Muhlenberg County Kentucky

Old Muhlenberg map

Obituaries La

Lacefield, Donnie

Lacefield, Laura Gregory

Mrs. Lacefield, 68, Dies on May 15

Mrs. Laura Gregory Lacefield, 68, of Central City, died at noon Tuesday, May 15 at the home of her son, Charles E. Lacefield, in Louisville.

She was a retired Muhlenberg school teacher and was born Oct. 29, 1904 in Muhlenberg County. She was a member of the Central City First Baptist Church.

In addition to her son, she is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Louise Winkler of Central City and Mrs. Margaret Foster of Detroit, Mich.; sister, Mrs. Delia Belcher of Central City; two brothers, Fred Gregory of Albuquerque, N. Mex. and Jesse Gregory of Detroit; six grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.

Funeral services were at 1 p.m. Friday at Tucker Funeral Home with the Rev. C. W. Duncan officiating, assisted by the Rev. W. R. Cook. Burial was in Rose Hill Cemetery.

Lacefield, Leona

Lacefield, Nagel Mars

Nagel Lacefield dies from injury

Nagel Mars Lacefield, 22 years of age, died at his home in Mercer at 7:30 last night. In a fall of slate last July, his spinal cord was mashed and he had suffered severly since that time. There are few cases on record where a man so injured survived that long. Although funeral arrangements have not been completed burial will probably be at Forntey cemetery Saturday. The death occurred just before The Argus went to press and full details could not be given.

Lacefield, Sweet Marie

Lam, Columbus T.

McHenry, Ky.

Mr. C.T. Lam, after suffering about ten days with a severe case of pneumonia, died Friday evening at five o'clock. Remains were shipped Saturday to Muhlenberg county and interred near Powderly. Mr. Lam was one of our best citizens and while we are saddened over the angel of death claiming him in the prime of life, we are assured from his walk in life that our loss is his gain. A loving wife and six small children survive him. He was fortunate in procuring for them a $1,000 life insurance policy a few months previous to his affliction. The bereaved family and relatives have our sincere sympathy in this trying separation. Mr. Thos. Lam and brother, of Linton, Ind., arrived a few hours previous to the death of their brother, C.T. Lam.

Lam, Daniel B.

President of Federal Savings and Loan Dies at 82

Mr. D.B. Lam, a lifelong resident of Central City, died Saturday, June 2nd [1962] at the Muhlenberg Community Hospital in Greenville following a brief illness. He was 82 years old.

Mr. Lam was affiliated with the Central City Federal Savings and Loan Association for more than 25 years, serving as Secretary-Treasurer until his retirement in 1959. He was president of the Association at the time of his death. For many years, he served as City Treasurer of Central City until his resignation in 1951. He also was a former Secretary-Treasurer of the Central City School Board and served as treasurer of the First Baptist Church in Central City where he was a lifelong member.

Mr. Lam is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Elizabeth Beane of Central City and [living individual]. He is also survived by six grandchildren.

Funeral services were conducted at the Tucker Funeral Home Monday afternoon at two o'clock with the Rev. W. R. Cook, Minister of the First Baptist Church in Central City, conducting. Mr. Lam was buried in Fairmount Cemetery.

Lam, James Wilson

J.W. Lam, Veteran Coal Operator Dies at Age 80
Greenville, Ky., Feb. 18. - Mrs. Hubert Meredith received word today of the death of her father, J. W. Lam, 80 years old, this morning at Junction City, Ky. Mr. Lam was formerly one of the best known coal operators in Western Kentucky, operating the Hillside and Oakland mines. He disposed of his mining property in this county about ten years ago and moved to Eastern Kentucky. Mr. Lam is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Meredith and Mrs. Eula Lam Roark.

Funeral of J.W. Lam
Greenville, Ky., Feb. 21. - Funeral services for J. W. Lamm [sic], 80, who died suddenly Tuesday morning at Junction City, Tenn., were conducted at 3 o'clock this afternoon at the Greenville Baptist church by the Rev. Robert H. Tandy, of Louisville, former pastor of the church. Burial was in Evergreen cemetery.

