** Note: Although this file states that the records begin in August 1799, the first identified date was October 26, 1799. There are several
partial records prior to and/or after that date are present but are not identifed by date.
... Mary Bowey, James and .... Hall, Daniel J 'sgrig, John Rout, Betsey Rout, Thomas F __ Waters, Mary Feels. Thease Come forward and
Give in Expearcence and was baptised then adjorned til next meeting.
The Church met for the inspection of the Letter for the assosiation Br moshon Chose moderator after prar the Letter read and after small amendment agreed to adjorned
til next meeting.
October 26 1799 - Met according to appointment after prar Br. _____ William Boyd, Rachal Macduffee, Mary F___ Waters was Baptism agreed
to ..... a place for our meeting .... Jonathan Jackson agrees to give as much .... and timber as shall be thought proper for a meeting house. The Church agreed that the
next meeting house be on Br. Jonathan Jackson Land at the mouth of bever Agreed that Br. macDuffee Sarve in the work and office of a Decon with Br. Devor, Bro.
Henry Mann appointed our Singing Clark Milley Powel Baptised agreed that our next meeting be at Jn. Jackson House.
The Church met according to adJornment. After worship proceed to Business and dour opened for Experance. Nancy Hall came forward and recived. Maria and Elizabeth
Moncreef received by Letter. Br. Moncreef Cohose in the office of Deacon. adJorn.
The Church met accord to adJorn. After worship a dour ope __ for Experence. Salley Rout Came forward and recived by Experence. Br. Burns and
Sister Burns, Br. Cristifer Devore, Sister Salley Williams and Sister Nincan (?) recived by Letters. Agreed that thare be a Subscribtion prepaird to
raise Some ... for the Support of our Br. Drake and that Br. Burns Jonathan Jackson write the Same and to Bring it to the next meeting. AdJorn til Next meeting.

February 1800 - the Church met according to adJornment after Devine worship Br Jogrig broughtforward a
charge against himself the Church have it over til next meeting and appointed Br Monecreef (?) Burns Macduffee, Fitchwaters, Jonathan Jackson, Br Deviner (?) to Get
what Light on the Matter and to Labor with Br. Jogrig (Isgrig) and to report to the Church. Mrs. Price come forward told her Experence and recived Lidy Leveson
Came fored and told her expearnce and was recived. adJornd til next meeting.
March 1800 - the Church met according to apointment after prar by Br. Drake proceed to business. The commitee reported
to the church what they gathered respecting Br. Jsgrig and the church satisfid agreed that we recive experence at church meeting or any other time when
the church convenes to gather. Agreed that Br. Burns exercise his gife in any way he ses fit in the bounds of the church. adJorn til next meeting.
The Church met according to adJornment. After a short Discorse from 46 phasm 10 virce "come all ou that fear the Lord
and tel you what he done for my Soul." then opened Dore for Expernc. Mr. Feels and Mrs. Fishback Come forward and told thir
Expernc and was recived. Agreed that next meeting each of us prepare the Sums Inserted to our names and to bring it to meeting. adJorn til next meeting.
the Churh met according to adJornment. After a fuw thoughts offerd by moderator - "fear not Little flock" proceed to Business. Daniel
Jsgrig (Isgrig) Excluded from us for ... Squire Josgrig (Isgrig) request the Church to Look in a metter between himself and our Br. Macdoffee.
Agreed to appoint a committee of 5 members Br. Devano, John BJackson, Jonathan Jackson, Monecreef Burns to Look in to the matter
and to report to the Church next meeting. Jonas man and wife recifed by Letter. Usley Rout recived by Giving in her Experenc. adJornd til next meeting.
the Church met according to adJornment. After Devine woshop by Br. Moderator. Philip Hall recived for Bapsim; Br.
Macduffees matter taken up the Comitee report to the Church and no Case for .... against our Brother. agreed that Br. John Jackson
provid a table for the use of the Church against next meeting and the Church to pay for it. AdJorndtil next meeting.

