County, Term., on October 10, 1828, and is the son of Samuel and Mary (Dycus) McNichols. The father came from Scotland in 1799, and settled in Montgomery County. J. S. remained at home until his father's death, in March, 1846; he then attended school in Whitley County for one year and afterward continued his studies in Montgomery County until 1853; he then went to Roaring Springs, Trigg County, where he merchandised until 1855; be next went to Lyonport, Tenn., where he remained until 1859. In October of that year he came to Canton and formed a partnership with Dr. J. C. Whitlock. The firm erected a warehouse and store. In 1882 Dr. Whitlock sold his interest to Frank Macrae, and the firm is now doing business under the name of McNichols, Macrae & Co. They now handle about $5,000 worth of merchandise per year, .and also deal extensively in tobacco. Mr. McNichols was married at Cadiz, in November, 1857, to Miss Cornelia Wilkinson, a daughter of Judge J. H. and Joyce (Tillotaon) Wilkinson, natives of Virginia. Mrs. MoNichols was born in Montgomery County in 1837 She and husband are members of the Linton Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. McNichols is a member of Linton Lodge, No. 575, A. F. & A. M.; he has served as School Trustee for the precinct. Mr. and Mrs. McNichols are parents of seven children-four sons and three daughters.ELIAS A. NUNN was born in Smith County, Tenn., November 16, 1888, and is a son of Lindsey and Rachel (Coleman) Nunn, natives of Shenandoah County, Va. The father came to the county in 1848, and settled three miles west of Canton, where the mother died in 1852. In 1854 the father moved to Henry County, Term., where he died in 1881. Subject is the fourth of seven living children. He began life for himself when twenty years old, and settled at Linton. Here he engaged in the saw-milling business with Messrs. Gentry & Whitlock, 1865, under the title of Gentry, Nunn & C. He remained in this business until 1d82. He came to his present farm in 1870, where he now owns about 1,800 acres; has about 200 acres in cultivation. Mr. Nunn was married in 1865 to Miss Margaret Martin, a daughter of John Martin, of Trigg County. Mrs. Nunn is a native of this county, and is the mother of five children-two Sons and three daughters. Subject is a member of Linton Lodge No. 575, A. F. & A. M. In politics he is an Independent.
E. C. SPICELAND was born in Stewart County, Tenn., June 1, 1826, and is a son of Sanford and M. (Copeland) Spiceland, natives of Northampton County, N. C. In 1845 our subject went to Canton, and kept the ferry for one year; the following year he ran a saloon. In 1847, he enlisted in the Mexican War and remained about three months; served, while out, in the Quartermaster Department. On his return to Canton he clerked for W. D. Grace. In 1850 he moved to Cadiz and there clerked for William Sorey & Co. After remaining there one year, he returned to Canton, where he clerked in a warehouse. in 1854 he began merchandising for himself, and remained in business at that point until the breaking out of the war. in 1862, he enlisted in Company L, of the Eighth Kentucky Cavalry. He went out as Lieutenant, and was afterward made Regimental Quartermaster. He returned to Canton in September, 1863, and in partnership with John D. Tyler ran a warehouse. On January 1, 1866, he came to Linton, and began merchandising. At this place he has since been engaged in business. In 1875 he took his son, S. I. Spiceland, into the business as partner. The firm now carry a stock of about $10,000. Soon after he came to Linton, he was appointed Postmaster and held the office until about 1875. Since that time the position has been filled by his son. Mr. Spiceland was married in 1848 to Miss Martha Ross, a daughter of Kenneth Ross, of Tennessee. She was born in Stewart County, and died in April, 1866. She left three children- one son and two daughters. Mr. S. was next married in July, 1866, to Miss Mary Scudder, a daughter of P. P. Scudder. She died in 1871, and in 1872 Mr. Spiceland married Miss Martha Barte, a daughter of A. J. Barte; they have five children living-two sons and three daughters. Subject is a member of the Baptist Church ; has served as Magistrate of the county. In politics he is identified with the Republican party.
WILLIAM S. TINSLEY was born in Roaring Springs Precinct on March 10, 1824, and is a son of James and Elizabeth (Scott) Tinsley. The father was a native of North Carolina, and came to Todd County in 1816. He soon after came to this county, where he died in 1868. The mother was born in Virginia, and died here in October, 1883. Subject was the third of eleven children. He remained at home until twenty one, when he went to Todd County and remained six years and then settled on Sauna Creek, in Roaring Springs Precinct. He lived there until March, 1879, when he moved to McPherson County, Kas. He remained there only about sixteen months, and then returned to Kentucky, and settled in Graves County. There he resided until November, 1883, when he came to his present farm where he now owns 316 acres. Mr. Tinsley was married in 1855 to Miss Elizabeth J. Carr, a daughter of William and Ann (Rogers) Carr. The following children blessed the marriage: Alice A., James N., Ann, Leemina E., Martha E., Ophelia E. and William S. Mrs. Tinsley died August 10, 1878. Mr. Tinsley and family are members of the Baptist Church.
JOHN L. TURNER was born in this precinct and county, on April 9, 1846. He is the second child born to William and Elizabeth (Carr) Turner, who are still living in Canton Precinct. John L. remained at home until the age of nineteen, when he settled in Canton Precinct and began life for himself. In the fall of 1879 he came to his present farm where he has since resided. He now owns about 250 acres, about 80 of which are in cultivation. In 1883 he was appointed Overseer of the Poor and still holds that position. The farm now contains about twenty-five inmates. Mr. Turner was married in the fall of 1864, to Miss Faith Carr, a daughter of Jackson Carr. She is a native of Stewart County, Tenn., and is the mother of five children-three sons and two daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Turner are both members of the Baptist Church.
JOHN H. WOLFE was born in Livingston County. Ky., on June 7, 1836, and is a son of Henry and Julia (Harmon) Wolfe. The father was a native of Columbia, Penn., the mother of Livingston Co., Ky. Subject is the third of four children of whom three are now living. He remained at home until fourteen years of age, and then began life as an engineer on a steamboat. He followed this occupation for about twenty-six years, on boats plying between Nashville and New Orleans. During most of this time be held a license as a first-class engineer. Mr. Wolfe followed engineering until February, 1884. when he came to this county, and has since been giving his attention to farming. Subject is what might be called a self-made man. His first schooling was obtained at Louisa College when be was twenty-one years of age. He remained there seven months, and has since prosecuted his studies by himself. He was married on January 28, 1879, to Mrs. Molly B. Rogers (nee Watwood), daughter of J. F. and Mary A. (Yates) Watwood, natives of Tennessee. Mrs. Rogers is a native of Montgomery County, being born there in 1842. This marriage has resulted in one child: Nep B. Mrs. Wolfe is a member of the Oak Grove Baptist Church. Mr. Wolfe is a member of Liverpool Lodge, No. 175, I. 0. 0. F.
*- County of Trigg Kentucky , HISTORICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL - EDITED BY WILLIAM HENRY PERRIN - ILLUSTRATED. - F.A. BATTEY PUBLISHING CO. 1884.Return to the main page of the History of Trigg County
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