Spencer County Churches

Kentuckians prepared for statehood by adopting a constitution in 1792. The 15th independent State to be admitted to the Union was Kentucky, on 1 June 1792.
Just two years later the foundation of Spencer County's earliest churches was laid. The early churches were first organized in the homes of early Spencer County settlers. As churches were built in different areas of the county, cemetery plots were generally selected near by.
Fires and floods have destroyed many early Spencer County church records. A historical sketch of Spencer County Churches follows.
This is a work in progress. Check back to see if a history has been added for the other Spencer County churches. If a member of a Spencer County Church sees this page and would like to have a sketch of their church added, please contact
Diane Bollschweiler.

All Saints
Bethlehem Baptist Church
Briar Ridge Christian Church
The Church of God of Prophecy
Elk Creek Baptist Church
First Assembly of God
First Baptist Church
Little Mount Baptist Church
Little Union Baptist Church
Mount Moriah Baptist Church
Mt. Zion Baptist Church
Plum Creek Baptist Church
Second Baptist Church
Taylorsville Christian Church
Taylorsville United Methodist Church
Wakefield Baptist Church
Wakefield Christian Church
Waterford Church of Christ

All Saints Church
All Saints Church was built in 1830. The site chosen for All Saints was a beautiful site located halfway up the hillside on a knoll rising approximately to the elevation of 200 feet next to the elementary school. Before the church could be completed it was necessary to execute a mortgage. This mortgage was paid in full in 1843 as the deed book shows and makes All Saints Church one of the oldest church buildings in Taylorsville. The present brick church, stands today a monument to the heroic endeavors and lively faith of the pioneers of Catholicity in Spencer County.
Information provided by Lisa Lewis-Brown, information from various sources in the Spencer County Public Library.
Churches, Catholic (Roman)
All Saints Catholic Church
410 Main Cross Street
Taylorsville, KY 40071.
Ph 502-477-6676
PHOTO: All Saints Catholic Church
All Saints Catholic Church, located at Main Cross St in downtown Taylorsville has weekly services each weekend. Father Scott Wimsett and the church invites the public to services on Saturday at 5 p.m., and Sunday at 11:30 a.m. photo by JOHN SHINDLEBOWER

Bethlehem Baptist Church
The Bethlehem Baptist Church was founded in 1825. The first church was located on the Little Mt. Pike. The second church was built in 1845. The church was about 60 feet long and 30 feet wide with two doors in the front and two in the rear. This enabled the men to enter one door, usually the one on the left, and the women on the right. In the early days it was very bad for men and women to sit on the same side of the building. Transportation was very limited and people either walked or rode horses to attend church. During the Civil Was a band of guerrillas took possession of the church and amused themselves by using their pistols to shoot through the pews and the pulpit. In 1833 the third church was built which was a frame building and continued to be used until it burned on January 16, 1940. In the same year a new structure was built and dedicated in November 1940. This building was relocated beside the present brick church and is located on Highway 248 between Taylorsville and Mt. Eden. Information provided by Lisa Lewis-Brown, information from various sources in the Spencer County Public Library.
Bethlehem Baptist Cemetery

Briar Ridge Christian Church
The Briar Ridge Christian Church is one of the oldest established churches in the county. Because no formal history was ever kept and preserved during the early days of its beginning, it is not possible to state when the church was founded. It is believed that it was founded between 1849 and 1859. The original building was a frame structure that was doubled in size in 1923. A belfry was also constructed in 1923. A new sanctuary was added in 1974. This church is non-denominational. Information provided by Lisa Lewis-Brown, information from various sources in the Spencer County Public Library.
Briar Ridge Christian Cemetery Partial Listing
PHOTO: Briar Ridge Christian Church...
Briar Ridge Christian Church is located on KY 248 in eastern Spencer County. Lonnie McNabb is the minister of the church and the congregation invites the public to their services. Sunday School is held each week at 10 a.m. with the morning worship service following at 11 a.m. Sunday night services begin at 6 p.m. with youth meeting also at 6 p.m. Wednesday evening prayer services begin at 7 p.m. photo by JOHN SHINDLEBOWER

The Church of God of Prophecy
The Church of God of Prophecy was founded in 1930. It does not have the early church history because the first record books were destroyed in the 1937 flood. The original church was located on the Little Mount road and was built in 1938. This building is now housing the Trinity Church. The Church of God of Prophecy members have built a new building on Highway 44 in Taylorsville across from the Spencer County High School. Information provided by Lisa Lewis-Brown, information from various sources in the Spencer County Public Library.

Elk Creek Baptist Church
The Elk Creek Baptist Church is the oldest Baptist church in Spencer County and the second oldest in the Long Run Association. It was organized April 27, 1794. Information provided by Lisa Lewis-Brown, information from various sources in the Spencer County Public Library.
2670 Elk Creek Road
Taylorsville, KY 40071
Website: elkcreekbaptist.org
Stephen Drake, Pastor
Elk Creek Baptist Church Cemetery
Old Elk Creek Cemetery in Disrepair
PHOTO: Elk Creek Baptist...
Elk Creek Baptist Church is located on Elk Creek Road and offers services on Sunday morning beginning with Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. and the worship service at 11 a.m. The Sunday Evening service begins at 6:30 p.m. as do their Wednesday evening services.