July 1800 - the Church met according to appointment. After prar perceeded
to business. a difficle between Sister Yelton (and) Sister Ylatt take up and Lave over til next meeting. Lidde Levisonno more with
us. William Boyd Sitedto next meetingto Satisfythe Church for his absence. Br. Routt, Br. Richard and Sister Susana recived
by Letter. Tinea Hall recived by Experence. adJorn til next meeting.
August 1800 - the Church met according to adJornment. after Dvine woshup proceed to Business. Polley Rout came forward and told her Experenc and was recived. the Difficle taken up between Sister Hall Sister Yelton. Sister Hall Lade over til next meeting. Br. Macduffe to Site Br. Boyd to next meeting. adJorn.
Note at the foot of the page: Excluded 1; recd. by Letter 3; baptised 2.
Rules of Decorum and Desipline.
1. Church meeting to be opened by Singing and prar.
2. The first after prar a dore open for Expernc.
3. Bretheren not attending Church meeting Shall be deemed Disorderly without Excuse.
4. All privete offences to be proceed to according the Chapter of Mathus Gospel.
5. all publick offences to have publick Satisfaction. Any brother at liberty to labor with the offender. Yet the Church to be Satisfied.
6. All Experences and Letters to be recived to the Satisfaction of the Whole. If all Sansure by the MeJorrity.
7. (included in No. 6)
8. No one Shall Speake to any on matter more then one time without Leaf of the Church.
9. Any Brother Expressing himself angrey. Shall be Deemed Disorderly.
10. More than one Speaking at a time to be Deemed Disorder.
11. No Brother to absent with out the Leve of the moderator in time of meeting.
12. All Brethern from Sister Churches to be invited to Seat with us.
adJorn til next meeting.
Sept. 13, 1800 - the Church met according to adJornment this 13 Sept after prar proceed to Business. Bro. Boyd no more with us for refusing to hear the Church. agreed that Br. Drake rige our Letter for teh association and to Send it to the Church by
the first Lords day in Octo. Br. moncreef and Br. Jo'n Jackson to carry our etter to the assosiation. Agreed that Br. Moncreef and Br. Jackson finish the Meeting house and the Church to pay them for it. adJorn il the third Satuardy in October.

October 1800 - the Church met acccording to adJornment. after a small Discorse from the 5 Chapter of Mathus Gospel. Proceed to Business a dour opend for Experence. Mary Martin Came forward and was recived for Babtism. adJornd.
the Church met according to adJornment. After prar opend Dour for Expernce. Wm. Bushup Came forward and was Recived for Baptism. Sister Hall Difficle Lave over. Br. Henry Mann to site Sister Hall to next meeting and agreed that each of us Deliver what we pay to Br. Drake at Br. Devons by the first March. adJornd.
December 1800 - the Church met and proceeded to business. Sister Hall Lade over. Br. Henry Mann to Site Br. Jonas Man to next meeting for his Disorder. Charge brought against Sister Jsgrig (Isgrig). Br. Jos. Jackson to Site her to next meeting. adJorn.
the Church met acccording to adJornmt. After prar proceeded to Business. Jonas man Came forward
- the church satisfied. Sister Dunken recived by Letter. Thomas Price and wife give in their Experenc Recived. Black Bukey Baptised. Br. Drake brought a charge against Br. Macduffee from Lees Creek. Agree to hear it. adJornd til next meeting.
the Church met according to adJornment. after prar proceeded to Business. Sister sgrig (Isgrig) Came forward Confess her fath. The Church Satisfied. A dour opend or Expernc. Mr. Foster recived by Expernc for Baptism. adJornd.
the Church met after prar proceed to Business. Br. Johnson Charged wit bad Conduckt. Agreed to send to our Sister Church at Mays Lick for Light on the matter. r. Burns Liberature to Exercise his Gift when and whare God in his providence may allow him. Jornd.
met according to adJornment. after prar proceeded to Business. Br. Johnsons Difficle take up and poken to. the Church
Satisfied with Br. Johnson. the Difficlity consarning Br. macDuffee take up & Br macDuffee Continued and the Church Satisfied. Henry and Lidy Jackson recived by Letter. Br. Devon and Br. macDuffee requested to be take out of the office of Deacons. agree that they should. Br Burns and Br Rout appointed in the office and work of Decons. adJorned.

