North Fork Baptist Church Records

August 1799 - February 1854

Transcribed by Sherri from images donated by Joy Fisher from FHL Film #358487.

1799 - 1810

1811 - 1820

1821 - 1825

1826 - 1829


1833 - 1836

1837 - 1840

1841 - 1848

1849 - 1854


Name Index

~ A ~

Abbnathur, Br. --- Askin, Mary
Adams, Mr. --- Askin, Polly
Aikin, John Association
Allen, Mr. --- Atwell, Mr. ---
Allen, John Atwell, Katherine Ann
Allison, Joseph Atwell, Lucinda
Asberry, Mr. --- Atwell, Usley
Asberry, Sister --- Atwell, Ursula (Mrs. Wm.)
Asberry, Henry Atwell, Wm.
Askin, John  

~ B ~

Ballinger, Br. --- Buoy, Polly
Barbee, Bro. --- Bouy, Rachel
Barlow, Mr. --- Booie, Robert
Bassett, Mr. --- Boyd, Wm.
Bassett, Amos Breese, Mr. ---
Bassett, David Brown, Mr. ---
Beck, Sister --- Browning, Amela
Bell, Henry Browning, Ann
Benjamin, "Black" Browning, Elijah
Berry, Mr. --- Browning, F.
Berry, Delley Browning, Hariett
Berry, Joel Browning, Henry
Best, Elizabeth D. Browning, Jane
Bishop, --- Browning, Leucy
Bishop, Wm. Browning, Meriah
Blackburn, Robt Browning, Talletha Ann
Blackes, Mary Browning, Toliver
Bledsaw, Sister --- Bruen, Winifred
Bledsaw, Catherine Buckley, Mr. ---
Bledsoe, Lucinda Buckley, Sister ---
Bledsoe, Mary Buckley, Elizabeth
Bledsoe, Valentine Buckley, Mrs. Jane
Bolles, Issabella Buckley, Kerriah
Bolls, Wm. Burns, Br. ---
Bowey, Betsy Burns, Mrs. ---
Booie, J. Burns, Sister ---
Bouy, John Burns, Betsey
Bowey, Mary Burns, Catherine
Booie, J. Burns, John
Bouy, John Burns, Sally
Bowey, Mary  

~ C ~

Cambridge, Sister --- Cleveland, Henry
Cambridge, Elizabeth Cleveland, Lewizar (Mrs.)
Cambridge, Elizah Coleman, Mr. ---
Campbell, L. Coleman, Sister ---
Camp, Edward Coleman, Betsy (Elizabeth)
Camp, Elizabeth Coleman, Farish
Casadies Creek Church Coleman, Mrs. Farish
Cemp, Mr. Coleman, Robert
Clark, Mr. --- Coleman, Wm.
Clark, Sarry Craig, Elizabeth
Claysville Craig, T.
Cleaveland, Mrs. Henry Cray, Luis (Br.)
Cleveland, Mr. --- Culp, America
Cleveland, Cassandra Culp, Mary
Cleveland, Elizabeth Culp, Polly

~ D ~

Dalon, Daniel Downard, Adam
Dawson, Mr. --- Downard, Emilia
Dawson, Mrs. --- Downard, James W.
Dawson, Nancy Downard, Lemuel
Dawson, Polly Downard, Mary
Dawson, Wm. Downard, Missouri
Debell, John Downard, Sophia
Devore, Mr. --- Downard, Wm.
Devore, Alexander Drake, Br. ---
Devore, Anna Dunken, Sister ---
Devore, Cristifer Duncan, Archabald
Devore, Betsy (Elizabeth) Duncan, Elias A.
Devore, Fanny Duncan, Mary
Devore, Jeremiah Duncan, Mary Frances
Devore, Nancy Duncan, Polly
Devore, Wm. Duncan, Thornton
-----, Dick Duvall, Burgess
Downard, Mr. ---  

~ E ~

Elrod, Rev. --- Evans, Sister ---
Elrod, Mrs. --- Evins, Mary
Ellis, Mary Ewing, Mary
Ellis, Sithiann (Seytha Ann)  

~ F ~

Feels, Mr. --- Fishback, Mrs. ---
Fields, Sister --- Fitchwaters, Mr. ---
Fields, Ambrose Forsythe, Sister ---
Fields, Geo. Foster, David T.
Fields, Martha Foster, Mr. ---
Feels, Mary Francis ------
Field, Nancy  

