Muhlenberg County Kentucky

Muhlenberg map

Deed Records

Deed Index, Grantors: Greenwood

Year Grantor Grantee Book / Page Description
Greenwood, HenryCaples, Catherine22/44¾ acre Clifty Creek
Greenwood, HenryCisney, Caleb W.22/4310 acres Clifty Creek
Greenwood, HenryDuvall, John H.33/3144 acres Bat East Creek
Greenwood, Henry, E.J.22/341258 acres Clifty Creek
Greenwood, Henry & wf.Depoyster, J.S.32/1151 lot in Home Valley
Greenwood, Henry & wf.Kirkpatrick, L.M.32/1151 lot in Home Valley
Greenwood, Henry & wf.Kirkpatrick, L.M.33/5621 lot in Clifty Creek
Greenwood, Henry & wf.Owensboro & Nashville R.R. Co.35/68Right of Way
Greenwood, JamesCisney, C.W.31/28620 acres near Rosewood
Greenwood, James & wf.Cisney, C.W.25/2511 lot near Rosewood
Greenwood, Louisa & hs.Cobb, Fannie41/37080 acres Cypress Creek
Greenwood, MinervaBuckingham, George17/19675 acres Clifty Creek
Greenwood, ThomasBuckingham, George17/19675 acres Clifty Creek
Greenwood, ThomasCisney, C.W.21/75147 acres Clifty Creek
Greenwood, ThomasCisney, J.T.21/7690 acres Bat East & Clifty Creeks
Greenwood, ThomasCisney, R.A.21/7690 acres Bat East & Clifty Creeks
Greenwood, ThomasGibbs, Robert H.19/31033 acres Clifty Creek
Greenwood, ThomasGreenwood, Henry21/7410 acres Clifty Creek
Greenwood, ThomasJenkins, Thomas25/2041 lot in Rosewood
Greenwood, ThomasMcPherson, Joseph19/31922¾ acres Bat East Creek
Greenwood, ThomasWelborn, H.P.19/318__ acres Bat East Creek
Greenwood, Thomas & wf.McPherson, E.J.20/609__ acres Clifty Creek
Greenwood, W.M.Pannell, Thomas B.34/34/Deed of trust
Greenwood, W.M. & wf.Casebier, W.W.44/106House & lot in Central Ctiy
Greenwood, Walcott et al.Coffman, J.F.19/22150 acres Cypress Creek
Greenwood, WilliamMatthews, T.R. & Co.17/593Deed Mortgage
Greenwood, William & wf.Trustee, Cleaven Spring Bapt. Church40/6321 acre on Morton Ferry Road

Updated March, 10, 2024

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