June 13, 1801 - the Church met this 13 June according to Jornment. after prar Dour open for Expernc and mary Miller Came forward and recived for Baptism. Br Levain Came forward and Confesed his falts against himself Satisfactory to the Church. adJorn.
the Church met. after prar proceed to Business. Br Burns brought a charge aganst Br Bowey Jonas and Henry Mann and Br kit price. the business taken up the 4 Brethren Continued. adJorn.
met according to adJornment. af__ worship proceed to Business. Elizabeth Hall Excluded from us for Disorder and Sunsering (censuring) the Church. a difficlety Betun Br John Rout and Br Henry Man Lade over til next meeting. adJorned.
Sept 12, 1801 - the Church met according to adJornment after prar proceed to Business. the Diffitcle Betwen Br Henry man john routt removed. agreed that Br Burns and Br Jon's
Jackson to rite our Litter for the assisiation and to be our Messenjers to Bare the Same to the assosiation. agreed that by next meeting to get our opinon Consarning our Sisters wether we think they are allowed to Speak in the ... or not. adJorn.
the Church met according to adJornment fter prar proceed to usiness. agreed that any Sister make nown thir agrivence before the Church at any time themself or to Fech it to anny Brother and he to relate it to the Church. Likewise to have full previlege to Vote at
any time but by no means to propose Dictate or teach. the Church agreed that Br Clark provide a supcribtion by next meeting. agreed that those who Shall offer Experenc when told what they have to Say to withdraw til the Church make up thir mind and in Like maner those who are under Dealing.

the Church met according to adJornment after prar proced to Business. Br Jonas man brought a charge against Sister Yelton and Lade over til next meeting, and Br Yelton to Site her
to meeting. Br Rout to request Sister Patty Bettys and Salley Rout to Give what Lite on the Subject their no next meeting a dificle taken up between Br Yelton Br Jonas man and Lade over til next meeting. Benjamin price Came forward and recived for Baptism. adJornd til next meeting.
met according to adgurnment after singing and prair Dismist til next meeting.
met according to adjurnment after prar and a small Exortation by Br Moderator proseeded to Business. the difficlity up conserning Sister yelton and no more with us for hir misconduct. the Difficlty beteen Br Jonas man and Br yelton Laid
over til next meeting, and that Br John Rout site Br price to the next Meeting to answer such qustions as should be ast jim. Concerning the difficlety abov mentioned Br yelton and sister sally Williams no more with us for their disorder and contridiction beteen them. adjorned til next meeting.
March 13, 1802 - met according to adjurnment Br sutton preached us a short serment from the first chapter of Matthews gospel and 21 verse - "and his name shall be cald jesus save his people from their sins." then opend a dore for
Experance. Br putmon came forward and was recived and baptized. sister yelton Restored to hir former place. a charge brought forward against B Christifer Devore and it Laid over til next Meeting. Br Bouey o site him to the next Meeting. the Chruch adjurnd til next meeting.

the church met aCording to a jurnment after prair by Br Moderater proceed to business. francis and Hannah recived by Letter. Br John yelton restored his former place Br Jonas man
Continued. Christerpher Devon no more with us for Disorder. Br philip Hall Br Foster Sister tanea Hall Sister Nancy Hall Sister Martha Joseph wasbon Daniel Dalon Br Bushup applied for Letter agreed to. adJorned til next meeting.
the Church met after Small Discorse from theas words "Blesed is man whose trust is in the Lord. . . proced to Business. a dour opened for Experenc. Jane pattes recvd by experenc. betsy Jackson by Liter. Sister Stits Sister forsize applied for Litter agreed to. adJorned til next meeting.
met according to adJornment after prar proceed to Business. Sister Hieman (or Flieman?) Joined by Litter. Br Wm and prisey Jackson Joined by Letter. Br Jonas and Sister agga man applied for Letter agreed to Black BenJamin Dismissed by Letter. agreed that Br BenJamin price be Lade over til further Satisfaction Br Burns Gift to be Consider by next meeting. adJourn.
met according to adJornment. after prar proceed to Business. Br Burnes Case taken up and Spoken to and Lade over til next meeting. agreed that any male member failing to attend Church meeting shall give his excuse next meeting. adJornd til next meeting.
met according to adJornment af__ prar the Church Chose Br Bruns moderato__ and proceed to Business. Br George patason and wife Came forward and Joined by Letter. agreed that Br Jonathan Jackson Br Burns to provide a letter for our assosiation and bring it to our meeting. Br Jonas man from our Sister Church brought forward a charge
against Br price for caling him . . . and a lie and that he had for sworn. Likewise that Sister .... and betsey Jsgrig (Isgrig) and betsey Bowey could testify to what he said. agreed that Br Bowey site Br price to next meeting to answer the Complaint and that Br Fitzwater
to site the two Sisters Jsgrigs (Isgrigs) to next meeting. that Br Burns Br Jo'n Jackson Br macduffe Br Routt to revise and record our minits by the next meeting, and to make such alterations as they see fit. So adJorned til next meeting.