~ G ~

Garrard, Mr. --- Green, Balis
Garritt, Governor Green, John
German, Br. --- Green, Susannah
German, Br. F. Gregg, Br. ---
Green, Mr. --- Griffeth, Mary

~ H ~

Hall, Mr. --- Hamrick, Gilson
Hall, Sister --- Hannah -------
Hall, Elizabeth Hartsock, Anna
(Hall), Martha Hartsock, Isaac
Hall, Nancy Hieatt, Sally
Hall, Philip Hieman, Sister ---
Hall, Tinia (or Tanea) Hitch, Mr. ---
Hamilton, Mary Hitch, M.
Hampton, James Hitch, Wiseman
Hampton, Lucy Holmes, Mr. ---
Hampton, Zerelda Holton, Elijah

~ J ~

Jackson, Mr. --- Jsgrig, Sister ---
Jackson, Mrs. --- Jesgrig, Barbary
Jackson, Sister --- Jsgrig, Betsy, Jr.
Jackson, Ann J'sgrig, Daniel
Jackson, Betsy Josgrig, Squire
Jackson, Hariett Jett, Mr. ---
Jackson, Henry Jett, Elijah
Jackson, Jane Jett, Milly
Jackson, Jos. Jett, Porter
Jackson, John (probably Jonathan) Jett, Wm.
Jackson, Jonathan Johnson, Mr. ---
Jackson, Lena Johnstone, Charlotte
Jackson, Lidy Johnstone, Eliza
Jackson, Mary Jonson, Polly
Jackson, Prisey Jolly, Issabella
Jackson, Sarah Jolly, Sally
Jackson, Wm. Jones, Rachel
Jsgrig, Mr. --- Judah, Sister ---

~ K ~

Kemp, B. King, Liddy
Key, Zackous King, Mary
King, Mr. --- King, Polly
King, Elizabeth King, R.
King, J. King, Br. Richard
King, James King, Robert
King, John King, Mrs. Robert
King, Joseph King, Susanna (Susan)
King, Joshuaway King, Wm.
King, Judy Kinney, Sally

~ L ~

Larue, A.W. Leveson, Lidy (also Levison)
Laughlin, A.C.M. (Rev.) Lewis, Salem
Laughlin, Dorcas M. Linum, Emilia
Laughlin, M. Littlejohn, Serena
Laughlin, Br. N Littlejohn, Wm. A.
Lay, Mr. --- Long, Wm.
Levain, Mr. ---  

~ M ~

McCarty, Adam Miller, Sister ---
McCoy, Mr. --- Miller, Adam
McCoy, Robert Miller, Delila
MacDuffee, Mr. --- Miller, Harrison
MacDuffee, Rachel Miller, Jane
McKenney, Mr. --- Miller, John
Maines, John Miller, John R.
Mallery, Mr. --- & wife Miller, Martha
Malory, Nancy Miller, Mary
Malory, Timothy Miller, Patsy
Malory, Valentine Monecreef, Mr. ---
Mann, Mr. --- Moncreef, Sister ---
Mann, Agga Monroe, Alexander (Rev.)
Mann, Christifer (Christopher) Moolen, Sarah
Mann, Henry Moore, Sister ---
Mann, Mrs. Henry Moran, Squire
Mann, Jonas Morehead, Joel
Mann, Mrs. Jonas Morgan, Wm.
Mann, Mary Morgan, Sister ---
Mann, Squire Morse, Frances
Marshall, Mr. --- Moshon, Br. ---
Marshall, George Moss, Daniel D.
Marshall, Polly Moss, Sophia
Martin, Mary Mullins, Br. ---
Mattick, Ann Munson, Br. ---
Miller, Mr. --- Murty, Mr. --- & wife

~ N ~

Netter, Harrison Nincan, Sister ---

~ O ~

Oden, Mr. --- Owings, Augustin C.
Oden, Sarah Owens, E. K.
Ogden, Benjamin Owen, Eliza
Ogden, Elizabeth Owings, James
Ogel, Mr. --- Owings, Margrt (Mrs. Wm.)
Osbon, (Osborne), David Owens, Sally
Osbon, Sarah Owings, Thomas
Owens, Mr. --- Owings, Wm.

