Court Commitment of Elisha Benjamin Lane
Submitted by Marilyn M. Fair
Green Circuit Court
Commonwealth of Kentucky} Inquero DC
Against} Lunacy
Elisha Lane}
The Deft. Elisha Lane having been brought before me the Presiding Judge of Green County on the 21st day of July 1874 to Inquire unto the state of his mind whereupon came a Jury-viz: Samuel Paxton, J. W. Taesinanter(?), John Toomey, Abel Hudson, Jacob I. Cox, J. P. McKinney, Charles D. Allen, J. C. Green, Wm. F. Tucker, J. I. Brooker, Jno. H. Long, James Sinkler who after being sworn according to law, and after hearing the evidence and taken time to consult returned unto court the following verdict, We find that Elisha Lane is of unsound mind, that he is a Lunatic that his first attack was about two years ago that he was very sick at that time but that his Insanity is hereditary. His residence is Green County, Ky., has always lived in this state that he has no estate in possession, even now or remainder his family are dead, he is not capable of laboring in whole or in part for his support in his Present condition.
Saml. Paxton, one of the Jury
It is therefore adjudged by the court that Elisha Lane is a Lunatic as found by the Jury and that he ought to be sent to the 3rd Lunatic Asylum at Anchorage, Kentucky and that Levi E. Moore--of Green County be and is directed to convey him to said asylum.
Given under my hand this 21st day of July 1874
T. R. Barnett, PJGC
He is about 59 years old, farmer, married, Habits steady, not educated, his Father was Insane, his first attack was about two years age, exhibited by Incoherency, has not changed in character, but gets some violent, Hereditary with him, no peculiar allusions, not subject to fitz, Kind and affectionate to relations, no attempts at suicide, frenzy not periodic has lucid Intervals both growing shorter, no breatinent(?) used. No Injury of any Kind, no suppression of evaluations, no sores, no disease of body known this 21st day of July 1874.
T. R. Barnett, PJGC
A. Copy-Attest
Note: This page was divided in half.
Green Co., Ky. Court Records / #246
Cometh. Of Ky. / Elisha Lane
Copy Inquisition to / Green County
Elisha Lane / Admitted July 27, 1874
Admitted July 27th, 1874 / Address Levi W. Moore
Address-Mr. Levi Moore / Greensburg, Ky.
Greensburg, Ky. / Remarks:
/ Died: August 19, 1889
/ Dysentery