From the Minutes Book Vol. 3
January 1908
F.M. Marshall Mod H.H. Mains Ch Clk
5 - to appoint a committy to wait on Br. Grant Mains, Br. Labe Rise, Br. Larance Mains for dancing
6 - to send a committy to wait on Br. Blant Hamilton for getting drunk - W.R. Sharp the Committy and John Hamilton
February 1908 -
F.M. Marshall Mod J.L. Mains Ch Clk (H.H. Mains resigned as clerk at previous meeting and J.L. Mains elected in his place)
4 - to exclude Bro. Blant Hamilton for getting drunk Car
5 - to continue Br. Grant Mains case until next meeting
6 - to exclude Bro. Labe Rice for dancing Car
7 - to exclude Bro. Lawrence Mains for dancing Car
8 - to forgive sister Martha Rice for dancing Motion lost
9 - to continue sister Martha Rice's case until next meeting Car
10 - to continue sister Ola Buckley's case until next meeting Car
11 - to continue sister Mary Mains case until next meeting Morion lost and case dropped
12 - to exclude Bro. Charles Yelton for having a dance Car
March 1908 -
F.M. Marshall Mod J.L. Mains Ch Clk
4 - to exclude Bro. Grant Mains for dancing Car
5 - to continue sister Martha Rice's case until next meeting Car
6 - to continue sister Ola Buckley's case until next meeting Car
April 1908 -
F.M. Marshall Mod J.L. Mains Clerk
4 - to continue sister Martha Rice's case until next meeting Car
5 - to continue sister Ola Buckley's case unti lnext meeting Car
6 - that the treasure pay to H.H. Mains 49 cents for lamp burners & wichs
7 - that the Church buy 2 lamps
May 1908 -
F.M. Marshall Mod J.E. Mains Clerk Protem
5 - to exclude sister Martha Rice for dancing Car
6 - to exclude sister Ola Buckley for dancing Car
7 - to pay Bro. J.B. Woods $1.02 for coal he bought for the church
June 1908 -
F.M. Marshall Mod J.L. Mains Clerk
5 - to employ some one to paint the church
July 1908 -
F.M. Marshall Mod J.L. Mains Clerk
6 - to receive painting of house and pay the sum of $12.00 to H.H. Mains for same; also $2.15 for paint
8 - Br. Marshall paid to J.B. Woods Church treasure $6.25 received from Board
August 1908 -
F.M. Marshall Mod J.L. Mains Ch Clerk
4 - that the church invite the Junior order of Falmouth to meet with us on our all day meeting Car
5 - that Br. Marshall act as a committee to wait on Bro. Charlie Hamilton for getting drunk
7 - Delegates to association - John Hamilton, Wm. Sharp, Bennie Mains
September 1908 - No meeting.
October 1908 -
F.M. Marshall Mod J.L. Mains Clerk
5 - to exclude Bro. Charlie Hamilton drunkeness Car
6 - Bro. Marshall paid to treasure $6.25 received from Board
November 1908 -
J.E. Mains Mod J.L. Mains Clerk
6 - Bro. McMillan was called as pastor
8 - to pay Bro. Marshall the money in hands of treasure received from Board Car
December 1908 -
F.M. Marshall Mod J.L. Mains Clerk
7 - Br. Marshall made report of amount of money received from the Board $18.75
8 -
Report of J.B. Wood as house keeper Received $10.95 due $1.05
9 - J.B. Woods report as treasure Recd & Paid to Br. Marshall $46.50
January 1909- J.E. Mains moderator J.L. Mains clerk
6 - the Church accept Bro. McMillan in regard to preaching for the year 1909 provided they can raise the amount $96.00
7 - the church pay J.B. Woods out of Penny Collection for remainder on house keeping
8 - that the church grant sister Rosie V. Wilson a letter of dismissal
9 - Finance Committee - sisters, Nan Hamilton, Mollie Mains, Fannie Mains, Sarah C. Mains, Bennie Mains, John Hamilton
10 - Bro. J.B. Woods employed house keeper for 1909 at $12.00
