Adair County KYGenWeb is a free genealogical and historical collection of information provided by volunteers. We hope you find helpful clues for your research of ancestors and relatives of Adair County.
Corrections, updates, and additions to this site are always welcome. Won't you help Adair County KYGenWeb grow by sharing your resources?
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with their Kentucky genealogy endeavors.
Adair was the 44th Kentucky county formed, created from Green County on December 11, 1801. It is located in the eastern Pennyrile region and western Appalachian areas of the state. The elevation in the county ranges from 585 to 1120 feet above sea level. The main waterway is the Green River and its tributary Russell Creek. This county runs along the Cumberland and Great Lakes Trail.
In 1789, Col. William Casey and his wife, Jane (Montgomery), with their family and about 30 other families established the Casey/Butler Fort--the first permanent settlement in what is now Adair County. The county was named for General John Adair, who never lived here, but served with Col. William Casey in early Kentucky government.
The county seat of Adair county is Columbia.
Make sure you check the Research Resources section!
Green County, Kentucky | Taylor County, Kentucky | Casey County, Kentucky |
Metcalfe County, Kentucky |
Adair County, Kentucky |
Russell County, Kentucky |
Cumberland County, Kentucky |
We would like to thank our past coordinators Suzanne Yelton Shephard and Carol Moody and all the other contributors who created and maintained this site for all these years, all their work and your future contributions help to ensure free genealogy information from Kentucky is available to everyone.
I am Randy Cummings, volunteer coordinator for this Adair County, Kentucky site. We hope you enjoy your visit. Please contact us if you have any suggestions or contributions you would like to make.
Page updated January 2024
Please, If you would like to add resources, if you know of something that should be linked here or if you have any problems using this website contact us.
Coordinator - Randy Cummings
State Coordinator: Jeff Kemp
Assistant State Coordinator: Tricia Aanderud