Please note: This is not a complete index. It pertains to guardianship appointments and guardian's accounts (names of guardians, "orphans" and
deceased parent's names), Revolutionary War widows applications for half
pensions, slave emancipation orders, and a couple of discernments of heirs.
It does not apply to orders to survey roads, registration of stock marks,
election and appointments of officials. Nor does it pertain to the court's
acceptance of wills, administrators, inventories and appraisals and
settlements, as these may be found, in their entirety, in the will books.
prb Aug., 2004
NOTE: You can obtain a copy of these records by sending your request to:
Hopkins County Court Clerk
Genealogical Research Room
Madisonville, KY 42430
If you obtain a copy of one of these records, please consider sending me a
scanned copy for the website.
* * *
Anderson, James 400, William 400, Thomas 402
Armstrong, James 296
Arnold, John E. 291
Ashby, Martha Ann 98, Robert 98, 123, 151, Valentine 123
John 151, Silas M. 151, Willis 167, 181, Mary E. 178, 181,
Huldah 178, 181 Rice M. 178, 181, Hester Ann 178, 181,
Jesse 329, Henry 329, Peter 329, Winnefred 329,
Jane 285, Absalom 285, "Cindrilla" 392, Nathaniel 392,
Nancy Jane 392, Enos J. 392, Stephen P. 392, John, Jr. 392,
Josiah J. 397, Matilda Ann 397, Maria Louiza 397,
Henry Clay, 397, Thomas Enoch 397, Willoughby 397
Bailey, Richard R. 388, Richard H. 388, George W. 388
Baldwin, Edward 129, Drucilla 129, Hiram 231
Bassett, John 402
Bone, Mark 384
Bourland, Nancy 248, Slaton 248
Branson, Liner 165, Amos 165, Hannah 165
Brooks, Absalom 72, Emily 72, Jesse 72
Browder, John 249, Isham 285
Brown, Robert M. 167
Browning, Winnefred 159, Lucinda 159, Waller R. 159,
Andrew H. 159, Joseph 159, D. 182
Bryant, Nancy 402, Elisha 402, 403, Peyton 402, Philip 402,
James 403
Campbell, Wm. 7, Martha 7, Sally 7, John Richardson 7, Polly 7,
Solomon 7, Elizabeth 7, William J. 7, Andrew 172
Carr, Isabell 285, John 285
Carter, Henry 23
Cates, Hannah 233, Agnes E. 233, Abner S. 233, Rufus L. 233,
Ann Eliza 233, Elizabeth 233, Abner 233
Chandler, Washington 64, 161, David 187
Chapel, John 23
Clark, David 115
Coffman, Isaac 193, Elizabeth 247, William D. 288
Couch, John 291, 314, James D. 291, 314, Mary F. 291
Cox, Mary Jane 187, Howell B. 382, William Meredith 382,
Polly Ann 403, Wyatt 403
Crabtree, Joseph 285, John 285, Washington 285, Jane 285,
Isabell 285
Crowley, James 399
Cunningham, Moses 166
Curtis, James 167, Sarah 167
Daniel, Matthew 161, John 161
Davis, Anna 186, William 186, Thomas 318, 319, 340,
Benjamin 318, Richard L. 318, Thomas C. 319, Lewis 319, 416,
Lewis Hamilton 416
Dever, Matilda 399, Richard 399
Dunkerson, Hannah 45, 226, 235, Phenaty R. 45, James 45,
Josiah 45, Rachel P. 226 235
Earle, Richard B. 173, 198, 227, 255
Easley, John 171, Mary W. 171
Edwards, George 3, Julia 3
Ewing, Mourning 166, John 166
Ezzell, (Ezell) Sally 271, Berryman 271, James 416
Fairleigh (Farley), Nancy 288, Sally 288
Fox, Elizabeth 259, Titus 259
Franklin, William W. 228, Abraham 228
Goad, John 3
Gooch, Rowland 261, Elizabeth 261, Isabella 261, Mary Jane 261,
Josephine 261, Willis L. 261
Graddy, Henry C. 34, Sally E. 34, "Halstead" J. 34,
Bailmandelle 34, Needham 34, Mary 34, Joseph 34,
Rachel W. 34
Graham, James A. 233
Gray, Leah 180, Sam'l 180
Hall, Wm. 251
Hardwick, John D. 340, Christopher C. 340
Harman, Frances 329, Isaac 329
Harris, Simeon 117, Absalom 117
Hart, Clarinda 248, Eliza T. 248, Iredell 248, Amelia T. 248
Head, Daniel 188, Martha 188, George 188
Headley, Newton 408
Heffley (Heltsley?), Samuel 403, Elias 403
Herron, Reuben Jr. 59, Martha Jane 59, William Allen 59,
James 59
Hewlett, William A. 309, Augustine 309
Hill, Thomas 232, Abner E. 232, Caroline E. 232, Susan Jane 232
Holmes, Aurelia 172, Nathaniel 172
Hopson, Polly 115, Joseph R. 115
Houghland, Alexander 387, James 387
Howell, Hannah 329, James 329