11 - Committee on housekeeping sisters Elsie Blades & Gracie Mains
February 1909-
J.E. Mains Mod J.L. Mains Cleri
4 - the Church failed to make the amount asked by Bro. McMillan
6 - Church Treasure received from Board $6.25
7 - that the subscruption lists for Bro. McMillan be destroyed and money refunded
March 1909- W.R. Sharp Mod J.L. Mains Clerk
April, May, June, July, August & September 1909- No meeting
October 1909-
J.E. Mains Mod J.L. Mains Clerk
November 1909-
J.E. Mains Mod J.L. Mains Clerk
5 - Bro. Mangold called for pastor for year 1910
December 1909-
Bro. H.H. Mains Mod J.L. Mains Clerk
5 - Bro. Mangold accepts provided the church pay him $80.00
6 - Committee to raise the money to pay Bro. Mangold - J.B. Woods, Bennie Mains, Elsie Blades
January 1910 Call Meeting -
H.H. Mains Mod J.L. Mains Clerk
1. Committee reports sufficient mmoney subscribed to pay pastorature
January 1910 Saturday before 3 Sunday -
Bro. Mangold Mod J.L. Mains Clerk
3 - to exclude Bro. Walter Boles, Verna Cummins & sister Lona Fields for joining another church
5 -
to employ J.B. Woods housekeeper at $12.00
7 - to elect J.B. WOods as treasure for 1910 Car
February 1910 - Bro. Mangold Mod J.L. Mains Clerk
March 1910 - Bro. Mangold Mod J.L. Mains Clerk
April 1910 - Bro. Mangold Mod J.L. Mains Clerk
May 1910 - No meeting on account of absence of pastor and clerk gone to city
June 1910 -
Bro. Mangold Mod J.L. Mains Clerk
5 - to restore sister Harriet Bishop
6 - to grant sister Harriet Bishop a letter
7 - to grant sister Lizzie Galloway a letter
July 1910 - Bro. Mangold Mod J.L. Mains Clerk
August 1910 - Bro. Mangold Mod J.L. Mains Clerk
7 - Delegates to association - Bro. Mangold, J.B. Woods, John Hamilton, Bennie Mains, Will Sharp & J.L. Mains
September 1910 - Bro. Mangold Mod J.L. Mains Clerk
October 1910 - Bro. Mangold Mod J.L. Mains Clerk
7 - Bro. Mangold called as pastor for 1911
December 1910 - Bro. Mangold Mod J.L. Mains Clerk
4 - Bro. Mangold accepted call provided church pay him $100.
7 - Committee to raise money for pastor's salary. J.B. Woods, Bennie Mains, Hugie sxharp, Elsie Blades, Eva Mains. Bro. J.B. Woods to ask as housekeeper for 1911 at $12.00 provided meeting don't continue through the Summer months; if it does, he is to receive $15.00.
January 1911 - Bro. Mangold Mod J.L. Mains Clerk
February 1911 - Bro. Mangold Mod J.L. Mains Clerk
March 1911 - W.R. Sharp Mod (Bro. Mangold absent) .L. Mains Clerk
7 - Reading of bro. George Galloway's letter of recommendation from Willow Church received Bro. George Galloway by a unanimous vote.
April 1911 - Bro. Mangold Mod J.L. Mains Clerk
6 - the church prefer a charge against Bro. Vickroy & wife & daughter for disobeying church rules in general
Bro. Mangold is committee to wait on Bro. Vickroy's family
May 1911 - Bro. Mangold Mod J.L. Mains Clerk
5 - Report of Bro. Mangold on Bro. Vickroy & family - Bro. Vickroy admits he has done wrong & will come to church at his first convenience
June 1911 - Bro. Mangold Mod J.L. Mains Clerk
6 - Bro. Vickroy, wife and daughter be excluded for disobeying church rules in general.
July 1911 - Bro. Mangold Mod J.L. Mains Clerk
6 - to grant a letter of recommendation to Bro. George Galloway at his request.
August 1911 - Bro. Mangold Mod J.L. Mains Clerk
7 - Delegates to association - J.B. Woods, J.L. Mains
September 1911 - No meeting
Revival Meeting held in Sep. by Bro. Mangold and Andrews - five were added to the church 3 for baptism. Bro. Mangold baptized them.