Sept 11, 1802 - met this 11 of September according to adJornment. after woshup a dour opened for Experences. Winiford Bruen Came forward told her experence and baptised. Br Burns fully Liberated to preach whar and when God in his providence Shall Let him. Br Routt brought a charge against Sister yelton for Disorderly talk and she Lade over til ext meeting. Br Burns & Br Jackson our Messengers to bare our Letter to the assocition held at Lees Creek.
Members excluded, 2; Dismissed, 10; received by letter 10; received by baptism, 4; total members 61.
September 18, 1802 - met according to adJornment, after woshup proceed to Business. Sister Yeltons Difficlety and She no more with us for her Disorderly talk. our meeting fixt on the Saturday before the third Lords day in the month. adJornd til next meeting.
November 20, 1802, met 20 of Novem after woshup procceed to Business. Br price applies for Letter agreed to wate an acccount of a difficlety Subsisting between himself and Sister Betsey Bowey. adJorn til next meeting.
met according to adJornment after woshup proceed to Business. Br Jackson brought a charge against Br price for . . . agreed to Lay it over til next meeting. the Difficlety between Betsey bowey and Bro price take up and talked on and Lade over til next minute. Br John Yelton applyed for Letter agreed to. adJornd til next.
1803, Jan. - met according to adJornment after prar Br Burns Chose moderator. Br prices Difficlety take up and Looked into and he no more with us for Disordery. Sisty Betsey Bowey Continued. adJornd.

met according to adJornment after woshup proceeded to Business. Br elton brought a charge against Br feels for accusing him wrongfully agreed that Br feels be sited to next meeting. Br routt to site him. appoint Br Clark and Br Miller to record our minites. adJornd.
met according to adJornment after woshup proceed to Business. the Difficlety Between Br Yelton and feels Came forward Br
feels Confessed his falt and Continued. Cristifer man Joined by Letter. recived a letter from our Sister Church at Licken Locust requesting help on account of a difficlety Subsisting among them agreed to hear them and to Nominate Such helpers as we think Best. adJornd.
met according to adJornment
after prar and reading our Covenent Br Patison Deny the Equaity of the Son of God. agreed to Lay the matter over til next meeting. open dore for Experinc. Joseph Allison Came forward recivd
and Baptised. Elizabeth tuet came forward reced by Litter. adJornd.
met accord to adJornment after woshup proceed to Business. Br patison talked to Consarning his Errow and he found Istablished in it tharefore no more with us for the Same. agred
that Brethren Jonathan Jackson and two Routts Go as helps to Licken Locus the Last day in may. agred we Consider by next meeting then to to Detirminaty how we recive members in this Church in fellowship. adJornd.
met according to adJornment after woshup proceed to Business. agreed that Every thing done with us toching prissey Jackson and Betsey patason. the Church appoint Brethren Burns, Routt Senr, Sister Burns Dunken as helps to try to Get the Difficlety removed and to report at next meeting. adJornd.