The funeral was delated until Friday in order that Mrs. Eula Lam Roark, a daughter of the late Mr. Lam, who was in California, on a tour, could return home. The body had been kept at the home of Mrs. Hubert Meredith, another daughter, until the funeral hour.

Pallbearers were: T.B. Pannell, Marshall Arnold, T.O. Jones, T.C. Baird, H.C. Lewis and Ed. S. Wood.

Lam, Johanna E.

Lam, Nannie Eades

Death Claims Beloved Woman

Octogenarian Dies Sunday; Was Church Member Forty Years

Mrs. Nannie Eades Lam, wife of James Lam, of Greenville, died Sunday afternoon, Feb. 28, in her 80th year, of diseases incident to old age. She was one of the county's best and most respected women and had been a member of the Baptist Church for 40 years.

She is survived by her husband; two daughters, Mrs. Charles M. Roark and Mrs. Hubert Meredith, both of Greenville; one brother William Eades, Kuttawha.

The funeral was preached at the Baptist church in Greenville by the pastor, Rev. G.B. Bush, and her former pastor, Rev. Tandy, Louisville, at 10 a.m. Tuesday and the body was laid to rest in Evergreen cemetery at 11:30 the same day. An immense gathering of her friends were present at both services.

Lam, Ray Langley

Local Business Man Dies

Ray Langley Lam, age 58, died at his home in Central City, at 2:30 Saturday, March 31 [1962]. He was born in Muhlenberg County and spent his life in the county with the exception of an absence of two years as a child.

He pioneered the bottle gas distributing business in Western Kentucky and was owner and operator of Ray Lam Sales Company in Central City from 1922 till 1959, at which time he retired by illness. Lam was a member of the First Baptist Church and had been for a number of years.

He is survived by his wife, Alice Thomas Lam; three sons … five grandchildren; his father, D. B. Lam, Central City and two sisters …

Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at the Tucker Funeral Home with the Rev. W. R. Cook, pastor of the First Baptist Church, and the Rev. C. W. Devine, pastor of the Ralph Avenue Baptist Church, Louisville, officiating. Burial was in the Rose Hill Cemetery.

LaMastus, Wesley Lee

Lancaster, Ruth

Central City - Mrs. Ruth Lancaster, 69, of New Franklin, Wis., formerly of Muhlenberg County, died at 8 p.m. Saturday at her home.

Surviving are her husband, Harry Lancaster of New Franklin; four sons, Carl Lancaster of Green Bay, Wis., Major Harley Grant Lancaster of the U. S. Marine Corps in Japan, Carlos Lancaster of Dawson Springs and George Lancaster of Alameda, Calif.; 11 grandchildren; one brother, Claude Stanley of Middletown, Ky.; one sister, Mrs. Dillis Vincent of Graham, Ky.

Services have been set for 1:30 p.m. Thursday at the Tucker Funeral Home with the Rev. S. A. Kittinger of Bremen officiating. Burial will be in Rose Hill Cemetery at Central City.

Friends may call at the Tucker Funeral Home Wednesday.

Landrum, Guy

Langley, Alvis B.

Alvis B. Langley, 69, Dies Jan. 4

Alvis B. Langley, 69, died Tuesday, Jan. 4 at 3:45 p.m. in Muhlenberg Community Hospital following a lengthy illness.

He was born in Muhlenberg Counyt July 12, 1902 and lived on Belton Route 1. He served in the US Navy 1920-22.

He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Mary Langley of Belton Route 1; three daughters, Mrs. Roberta Cox of Chicago, Mrs. Louise Smith of Greenville Route 2 and Mrs. Georgia Daniels of Newburg, Tenn.; five sons, Alvis Langley of Chicago, Jim H. Langley of Rosewood, William H. Langley of Central City Route 2, James A. Langley and Sherman Langley of Belton Route 1; 11 grandchildren; sister, Mrs. Allie Knight of Illinois; half-sister, Mrs. Florence Napier of Central City.

Funeral services were at 2 p.m. Friday in Greenville. Burial was in Peanut Cemetery.

Langley, Elizabeth

Death of Mrs. J.D. Langley.