October 1911 - Bro. Mangold Mod J.L. Mains Clerk
November 1911 - Bro. Mangold Mod J.L. Mains Clerk
6 - the Church call a pastor for 1912
7 - to call by secret ballot -
Bro. Thornton was unanamously called
8 - H.H. Mains, J.L. Mains, W.R. Sharp a committee to confer with Bro. Thornton
9 - Finance Committee W.R. Sharp, Hugie Sharp, Barney Hall, Nannie Gillispie, H.H. Mains
December 1911 - Bro. Mangold Mod J.L. Mains Clerk
11 - that J.L. Mains act as treasure
January 1912 - W.R. Sharp Mod J.L. Mains Clerk
6 - Finance committee failed to raise money for pastor
Bro. Thornton wrote to committee not to consider him any further
9 - J.L. Mains resigned as treasure
10 - that ELsie Baldes act as treasure
11 - Committee to see some ministers in regard to preaching for the church for 1912. Com. George Galloway, Barney Hall, J.A. Browning, J.L. Mains
February 1912 - Bro. W.R. Sharp Mod J.L. Mains Clerk
Bro. Nelson Bradford called for pastor
Bro. Grant Mains made acknowledgement to the church and asked to be restored. Bro. Grant Mains restored.
March 1912 - George Galloway Mod J.L. Mains Clerk
6 - Committee reported that Bro. Bradford could serve the church for $6.00 a trip
11 - that Bro. Galoway notify Bro. Bradford to come and preach for the church remainder of year
April 1912 - Bro. Bradford Mod J.L. Mains Clerk
May 1912 - Bro. Nelson Bradford Mod J.L. Mains Clerk
7 - to grant Bro. J.E. Mains & wife a letter of dismissal
June 1912 - Bro. Nelson Bradford Mod J.L. Mains Clerk
8 - the church grant Bro. George Galloway a letter of dismissal
July 1912 - Bro. Bradford Mod J.L. Mains Clerk
August 1912 - Bro. Bradford Mod J.L. Mains Clerk
4 - Messengrs to Association H.H. Mains, F.R. Leay
September 1912 - No meeting
October 1912 - Bro. Bradford Mod J.L. Mains Clerk
3 - to appoint a committee to wait on Bro. Lige Fields for getting drunk - Bro. Sharp Comm.
4 - Bro. Sherman Gillispie Com to raise money for Orphan's home
November 1912 - Bro. Bradford Mod J.L. Mains Clerk
4 - the church grant Bro. H.H. Mains & wife a letter of dismissal
the church grant Bro. J.R. Mains & wife and diaghter Mary C. a letter of dismissal
Bro. Bradford called to preach for the year 1913
December 1912 - Bro. Sharp Bradford Mod (Bro. Bradford sick) J.L. Mains Clerk
5 - Bro. Sharp made report in regard to Bro. Lige Fields & siad Bro. Fields promised to have but was not
6 - Nominations for Deacon Bro. Sharp, Bro. Mains, Bro. Sharp elected
The Church met on Saturday night before the 5th Sunday in December after preaching by Bro. Bradford, committee appointed to raise money to pay Bro. Bradford for 1913 - Bro. Grant Mains, Lish Sharp, F.R. Leay, Sister Mollie Mains, Annie Woods, Mamie Gillispie.
January 1913 - Bro. Bradford Mod J.L. Mains Clerk
3 - Bro. Lige Fields made statement that he was sorry for getting drunk and if the church would forgive him he would try to do better in the future. Forgiven.
7 - Eva Mains elected treasure
February 1913 - Bro. Bradford Mod J.L. Mains Clerk
6 - to hire Raymond Mains and sister Alice Brown housekeepers at 50¢ per month
10 -
that Bro. Charlie McKenney act as Com to raise money for housekeeper for 1913.
March 1913 - Bro. Bradford Mod J.L. Mains Clerk
8 - to grant sister Emma Harp a letter of dismissal in good standing when last known of limited to six months
9 - that the church limit all letters to six months
10 - Sister Mollie Mains and Rachel Mains com to raise money for Home and Foreigh missions
April 1913 - No meeting
May 1913 - Bro. Bradford Mod J.L. Mains Clerk
6 - to grant a letter to Bro. F.N. Mains & wife to the Falmouth Baptist Church
June 1913 - Bro. Bradford Mod J.L. Mains Clerk
6 - Bro. Bradford selected Bro. Fulton to help meeting in Oct.