First Assembly of God
The Pentacostal Tabernacle was founded in 1930. This church became the Glad Tidings Assembly of God Church and now is the First Assembly of God Church. In 1937 the devastating flood left the church and parsonage in seven feet of water. One of the most remarkable displays of cooperation and records of progress of a single project is recorded by the First Assembly of God Church. This church stands as a monument of courage, sacrifice, and unwavering faith to those evangelist, pastors and people who have shared in the growth of this church. Dedication of the present church building was held on September 8, 1952. In August of 1969 a baptistry was installed. To date, the interior of the church has been remodeled, including installation of a suspended ceiling. The congregation is currently in the process of building a new fellowship hall adjacent to the church.
Information provided by Lisa Lewis-Brown, information from various sources in the Spencer County Public Library.
First Assembly of God
402 Garrard
Taylorsville KY 40071

The First Baptist Church of Taylorsville, Kentucky was founded, July 5, 1828. The church was incorporated in 1829. In 1854 the present site located on Main Street of Taylorsville was purchased. The First Baptist Church of Taylorsville stands today as a symbol of faith, hope and love.
Information provided by Lisa Lewis-Brown, information from various sources in the Spencer County Public Library.
First Baptist Church
212 Main Street
Taylorsville KY 40071

Little Mt. Baptist Church
The Little Mt. Baptist Church was organized August 21, 1801. The first place of worship was an old log building on Snake Run Branch. There were thirty-five persons on the roll. In 1864 an act was passed by the Kentucky Legislature to incorporate the Little Mt. Church. The present church, its fourth, built of brick, was dedicated in 1954. Information provided by Lisa Lewis-Brown, information from various sources in the Spencer County Public Library.

Little Union Baptist Church
Constituted as "Little Union Baptist Church of Jesus Christ" on April 20, 1811 in what was then known as Nelson County but now Spencer County, it met the needs of a pioneer people. It is reported that the first church was a small log house which stood near the site of their present buildings. The seats for this building were made for .75 cents each and paid for "in paper of the Commonwealth of Kentucky." A brick church was built in 1839. A building committee was appointed to build a new church in 1886. One of the biggest days in the history of the church was the third Sunday in April, 1888, when this beautiful sanctuary was dedicated. Little Union is a part of the Nelson Association and the church of today has a strong tie with the early church for many of her present members are descendant of its charter members. Information provided by Lisa Lewis-Brown, information from various sources in the Spencer County Public Library.
Little Union Baptist Church
4620 Little Union Rd.
Taylorsville, Ky. 40071
Little Union Baptist Church Cemetery

Mount Moriah Baptist
The Mount Moriah Baptist Church was organized in 1819, the land being donated. The first building, of brick construction, was located at the Mount Moriah Cemetery, one mile east of Mt. Eden. In 1880 the church was torn down and a new church was built in Mt. Eden on donated land. The present building was built in 1924. A parsonage was built in 1953. Information provided by Lisa Lewis-Brown, information from various sources in the Spencer County Public Library.

Mt. Zion Baptist Church
The Mt. Zion Baptist Church of Campbranch was founded in 1877. The first church was built of logs and was used as a school for several years. Later a larger plot of ground was purchased to build a better church. This building was destroyed by fire, but the congregation was able to rebuild with the help of faithful members and friends.
Information provided by Lisa Lewis-Brown, information from various sources in the Spencer County Public Library.
Mount Zion Baptist Church
Bloomfield Road
Taylorsville KY 40071