July 16, 1803 - met the 16 July according to adJornment after woshup proceed to Business. the Dissatisfaction between Sister Jackson and Betsey patason we hope in some Good Degree removed and they Continue. Br Jon'n Jackson informed
the Church that Sister Jsgrig (Isgrig) Desire to be Sear ... of the Church Book. the Church appoint Brethren Routt Senr, John Burns to talk with the Sister and to Site her to next meeting. the Church agreed to Consider wether a person being Baptised with us ... from their faith is a member with us. adJornd.
met accord to adJornment after woshup proceed to Business. David and Saran osbon Joined by Letter. Zackous key Joined by Letter. Barbary Isgrig no more with
us for Imbracin the arion Doctrine. Br Bowey informed us that he was Difficled with the arion Schism. agred to wate with Br Bowey til ext meeting. agreed that any person Baptised with
us upon profession of thir faith is a member of our Body. Br Jonathan Jackson informed the Church a dissatisfaction between Br. Joseph Allison and Sister moncreef Sister Jane Jackson and Saley Burns. agred that the Sisters Labor with the Br for Satisfaction and report Next meeting.
the first Saturday in Sept 1803: Members excluded, 4; dismissed, 1; recd by letter, 5; baptism, 1; total members 62.
agred that the Letter prepaired by Br Cleark be our letter to the assosation, and that Br John Routt and John Jacson be our messengers to bare the same. Adjorn'd.
met according to adjornment after prayr Br Burns chosed moderator. proceeded to business. Br Bowys diffliety taken up and as Br Bowey is not present agreed that Br Routt Siste
Br Bowy to Next meeting. Joseph Allison no more with us. the difficelty taken up and much talked on that subsisted between Joseph allison and Sister Moncreef, Jane Jackson, Sary Burns
and Joseph Allison no more with us, agreed that Br Routt hire a man to Prepare our meeting house. agreed that we who owe to the Church Come prpar'd to discharge it Next meeting. Adjornd till Next meeting.

October 15 1803 - met according to ajornment this 15 day of October. after worship proceeded
to Business. Br Bowys Diffieclty taken up talked on and lade over til Next meeting. Br Routt move the Church to know what & how to Conduct to Brethren that Communes with Sosiates
that doth not hold to the Commands of Christ. the Church agreed such in Disorder. the two Betsey Isgrigs inform us that they wish to Join the Methodis Sosiaty, agreed that they be no more with us on that account. Adjorned till Next meeting.
Met according to adjornment after prayr Br Hall Chosed moderator proceeded to Business. Br Bowys difculty taken up much talked on and we obliged for the Cause of Christ to say - no more with us for being involved in the arian sistom. Agreed that Next meeting
we Consult what we are indeted to r Drake. Br Wm. Jacson Informed us that Br John Yelton has Imbrasd the arian sistom likewise - talked hard of the Baptist. Br Man and John Jacson appointed to go to Br Yelton and inform him that the Church wishes him to Come to our Next meeting. agreed that one of the Br Jacsons
ask Br gregg to tend us next meeting to know if it would Sute him to tend. Agreed that if Brother Jacson fail getting Br gregg that Br Burns. Call Br James Tomson to our Next meeting to tend us one year.
the Church met according to ajornment after Divine worship Chose Br grigg moderator and proceeded to business. Agreed that we pay Br Routt what we are indeted to Br Drake
and that each one of us do it by the first of April. the Dificelty taken up Concarning Br yelton Sister Fields Informas the Church that Br yelton wishes the Church to wate with him till Next meeting. the Church agreed to wate till Next meeting. agreed and wished by the Church that Br ... serve us one year. ajorn till next meeting.
met a cording to apointment after prayer Br Burns Chosed moderator. proceeded to Business. Brother Routt brought a Charge against our Sister beck of being with Child. the CHurch agreed to take up the Business. Br Yeltons Difficlty taken up he presents the Church with a piece
of writing which he Calls his faith. After reading the writeing some Conversation with him. agreed that Br Yelton Be no more with us. Agreed that Br Routt Site Sister beck to our Next meeting. likewise Br Dick. Adjorned till Next meeting.