~ P ~

Parker, Nanney (Nancy) Price, Mrs. ---
Patison, Mr. --- Price, Sister ---
Patason, Betsy Price, Benjamin
Patterson, George Price, Christifer
Patterson, Mrs. George Price, Kit
Patterson, Jane Price, Thomas
Patterson, Jean Price, Mrs. Thomas
Patterson, Lucinda Pritcharde, Sister ---
Patterson, Polly Pritchard, America
Pattes, Jane Pud (or peed?), Phillipp
----, Phillip Pugh, Mr. ---
Porter, Mr. --- Pew, Geo.
Porter, jane Pew, Mrs. Geo
Porter, Henry C. Putman, Mr. ---
Porter, W.C. Putman, Elizabeth
Powel, Milley Putman, James
Price, Mr. --- Putman, Wm.

~ R ~

Reed, Mr. --- Routt, Jno., Jur.
Reed, Nancy Routt, John, Sr.
Reed, Phillip Routt, John Willis
Reban, Elizabeth Routt, Nancy
Richard, ----- Rout, Patty
(Richard), Susana Routt, Peter L.
Riley, Garrard Rout, Polly
Roden, Margaret Routt, Riley
Rose, Rachel Rout, Sally
Ross, Polly Routt, S.W.
Routt, Mr. --- Rought, T.W.
Rout, Betsey (Elizabeth) Rout, Usley
Routt, George D. Routt, W.
Rout, John Rowland, Margaret

~ S ~

Scott, Betsy Smith, Patsy
Scott, Cassie Smith, Pauline (Polly)
Scott, Elizabeth Smitson, Elizabeth
Scott, Nancy Smitson, John B.
Smally, Armilda Smitson, Sam'l C.
Smally, Frances Stites, Sister ---
Smith, Mrs. --- Stites, Samuel
Smith, Martha Stits, Sister ---
Smith, Nancy Sutton, Br. ---

~ T ~

Thomas, Lewis H. Triplett, John
Thomas, Nancy (Mrs. Lewis) True (?), Ben'n
Thompson, Br. James True, Elizabeth
Threlkeld, Daniel Truett, Joseph P.
Threlkeld, Lucy Turner, Wm.
Tolle, Jno.  

~ V ~

Vasper (?), Elizabeth Vaughan, Margaret
Vaughan, Daniel T. Vaughan, Matilda
Vaughn, Fanny Vicars, Robert, (Br.)
Vaughan, Francis  

~ W ~

Walter, Mr. --- Washborn, Joseph
Walter, Alletha Issabella Washburn, Polly
Walter, Eliza Ann Waters, Mary F.
Walter, Levi Waters, Thomas F.
Walter, Levi, Sr. Watson, Mr. ---
Walter, levi, Jr. Watson, Wm.
Walter, Mary Webb, Br. ---
Walter, Malinda R. Webb, Mr. ---
Walter, Nancy Webb, Charles
Walter, Priscella Webb, D.
Walter, Rebecca Webb, Jas.
Walter, Sally Whitfield, Mr. ---
Walter, Sally Jane Wieatt, Sally
Walter, Serry Williams, Sally
Walton, Patsy Wilson, Charley
Warrick, Jesse Wilson, Wm.
Worrick, Martha Ann Wilson, Mrs. Wm.
Worrick, Rebecca Wood, Cordela
Washburn, Mr. --- Woods, George
Washburn, Mrs. --- Woodd, Martin
Washborn, Fanny Woorl, Cordelia
Washburn, J. Wright, Cleveland
Washborn, John Wright, Nancy

~ Y ~

Yelton, Mr. --- Yelton, John
Yelton, Sister ---  


Created with love just for me

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NOTE: These records have been transcribed from several different sources, either by us or by other researchers and provided as a starting point to assist you in your research; we've verified as many as we could, but be aware that there may be errors (either mis-spellings on the original records, almost illegible writing on the records, and/or typing errors on my part), so make sure to double check them prior to assuming they're "the gospel truth". We will never deliberately include erroneous information in any part of this site.

These records have not been copied by either of this site's coordinators from other sites, as has been implied by some. Sources have included records from the E. E. Barton research files, military records, newspapers, microfilm and/or compiled lists that were provided by family members and other researchers. The majority of the additions to the marriage index pages on 17 and 30 Jun 2007 were transcribed from FHC microfilm #973027.

If you have records that you'd like to see added to this site, please contact either Sherri or Suzanne and we'll be glad to add them to this collection.

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