Adair County Marriages
If anyone has Adair County marriage information and would like to add it to this page, please contact Suzanne !
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Adair Marriages Performed by Rev. Henry Winfrey NEW!!!!
Marriage Records in the State of Kentucky - Why can't I find my ancestor's?
Marriage Bonds of Adair County
[this is an outside link so please use your back button to return to this site]
Alfred A. Mcallister and Elizabeth Ann Floyd
William Frank Martin and Laura B. Mcallister
Marriage Bond of Bessie Lee Martin & Tom Gilpin
Contributed By: Julie Click
Adair County Marriages 1985 - 1999 submitted by Joseph Simpson
**Please note that these are Excel files. If you do not have Excel on your computer, you will need to download the Excel Viewer from Microsoft. It's FREE!
Adair Co. Marriages - Surnames "A" - 1973 thru 1984 submitted by Joseph Simpson
Marriage Bond for Benjamin Elisha Lane and Sarah Belle Smith submitted by Julie Click
Burton Brides & Grooms up to 1910 submitted by Jason Harmon
Smith Family Marriages submitted by Marilyn Fair
Marriage License for Lilburn Shepherd and Montra Harmon - 1922 (written in pencil) Submitted By: Morris Shepherd
The following Adair Co. marriage records were taken from the South Central Kentucky-L archives, with the generous permission of Sandra Gorin.... thank you Sandi! I will be adding additional records in the next few weeks. Please Note: these marriage records are for ALL years and are not in order.
Additional Adair Co. Marriage
Adair County Marriage Records 1822 - 1845 (partial) |
Additional Adair County Marriages William E Garland age 18 to Nancy Pickett Brown age 19 married Dec 1,1904. This from "Adair County, Kentucky Marriages, 1802-1840", published by the Adair County Genealogical Society in 1998, page 65: Pettyjohn, Jacob and Polly Cumpton, dau of Ebenezer Cumpton. 21 Dec. 1818. Attest William Cumpton. Pettyjohn, James and Nancy T. Smith. Attest John Smith. Married 29 Mar 1827 by Hardwick. Pettyjohn, John and Jane Smith. Marrie 29 Mar 1827 by Hardwick. |
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