February 1804 - Meeting met acording to ajornment. After prayer Br Allen Chosen moderater and proceeded to Business. Sister beck Difieclty aken up and agreed to wate untill next meeting. Br Jonathan & William Jacson to talk with he sister and to Report to the Church Next meeting. Adjorned till Next meeting.
Met a Cording to ajornment after Divine worship Br Holmes Chosed moderated proceeded to business. the Dificlty Concerning our Sister beck agreed that the Church wate till she atend and Relate her mind and that she be Admonished as the Case may Requier. Adjornd.
April 1804 - Met acording to ajornment after worship Br grigg Chosed modarator proceeded to Business. Adjornd till next meeting.
Saturday May 13th 1804 - Saturday 13th may met according to adjornment after prayer by Br Burns. Br. Burns Chosen modarater. ajorned till Next meeting.
June 6, 1804 - Met acording to ajornment after prayer Br Burns Chosen modarator. proceeded to business. agreed that Sister beck be Sited to the next meeting and Br Man be apointed to site Sister beck to the Next meeting. adjorned till Next meeting in course.
July ye 14, 1804 - Met acording to adjornment after Divine worship Br Burns Chosen modarator proceeded to Business. the Dificlty taken up Concerning Sister beck and that she is no more with us. Agreed that Br Routt and Br Burns prepare a letter for the asosaation and to present
to the Next meeting for Inspection. Agreed that Br Routt Record our minuts of against our Next meeting and Br McDuffee to assist him in the work. Agreed the Singing Cleark take his Seat near the pulpit in the time of Divine worship. Adjornd Next meeting Course.
August 18, 1804 - Met this 18 august according to adJornment after prar Br Burns Chosed Moderator. proceeded to Business. Br Burns brought the
Letter for the Assosiation. agreed that Br Clark Draw it up on another piece of paper and that be our Letter to the Assosition. Br Clark and Henry Man Bare the same to the assosiation. AdJornd.

Sept 15, 1804 - Met the 15 Sept according to adJornt. after woship Br Grig Chosen moderator and so adJornd til Next meeting.
Octo 20, 1804 - Met 20 octo after prayer Br Burns Chosen Moderator proceed to Business. Br Burns presented a letter from Union Church requsting us to Send them Some help the forth Saturday in octo. agreed that Gr Jonathan Jackson attend with them at that time for the purpuse. adjorn.
November 17, 1804 - Met the 17 No according to appointment after worship. Br Grig Chosen Moderator.
Proceeded to Business. agreed that a list of our Members be drawn up in Such a way that we may know who dies and who dos not attend with us at Church meetings. adjornd til Next meeting.
December 15, 1804 - Met this 15 dec accoding to adJornment. after worshup Br. Home Chosen moderator. proceed to Business. Agreed that Br Johnson (Wm Johnson) have a letter of dismission when Called for. Likewise that Br Clark draw up a subscription to Rase what we think is our Duty to Br Grig for his Sarvis. adJornd.
January 19, 1805 - Met the 19 January 1805 according to adJornment. after prar Br Routt Chosen Moderator. proceed to Business. Sister Nancy Dawson Joined by Letter. we agreed that by Next meeting we Consider wether we Call Br Grig or who we Shall Call to preach for us. adjornd til ...
February 16, 1805 - Met 16 Febru ccording to adJornmen. after prar Br Routt Chosen Moderator. proceed to Business. we agree not to call Br Grig. by a majoraty gree to pay what we owe to Br Grig by Next meeting. adjorn.
March 1805 - met according to adJornment. after prar Br Grig Chosen Moderator. proceed to Business. Adjornd.

April 20, 1805 - Met 20 april according to adJornment. after prar Br. Burns Chosen Moderator. proceed to Business.
agreed that Br Routt Site Br feels to our next meeting to tel us what has kept him So Lond from meeting. adJornd.
May 18, 1805 - Met this 18 May according to appointment. after prar Br Fitchwater Chosen Moderator.
proceed to Business. agreed that Br Routt and Br Clark talk with Br feels and Site him to Next meeting. agreed to onsider by Next meeting what alterations we Shall make in our Rule Consarning our Brethren, adJornd.
June 15, 1805 - Met 15 June according to adJornment. after prar Br. Burns Chosed Moderator. proceed to Business. Br Clark Complain of being agreived with Sister Betsey Burns. the Difficlety taken up and Case found for agrevance and agreed to wait with Sister Burns til Next meeting and Br Routt
& Br John Jackson to Laber with the Sister and report at Next meeting. Br Clark Br Routt inform the Church that Br feels refuse to obay her. agreed that Br feels be no more of us. agreed that our Rule respeckin
our absent Brethren be araste. agred that we Consider by Next meeting who we shall call to preach for us that Shall be to the Satisfaction of the Church. agreed that Br Clark record our inuts By the assosiation. adJornd.
July 10, 1805 - Met 20 July according to adJornment after prar Br Burns Chosen moderator. proceed to Business. the Difficlety between Br
Jackson and Sister Burns taken up after much time Spent. Concluded Siste Burns no more with us. agreed that our Messenger Br Henry man and Br Macduffe ask Br Luis Cray to preach for us. Likewise
agreed that Br Clark prepare a letter for the assosiation against our next meeting. Br Man, Br MacDuffee appointed our messengers to bare the Same. Sister price, Sister Mary and etsey Bowey have thir letters when called for. adjornd til next meeting.

