Akers, Drury to William Gunn 1828
Bailey, Jackson to Charles Lord 1824
Bailey, Thomas to Benjamin Thomas 1824
Bayse, Taylor to Rebecah "a free woman of Colour", 1828
Bemiss, John, John Carr, Samuel Merrifield to heirs of James Gilkerson, 1842
Bicksler, John - emancipation of slave Kesiah and her dau. Louisa, 1825
Biggs, Andrew to Robert Richey , 1827
Boyle, Culbertson to Silas Thurman1839
Boyle, James to Elijah Wigginton 1847
DEED: Bridges
Bridwell, Presley to William Wells, 1826
Briscoe, John M. (heirs of), 1825
Brown, Mason to Frederick B. Mathis, 1843
Buskirk, John to William Stone 1824
Carico, Levi - transfer of slaves Lydia Ann & Susan to Elizabeth Newman, 1824
Carlin, William to Thomas Thurman, 1842
Clark, Benjamin to Thomas Clark, 1825
Cochran, John to Thomas Buskirk, 1825
Cochran, John to the heirs of Robert Cochran
Cochran, John to Nathan Beuchamp, James VanDyke, Edmund & Robert Stone, 1825
Cochran, Nathan to Reubens Collings, 1825
Cochran, Heirs of Robert to William Thomas, 1825
Collings, George to Nicholas Porter, 1825
Collings, Reuben to Nathan Cochran, 1825
Crist, Henry to Charles Bowman, 1828
Deacon, Thomas to Ambrose Deacon
Deacon, Thomas & Ambrose to NathanCochran, 1825
Douthett, Benjamin K. to Davis Clarke, 1828
Downs, Benjamin to James Downs, 1849
Dulin, Mary - dower allotment as widow of Edward Dulin 1830
Foreman, Heirs of Thomas to James Taylor 1831
Givens, Eleazer & Robert Robertson to Thomas Tucker 1824
Goodwine, Abner to Noah Bridwell, 1824
Griffen, Greenberry to William Foxworthy 1828
Hardesty, Caleb to Samuel Bennett, 1831
Hardesty, Caleb to William May, 1841
Heard, Raphael to John B. Gough - slave named Ann, 1828
Hill, Isaac to Nathaniel B. Woods, 1827
Holsclaw, Benjamin to James Tichenor
Ingram, Thomas to John Howser, 1828
Jenkins, Nicholas to Edm'd/Edw'd Thurman
Jewell, William to Trustees of Elk Creek Church, 1824
Johnston, William & Patsy Prewitt to Lindsey W. George - transfer of slave Jackson, 1830
Johnston, William to William Polk, 1835
Selected Jones Deeds
Jones, James to Jeremiah Weaver , 1827
Jones, James to Elijah Wigginton 1827
Kincheloe, Elias (gdn for the heirs of Owen Doyal) to Elizabeth Martin 1828
Kurtz, George to William Polk, James J. Wood, & William Lackey, 1842
Lloyd, Joseph to Philip W. Crume, 1833
Lovelace, Benjamin to Nelson King, 1830
Martin, Thomas to William Brent , 1826
McClure, Alexander to John Dacon, 1824
McCullough, John to Hasle Tucker, 1839
McDonald, Joshua - McDonald, Mary B., 1829 Divorce settlement
McDowell, John (heirs of) to Charles McDowell 1825
McGee, C.K. to Reuben Collings& Nathan Cocheran, 1823
vMcGee, Joseph L. to Charles Hall, 1826
McGee, Joseph L. to heirs of Simeon Hall, 1825
McGrew Joseph to Isaac Pierson , 1827
Miller, Conrad to Rosana Miller , 1825
Miller, Dabney to Thomas Neman , 1828
Miller, John (Heirs of) to Greenberry Griffin, 1827
Miller, Joshua s/o Dianna Miller bound to Lynn Smiley , 1832
Miller, Heirs of John to John H. Miller, 1824
Miller, John & others to John H. Miller
Mitchell, Joseph to Richard Redman
Morgan, R.D.N. to Joseph Lloyd 1828
Newman, Ezekiel to Bernard Pike
Newman, Ezekiel to Simeon Hagan
Newman, Henry to Ezekiel Newman, 1824
Newman, Isaac to George Riley
Northern, Jeremiah to R. D. N. Morgan, 1824
Overstreet, Franklin to Jes se Boston, 1844
Philips, Ralph to Edward Stephens, 1825
Pier ce, Ur iah, Louisa Stringer, 1848
Pierson, Isaac to Peyton Simpson , 1827
Porter, Alfred to Isaac Wilcox, 1824
Porter, Charles B. to Silas H. Davis, 1824
Raredin, Stewart to Thomas Davis, 1840
Rayman, John to John Ash 1832
Reasor, Thomas to heirs of John Pittinger, 1835
Reynolds,Mitchell - declaration regarding son Richard M. Reynolds
Richey, Angeline d/o Thomas bound to Reuben Kemp , 1827
Richey, Jesse (Heirs of) to Levi Jewell, 1846
Roby, Lawrence to William Porter, 1842
Russell, William to Presley Bridwell, 1825
Shively, Henry to John Henry, 1825
Simpson, John to Baily Dawson 1824
Spencer, William, to William B. Murphy, 1826
Stillwell, John to Pleasant Paris, 1831
Stillwell, Eleanor to Pleasant Paris, 1834
Sutt, Christopher to "Widow Sutton", 1825
Terrill, Oliver to James Downs
Terrell, Zachariah to Thomas Stone, 1844 >
Thurman, Thomas to William Porter 1834
Tucker, Eames to Jeremiah Jacobs , 1825
Tucker, Elijah to James Tichenor , 1835
Tucker, Hazel to John Stout , 1839
Tucker, Hezekiah to Peter Stout , 1835
Tucker, William to John Kester 1836
Walters, Tolbert, David Sills, Barsheba Jenkins, Noah Hobbs et al, 1848
Weeks, James to William & Maria (Weeks) Clark - transfer of slaves Kitty, Mary, Hiram, Alfred & Isaac, 1829
Wells, Benjamin to George Beard, 1828
Wells, George to Jacob Swope, 1826
Wells, George to William Payne, 1828
Wells, William to Joseph McGrew, 1830
Wells, William to Newman Wells, 1830
Wigginton, Elijah to Joseph & Mahlon Shields
Wigginton, Elijah to William Wigginton 1840
Wigginton, Elijah to Payton 1847
Wigginton, Elijah to Jeremiah Weaver 1825
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