July 1913 - Bro. Bradford Mod J.L. Mains Clerk
7 - reading of a letter from a church in Indiana for help to pay for church house. Amt. collected $1.00
August 1913 - Bro. Bradford Mod J.L. Mains Clerk
6 - Messengers to association Bro. Bradford, J.L. Mains, Eva mains
7 - that the church withdraw hand of fellowship from Bro. Lige Fields as he had joined another church
September 1913 - No meeting
October 1913 - Sister Annie Woods Mod J.L. Mains Clerk
5 - Amount raised on pastor's salary and paid to him $54.00
Penny colelctions on hand beginning of 1913 $2.36
Received penny collections $4.17
Paid out for incidentials $0.69
10 - to withdraw the hand of fellowship from sister Martha Lucas for violation of Rule No. 17 Car
(Rule 17, that each member communicate with the church once in each six months)
11 - Hand of fellowship withdrawn from following members for violating rule 17 - Bennie Boles, Liza Yelton, Della Linum, Miss Martha WOods, Ike McClanahan, Cap. Courtney, Icie Courtney, Dovie Bloom, EMma WHittaker, Mary G. Martin, Hallie King, Harry King
(The minute book shows no more meetings until August 1914.)
August 1914 - Bro. Brinson Mod J.L. Mains Clerk
2 - Delegates to the association - J.A. Browning, Annie WOod, Nancy J. Mains
Amount sent to the assoiation by the church $7.75
3 - Committee to raise money to pay a pastor for another year - Annie Wood, Mollie Mains, W.R. Sharp, Hugh Sharp
September 1914 - Call Meeting Mollie Mains Mod J.L. Mains Clerk
J.L. Mains appointed as committee to confer with Bro. Vincent in regard to his preaching for us
J.L. Mains was appointed to meet the Board at its next regular meeting & his expenses to be paid out of incidental collections
October 1914 - Eva Mains Mod J.L. Mains Clerk
6 - Bro. Vincent would preach for $10.00 a trip & way out & back
11 - the church would pay Bro. Vincent $6.00 for one trip
November 1914 - Call Meeting Bro. Vincent Mod J.L. Mains Clerk
2 - that the church pay Bro. Vincent $6.00 a trip as long as he can come within one year from date of call Car
November 1914 - Annie Wood Mod J.L. Mains Clerk
December 1914 and January 1915 - No Meeting
February 1915 - Bro. Vincent Mod J.L. Mains Clerk
2 - Sister Annie Wood act as house keeper for one year at $12.00. Com. to raise money to pay house keeper - N.J. Mains, Charlie McKenney, Sherman Gillispie
March 1915 - No Meeting
April 1915 - Bro. Vincent Mod J.L. Mains Clerk
4 - to grant a letter of dismissal and recommendation to Bro. W.R. Sharp & Sister Birdie Sharp & Sister Pearl Sharp
May 1915 - No Meeting
May 30 1915 - An all day meeting was held at Palestine with dinner on the ground. This meeting was gotten up by N.D.C. Mains & J.E. Mains in memory of 50 years ago when they came home from the war & there was church at Palestine that day. Bro. Mangold preached on this last Occasion in Morning - Isa. 45-22. There were 5 present that were there 50 years ago, namely James A. Browning, Sarah C. Mains, Sarah S. Mains, Nancy J. Mains. THis was also Decoration Day.
J.L. Mains
June 1915 - Bro. Vincent Mod J.L. Mains Clerk
5 - to grant sister Prish Sharp a letter of dismissal
July 1915 - Bro. Vincent Mod J.L. Mains Clerk
August 1915 - Bro. Vincent Mod J.L. Mains Clerk
3 - Amount paid to Bro. Vincent beginning Oct 1914 to & including July 1915 - $54.10 money in treasure 6.03
4 - that Bro. J.L. Mains get a door and window glass and see to putting them in
5 - Delegates to association - Alice Brown, Eva Mains, J.L. Mains
July 19 1915 - Brother Vincent began a two weeks meeting and the following members were added to the church by Baptism - Richard Norton, Willie Traylor, Job Elliott, Roy Elliott, Fred Elliott, Sidney McKenney, Alice McKenney, --- Elliott, Janie Harberer
September 1915 - Bro. Vincent Mod J.L. Mains Clerk
3 - Amount on Missions and Orphans home - $4.75
5 - to withdraw the hand of fellowship from Bro. Willie Traylor for Joining church of another faith
October 1915 - Call Meeting, 3rd Saturday - J.A. Browning Mod J.L. Mains Clerk
5 - Bro. Vincent called to preach another year
6 - Eva Mains volunteered to act as Com to raise money to pay pastor for another year
November 1915 - Bro. Vincent Mod J.L. Mains Clerk
7 - Bro Vincent gave Committee no satisfaction as to preaching for another year
December 1915 - No meeting