September 23, 1809 - The Church of Christ at Licking met according to agreement. after prayr and preaching
by Brother Webb proceeded to business. Brother Webb chosed Moderator. Brother John Routt Clerk. The Church agreed that Brother John Routt apply to the members constituted out of this church for their part owards paying Brother Alexander Monroe for past services.
The Church also agreed to build a Meeting house 30 feet by 20 feet of hew logs. A mation for dismission, agreed to. A motion made for dismission agreed to signed by order of the Church. Chas. Webb moderator John Rout Clk.
25 November 1809 - The Church met according to appointment. after worship
proceeded to business. Brother Walter chosen Clerk. a motion made to know if the church chose Brother Webb as pastor. Unanimously agreed to. Adjourned till Meeting in course. Signed by order of the church. Chas. Web Mod(erator).; John Routt C.l.k.
23 December 1809 - The Church met according to appointment. after worship proceeded to business. Sister Polly Dawson offered
to the Church for Baptism & was Recd. A motion made for dismssion agreed to. Chas Webb Modr.; John Routt C.l.k.
27 January 1810 - The Churck met according to appointment after worship proceeded to business. A motion made for dismission, agreed to. Chas. Webb, Mod. John Routt C.l.k.
24 of February 1810 - The church Met according to appointment after worship proceeded to business. A mothon made for a dismission. agreed to. Chas. Webb, Modr. John Routt, C.l.k.

24 of March 1810 - The church met according to appointment. after worship proceeded to business. Brother John Green joined by letter. John & Judy King offered for baptism & was Recd. adjourd tunill next meeting in course.
21 April 1810 The Church met according to appointment. after worship proceeded to business. A motion made that the church be mov'd from the mouth of Beaver on licking to the mouth of North fork. also agreed that She be calld by the name of the Northfork. adjourd till meeting in course. Chas. Webb moderator John Routt C.l.k.
May the .... 1810 - The Church met according to appointment. after worship proceeded to business.
July 21 day 1910 - the Church met acording to appointment. after prayer & worshop proceeded
to business. Sister Robt Bowey apointed to wait on Sister ann Mattock to know the meaining of her absence so long from Church. Brother Robert Bouy Came forward and Confessed that he was
Confinsd of his Errors and wanted to Join this Church. was Reciev'd. Brother Levi Walter apointed to write ourChurch Letter and John Routt to assist. a motion made and agreed to that Br Henry
Mann and wife be Sited to aquaint the Church for his not aplying for a letter. a Motion made for a Dismision agreed. Charles Webb, M. John Routt Clk
August 22nd 1810 -
the CHurch met acording to apointment. after Divine Service proceded to business. Sister ann Mattock....

Sep'r. yr 22 day 1810 - The Church Met agreeable to apointment. after Devine worshop proceeded to business. a motion made that the male
members of this Church meet the 11 day of Oct'r. to Chink the meeting house & prepare seats. Chas. Webb. M. John Routt Clk
Octo'r ye 27 day 1810 - the Church met agreable to apointment. after prayer proceeded to business. Br Archabald Duncan and Sister Elizabeth Ogden Recevd into the Church by Baptism & Expearance.
(Note: the following entry may have been intended for October 21, 1809, instead of October 21, 1810. the entry follows that of Sepbember 23, 1809.)
21st of October 1810 - The Church met according to appointment. after worship
proceeded to business. Brother Webb chosen moderator. Rec'd by letter Brother Levi Walter
and Sister prosscilla Walter. Rec'd by experience Sister Nancy Smith. motion for a dismission agreed. Chas. Webb Modr. John Routt C.l.k.
(Note: the penmanship and spelling correspond with other entries of about Sept. and November, 1809.)
November the 24 day 1810 (written, 1811) - the Church met agreeable to apointment. after prayer proceed to Business. Brother Walter Chosen Modr. a motion
amde as brother mann has been Sited to Come too our Church meeting to answer Some Reports that is against him. Reported out in the world and has fail'd Coming to the Church. we agree to wate untill our Church Meeting in December and give him Notice of the Same by Letter.