Mrs. Elizabeth Langley died at her home in Central City last Saturday, following an illness of some months from rheumatism, complicated with heart trouble. She was the wife of Mr. J. D. Langley, chief-of-police of Central City, and was well known in this county, where she spent her 62 years. Deceased was a worthy member of the Methodist church, and a funeral service was held at the church at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon, interment being made in Fairmount cemetery, in the presence of many relatives and friends from over the county. Beside her husband she is survived by six children.

Langley, Jeremiah Daniel

In Kansas City
Body of J.D. Langley, of Central City Found
Former Chief of Police Went West on Account of Ill Health - Missing Since Jan. 8

Central City, Ky., March 17. - J.D. Langley, former chief of police of Central City, was found dead in a culvert at Seventy-eight and Prospect streets in Kansas City, Missouri, on the 14th. He had been visiting his two sons, Roy Langley and Guy Langley. Mr. Langley had been of the best chiefs ever in the county and it is believed that his strict attention to business during the strenuous times when the Possum Hunter[s] were so active in Muhlenberg undermined his health and brought on the nervous breakdown which finally caused his death. Resigning his position as chief about two and a half years ago he remained at his home here seeking health and failing in this, went last October to Kansas City, Missouri, to visit his two sons, Roy and Guy Langley. One January 8, as was his custom, he started for his daily walk, announcing just as he left that it was about time for his walk. He never returned and although the relatives and friends had searched every place for him they could find not a trace of him. A heavy rain had caused the body to be washed into the culvert as he had certainly been dead some time, it being possible to recognize the body only from his books and personal property which he had with him. Mr. Langley was sixty years old and had for many years been a member of the Methodist church. He leaves three sons, Roy and Guy, of Kansas City, and Herber [sic], of Greenville, and two daughters, Mrs. D.B. Lam, Jr., and Miss Eula Langley, both of Central City.

Kentuckian's Body Is Found In Sewer

Former Central City Chief Of Police Missing Months, Dead in Kansas City.

Central City, Ky., March 17. - Wedged in a sewer manhole, where it had been washed by a heavy rain, the body of J. D. Langley, former chief of police of Central City, who had been missing since January 8, has been found in Kansas City, Mo. Relatives in this city have been notified of his death.

Mr. Langley went to Kansas City last October to visit his sons, Roy and Guy. The morning of January 8 he left his sons' home to take a walk. Until his body was found, no trace of the man could be found. When discovered, the body was in such condition that identification was difficult, and the former police chief evidently had been dead for some weeks.

Mr. Langley resigned his position in Central City two years ago on account of ill health. His activities during the “possum hunter” disorders in this county are believed to have been responsible for a nervous breakdown. He was 60 years old.

Langley, Kate

Pellagra Causes death of Mrs. Langley at State Hospital.

Mrs. Kate Langley, of Muhlenberg county, who was received at the Western State Hospital about three years ago, died at the institution Saturday of pellegra. She was 35 years old. The remains were shipped to Drakesboro for interment.

Langley, Wesley

At Ripe Old Age
Wesley Langley Dies at His Home in Muhlenberg County.

Central City, July 3. - Mr. Wesley Langley, a prominent and wealthy farmer of Muhlenberg county, died at his home in Drakesboro of acute kidney trouble, at the advanced age of seventy-five years. Mr. Langley was a pioneer settler of this county and his children are some of the promient men of the state. Only six months ago Mr. Langley lost his son, James Langley, who was the leading merchant of Drakesboro. He is survived by a wife and seven children. His funeral occurred Monday at the Hayden burying ground.

Wesley Langley Dead.

Central City, Ky., July 3 - [Special.] - Wesley Langley, a wealthy farmer of Muhlenberg county, died at his home in Drakesboro of acute kidney trouble at the advanced age of seventy-five years. He is survived by his widow and seven children.

Larkins, Duncan

Latham, Bular

Lawless, Ores T.

Mrs. T.B. Frymire's brother dies on coast

Mrs. T.B. Frymire of Central City received word Dec. 30 of the death of her brother, Ores T. Lawless, 74, at his home in San Bernardino, Calif., Monday, Dec. 28.

Mr. Lawless was the son of the late Dr. and Mrs. W.S. Lawless of Narrows and Patesville.

Besides Mrs. Frymire survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Elmer Anderson, Whittier, Calif.; brother, Lawrence Lawless, Evansville, Ind.

Updated February 25, 2025.

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