Plum Creek Baptist Church was constituted in 1810, with one known charter member, Judith Tolson Wells. An 1815 roll lists 39 members, some of whom were probably charter members. It is not known in what sort of building this little flock met during the first few years. The first mention of a meeting house is in 1825, when the church voted to build a framed house, 45' by 30', one story and a half high with two galleries. A committee was appointed to see if the title to this meeting house lot could be had. The deed was recorded 11 August 1836.
Reuben Smith was the first known pastor for a brief time. He was followed by, William Stout, the first regular pastor, called 26 February 1813, and served (at times as joint pastor) until 1853.
In 1830 the church became a subscriber to the school house at Plum Creek meeting house. As late as 1834 this building was still being heated by burning charcoal in a large kettle. The church paid $1.75 for 25 bushel of charcoal.
In September 1869, the second known church was built on the same spot after the old church had been torn down. Contractors made the brick for this building on the meeting house lot. This handsomely appointed brick church, with shuttered windows and seats for 330, cost $3549.26.
A third church was built on the same foundation as the brick and dedicated 6 October 1906. This white clapboard church, with its beautiful stained galss windows is still in use today.
In 1879 the Church agreed to build a stone fence around the church and cemetery. The contract went to Benjamin C Downs at $4.25 per rod. The stone was quarried from the church property. This rock wall still stand.
There is a sizeable, well groomed cemetery, with abt 200 stones. Oral tradition says that Civil War soldiers are buried in this cemetery, but there are no markers to prove this.
The architecture of Plum Creek Church is quite unique. Seldom, if ever do we see the main entrance and steeple placed on the long side of the structure, rather than at the end of the building. The seating is in the round.
It may be of interest to know that two other churches in the area were built to the same specification as Plum Creek. Little Mount Baptist Church, built in 1898 was a brick structure. Plum Creek was built in 1905, and Cedar Creek Baptist church built in 1908, looked almost identical to Plum Creek. Cedar Creek burned about 1939, and Little Mount was torn down in 1950.
The church address is Plum Creek Baptist Church, 31 Plum Creek Road, Taylorsville, KY 40071. The church is situated on a knoll, where highway 1060 intersects highway 44, at the little village of Waterford, about half way between Taylorsville and Mount Washington.
Information on Plum Creek Baptist Church, provided by Noreen Day.
Plum Creek Baptist Church
Waterford Road
Taylorsville,KY 40071
Plum Creek Cemetery

Second Baptist Church
The Second Baptist Church was organized in 1866. The original building was log. The second church burned on Easter night in 1995 and members met in the First Baptist Church until a new church could be built. The new building was dedicated in November 1997. Information provided by Lisa Lewis-Brown, information from various sources in the Spencer County Public Library.

Taylorsville Christian Church
The earliest record of the Taylorsville Christian Church shows that on August 26, 1872, Yoder Poignard, trustee for Mr. & Mrs. David R. Poignard, conveyed a lot to the trustees of the church. The old building was erected soon thereafter. The new sanctuary was dedicated on May 9, 1954. Information provided by Lisa Lewis-Brown, information from various sources in the Spencer County Public Library.

Taylorsville United Methodist Church
On January 12, 1833, the first quarterly conference of the Taylorsville Circuit met and recorded history when the Taylorsville Methodist Church came into being. Between 1833 and 1841 the Methodist met in the same building as the Baptists. The deed for the land on which the present structure stands shows it was purchased by the trustees for $100.00 on May 25, 1841. The original building was constructed around 1842. This building was exposed to severe floods and in the winter of 1913-1914 the floor, sidewalls, and roof were raised to their present height. This building was dedicated in May 1914. It is to this building that a Sunday School Addition and Parsonage were constructed in 1952.
Information provided by Lisa Lewis-Brown, information from various sources in the Spencer County Public Library.
Taylorsville United Methodist Church
P.O. BOX 416
145 West Main Street
Taylorsville,KY 40071

Wakefield Baptist Church
Wakefield Baptist Church began with a dream and many prayers in early 1961. The land was donated by Mr. & Mrs. Robert McKinley. They began worshiping in the Community Center at Taylorsville and were incorporated November 5, 1961. The present building's basement was completed on March 24, 1962 and was used for several months before the auditorium was completed. the church was built on faith as they had no bond issued or money promised. There were many volunteers of help and money from people other than church members.
Information provided by Lisa Lewis-Brown, information from various sources in the Spencer County Public Library.
Wakefield Baptist Church
Bloomfield Road
Taylorsville, KY 40071

Wakefield Christian Church
Wakefield Christian Church. The land was donated by Mr. & Mrs. Robert McKinley.
Wakefield Christian Church
5669 Bloomfield Road
Taylorsville, Ky. 40071

Waterford Church of Christ
The Waterford Church of Christ was organized August 7, 1847. At first the church met in school houses, but steps were taken to provide for a church building. On September 11, 1848 a lot was purchased about one half mile below Waterford, on Plum Creek and a modest frame building was erected. The church met in this location for 68 years. Mrs. Kate Rouse purchased a site located on a slight hill overlooking the village of Waterford and presented it to the congregation for a building site. Other members donated trees for lumber. Work started in May and part of the present frame structure was the result. ON Sunday, October 17, 1915 this beautiful church was dedicated. In 1957 four Sunday School rooms and a basement were added. In 1971 the building was remodeled. Information provided by Lisa Lewis-Brown, information from various sources in the Spencer County Public Library.
PHOTO: Waterford Church of Christ......
Waterford Church of Christ is located at 5607 Mt. Washington Road in Waterford, just west of the Waterford Community Park. The minister of the church is Joseph Stone and they have weekly services at the following times: Sunday morning worship service begins at 11 a.m. with Sunday School preceding it at 10 a.m. Sunday evening services begin at 6 p.m. weekly and the Wednesday night worship service also begins at 6 p.m. For more information, contact the church at 477-2316. photo by JOHN SHINDLEBOWER
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This site maintained by Diane Bollschweiler for the KY GenWeb project.