Hughes, Charles 3, Cyntha Ann 3, Polly 3
Jones, Nicholas 251, Henry 251
Kendrick, Rebecca 98, James 98, William 98, Rebecca B. 98,
Araminta C. 98, Cynthia Ann 98, 408, Jacob 98, Lucinda V. 408
Key, Mary Jane 187, Richard James 187, Jefferson 187, John
Henry 285, Ann Maria 285, Charles D. 285, Beverly B. 285,
Beverly D. 285
King, Barnard M. 309
Knox, John B. 173, 192, 255, James C. 173, 198, 227, 228, 255,
Benjamin, 173, 192, 198, 227, 255
Lacy, Amos 260
Laffoon, Rutherford 309
Littlepage, Cynthia A.C. 381, Epps 381, 382, Hayden, 381,
Hillyer H. 382, Hugh M. 382, Henry W. 382
Loving (Lovan) Oliver 4, James 168, Joseph 168, 297, 192, 321,
Bayliss, 168, 321, Wm. 168, Louisa 192, Prior 192,
Prior S. 297, Jane E. 297, James Marion 248, John 248,
Wm. B. 321
Lundy, William 3, Polly 3, 4, Rufus K. 4
Lutz, Gabriel 403, William 403
Lynch, Malachi M. 229
Lynn, James 193, 247, Elizabeth 247, Nancy 247
Malin, John 229
Mason, Matthew 30
McGary, Tolliver 415
McLean, William 248, 249, Juliet 249
McNary, Hugh W. 3
Metcalf, Spencer G. 171
Mitchell, Marian H. 288, James 288
Moore, Sarah 309, Jesse 309
Morehead, Charles 3, Alfred 3, Julia 3, Susannah 3, Ann 3,
Polly 3, Elizabeth Ann 3, Robert 3, Mary Susan 3, John
Willis 3, John 3
Morgan, Willis 3, John 3, Charles 3, Ann 3, William 3
Morrow, James 16, James B. 128, 191, Mills 16, Samuel 191
Morton, Elizabeth 3
Orten (Orton), William D. 181, 262, Robert G. 181, 262, Mary
Ann 182, Sarah Jane 182, 262, William 181, 182, 262,
Elijah 262
Osbourn, Isaac 403
Pearl, John M. 402
Peyton, John 16, 128, 191, Daniel 288
Philips (Phillips), Sarah 363, John 363, Conrad 363, Andrew 370
Phipps, George W. 402, Tabitha Ann 402, James 402, Betsy 402
Piper, Mary E. 243, Mary 243, Thompson E. 243
Porter, Paulina 427, Joseph R. 427, Sarah C. 427, Theresa V. 427,
Elizabeth E. 427
Potts, Clara 236, Missenia 236, Anderson B. 236, Elizabeth
Mary 236, Malachi Davis 236, Emily E. 236, Barksdale T. 236
Prather, Philip 123, James 247, Thomas 400, Stephen 402
Price, Thomas W. 94, Pernecia 94, Amanda 94, Mary 94,
Mary E. 415, James 94, John P. 415, Frances L. 415,
Sophia W. 415
Ramsey, Alexander 370, Andrew 370
Rice, Eliza A. 384, Jesse 384
Richardson, Sally, Amos 7
Robertson, Elizabeth 130, Thornton A. 130, Henry C. 130,
Joseph 130, Ann 329, Lewis 329
Ruby, Burrel S. 314, Edwin 403
Sisk, Gabe 117, Gabriel 248, 271
Smith, Arthur M. 129, Augustine 392
Solomon, America 186, Josiah 186
Stanley, John C. 5, Susan 5, John R. 260, Minerva Jane 285,
Margaret 285
Stubblefield, Sarah 74, Mary 74, Lucy 74, John 74
Swope, Joseph 186
Tapp, Eli 149, Rosanna 3
Teague, James M. 5, 285
Terry, Dabney P. 330
Thomson, George T. 237, Sarah A. 237, 302, Sarah 302,
Sarah E. 302, Sarah E.J. 302, John 237, 238, 302,
John Q. 237, 238, 296, 302, Mildred J. 238, Mary L. 238,
Roger Q. 238, Margaret 238, William A. 296, George
S. 302
Threlkell (Threlkill), John 167, 181
Timmons, John 74, George 165
Townes, Lucinda 3
Trice, Charles Y. 64, Dabney 64, 149, Unity K. 149
Trigg, Carolina 231, Benjamin 231, George 233, Clement 233
Turbeville, David C. 192, 228
Vickers, Tyre 168, James Irvin 168, Wm. Theodore 168,
Martha Ann 168
Watkins, Lewis 3, Susannah 3
White, James S. 98, 402, 403, James 151, Elizabeth 330,
Jabez 330
Whitfield, Sally 34
Winstead, Charles F. 105, Bushard M. 105, Mandley 105,
Rachel P. 235, Wm. 288, Bushard D. 288, 289, Susan 288, 289,
Ann Frances 288, Marcella 289
Woodruff, Robert 318, John L. 318
Woodson, Samuel 181
Woolfolk, John 101, George West 101, 318, Edw. W.R. 101, 318,
John L. 318
Wright, Sarah 168, George 168
Young, Elizabeth 171, Joseph 171, Thomas E. 387, Wm. M. 415
Augustus 89
Lewis, Randel 103
James "Doctor", Eve 100
Polly 31, Lovina 31, Dick 31, Mary 31
Ashby, Richard, freeman of color 31
Surnames possibly adopted by emancipated slaves:
Ashby, 31
Compton, 89
Robeson, 100
Whitesides, 103
© Phillip Brown, Hopkins County, Kentucky