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CHAPTER I. - II - III - IV - V - VI - VII - VIII - IX - X -XI - XII
Cadiz Precinct - Canton Precinct - Ferguson Springs - Laura Furnace - Linton - Roaring Springs - Golden Pond - Rock Castle - Wallonia -Cerulean Springs
MONTGOMERY PRECINCT CAPT. EDMUND BACON (deceased) was born March 28, 1785, within a few miles of the old home of Thomas Jefferson. His father was a descendant of one of the best families in Virginia. His brother William bad the management of Jefferson's estate during his four years' absence as Minister to France, and so satisfactory was his management, that upon the latter's election to the presidency, he naturally turned to the same family to find one capable of managing his large estate. Notwithstanding our subject's youth be was selected for the difficult task, and during his twenty years in that position he was Jefferson's adviser in all things pertaining to his finances, and often went to Washington to consult him and he frequently received long letters from him. He moved Mr. Jefferson to the capital and at the expiration of his term of office, moved him back to Monticello. Capt. Bacon was familiar with the appearance of many of the prominent men connected with the early history of the country, such as Patrick Henry, Madison, Monroe, the Leighs, Barbours and Ratidolphs, who were frequent visitors at Monticello. Mr. Jefferson's two daughters were fond of visiting Capt. Bacon's house and were as much at home there as at Monticello. He purchased the land upon which the University of Virginia stands, and assisted Mr. Jefferson in laying off the site for that institution. In 1818, seeing that Mr. Jefferson's financial ruin was only a question of a few months and knowing he could be of no further service to him, he determined upon emigrating to the West. Accordingly in August, of that year, he started upon his journey, stopping at the Warm Springs to pay a visit to Mr. Jefferson, who was sojourning there at the time. Upon his departure Mr. Jefferson gave him the following letter:
Warm Springs, August 18, 1818.The bearer, Mr. E. Bacon, has lived with me a number of years as manager of my farm at Monticello. He goes to Missouri to look out for lands to which he means to remove. He is an honest, correct man in his conduct and worthy of confidence in his engagements. Any inforniation or instruction which any person may give him, will be worthily bestowed, and if he ahould apply particularly to Goy. Clark on his way, the Governor will especially oblige me by imparting to him his information and advice.
Thomas Jefferson
On his journey he passed through Louisville, then an insignificant settlement, also Vincennes, md., and arrived at St. Louis where he met Gov. Clark. The Governor wi8hed him to settle there, but he was not very favorably impressed with the country. He therefore returned to Virginia, and again had charge of Mr. Jefferson's farm for a year or two, after which he again visited Missouri, but at last decided to settle in Kentucky, and accordingly bought 1,000 acres of land, at $2 per acre, in Trigg County, where he spent the remainder of his life. Here he gave almost his entire attention to stock-raising, and was recognized as one of the most succe8sful stock-raisers in the country. He had but three sons Thomas, Fielding and William, all of whom preceded him to the grave. He was kind, courteous and agreeable to everybody, was much beloved by his neighbors and would have attracted the attention of a stranger as a remarkable man and a specimen of a perfect gentleman. He died in February, 1866.
WILLIAM J. BACON, grandson of the above, and one of the heirs to his estate, was born September 16, 1832, in Christian County, Ky., and is a son of Fielding W. and Sicily (Radford) Bacon. He received his education in the schools of his native county; he remained at home until attaining his majority; he then began life for himself by engaging in the tobacco business and farming which he continued until 1863, when he went to New York City and entered into the firm of Bacon, Clardy & Co., of which he was the senior member. At this time there were 116 firms engaged in the business (tobacco and cotton commission), and at the end of two years Bacon, Clardy & Co. stood first in the amount of the former article handled. At this time, during the busy season, their acceptances averaged $750,000 per month. In 1867, on account of the failure of Mr. Clardy's health, the firm dissolved partnership, and Mr. Bacon returned to Trigg County, where he has since been engaged in farming and stock-raising. He gives the greater part of his attention to breeding and training trotting and fancy road horses. He has been the owner of several that have attained national celebrity, such as Exchequer, Lucille, Rigolette and others. Mr. Bacon was married November 13, 1867, to Miss Delia, daughter of Col. Joseph L. Carrington, of Richmond,Vs. Eight children have been born to them, three of whom-Carrington, William J. and Ada M. are living.
HENRY BLANE, 1sf. D. Among the skilled members of the medical profession in Trigg County, we would mention the name at the head of this sketch. He was born September 27, 1887, in Halifax County, Vs., and is a son of John and Sarah (Tilson) Blane, both of Scotch-Irish descent, and natives of Virginia. In 1838 they removed to Tennessee, where the former still lives. His wife died in December, 1881. Subject received his early education in the common schools. In 1859 he entered the Shelby Medical College, at Nashville, Tenn., from which he graduated, standing first in a large class. In May, 1861, he entered Company D, Fourteenth Tennessee Regiment, as Assistant Surgeon, with which regiment he served nine months. He then began the practice of his profession in Stewart County, Tean., where he remained until 1866, since which time he has been in Trigg County, the past two years at Montgomery, where he has a large and increasing practice. Dr. Blane 'was married, October 15, 1863, to Alpha Griffin, of Stewart County, Tenn., who died December 25, 1868, leaving two children: Robert L. and Aurelius. The Doctor was next married, December 21, 1871, to Lucy B. Dyer, of Trigg County, and daughter of John Dyer. Three children have been born to them: Homer, Plower and Verner, all of whom are living. Dr. Blane is a member of the Masonic order, and of the Knights of Honor. He has ever been a strong advocate of temperance principles, and holds a high place in the confidence of the people, both as a man and a physician.
JOHN E. RICKETTS, a native of Montgomery, Trigg Co., Ky., was born November 26, 1851. He is the only child of G. W. and Elvira (Lewis) Ricketts. The former was born in Maryland, September 27, 1822. When about one year old he came with his parents to Christian County, where he grew to manhood. He came to Trigg County in 1850. He was married January 28, 1850, and soon after bought a farm, a part of which our subject still owns. By untiring energy and close attention to business, he accumulated a large fortune, owning at the time of his death over 1,300 acres of as good land as there is in the State. He was a member of the Baptist Church and the Masonic order. John B. received his early education in the common schools and afterward took a classical course at Bethel College, which be entered in 1864. He also attended the Commercial College at Louisville, Ky.; he then kept books for a short time in that city. In 1882 he went to-Cadiz and engaged in the grocery business, which at the death of his father he sold out and took charge of the farm, which business he still continues.
*- County of Trigg Kentucky , HISTORICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL - EDITED BY WILLIAM HENRY PERRIN - ILLUSTRATED. - F.A. BATTEY PUBLISHING CO. 1884.Return to the main page of the History of Trigg County
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