Henry Terrell of this Diary or Journal, a s/o Zacheriah and Polly Floyd Terrell, d/o Levi Floyd. Henry was born Aug. 21, 1821, Spencer County, Kentucky died 1868. Married 1st Polly Gray, d/o Robert and Polly McClain Gray on Aug. 19, 1841. They had one dau. Mary Elizabeth b June 4, 1842 m Henry Clay Harp s/o David and Nancy Stone Harp on Dec. 30, 1862. Henry Terrell m 2nd Eliza McDonald Sullivan/O?Sullivan, widow of John Sullivan . Henry and Eliza had Annie M., Captolia Tolia, NancyWhittWhitaker and John Henry.
This transcription was done many, many years ago by Mrs. Mary Mamie Harp Franklin. Bless her for all her work on this project. I followed her transcription very closely and have checked parts against a copy of the original journal shared with me by Marian Ledden Crowell, a g-granddaughter of Henry Terrell. |
In the front of the book is this: H. C. Coneley Left camp Legal on the
A Union Soldier, His first date is given Dec. 29, 1862 ____ is used where words are illegible and names are in capitals. Henry Clay Terrell was the s/o Zachariah Terrell, Capt. In War of 1812, and grandson of Henry Chiles Terrell, Rev. War Soldier
Henry?s service records say he joined 6th Oct., 1861. age 40, five feet 11 inches, light complexion, blue eyes, dark hair. and was a farmer.
Dec. 29, 1862- Mt. Eden, Spencer CO., Ky I left home Sunday morning for Camp Segal (Sigel) in Company with Captain E. Hedden and others. We got to Eminence that night and staid at Mr. LOCKWOODS and left on the cars on Monday morning 30 Dec. for camp and arived at Louisville At 11 o?clock A. M. ___ Told COL. WHITAKER Reag had left for Bardstown We ate som nice Pound cake and pies and chickens that some friend had Taken Down for some friends The we Left To overtake The Reags and suckseded in Doing so six miles from Louisville and We encamped Tweleve miles from Louisville that night I met cosen JACOB and cosen JOHN BOSTON as we was putting up for the night in MR. HALLS Woods and after sypper Cosen JACOB BOSTON came for me and as many wood go home with him. MR. SIMP. McGAUGHEY and myself went home with him and staid All night and had a good Bed and Breckfast and cousin Betsy fixed Som Sausage and Hame and ____ (torn off) and Biscuits for us To eate At Dinner We left Hall'? Woods Tuesday morning 31 Dec. and marched on That Day and Encamp on Simpson Creek in Bullit county and there was A grate menny chickens and Gees Stolen That night by Some of The Company next morning it Being New Years morning The Regn, was Searched for ___ (Torn off) But none Being found we marched on To the far Grounds near Bardstown where a Regn had Just Left LEUTENANT SAMPSON and my Self went To Bardstown and we were not long Thear Before CAPT. HEDDEN came up and we ate our Supper at Mr. ELYA S. WATTES when we Got Ready To Start Back To Camp CAP H. and LOUT. SAMPSON ___ (torn) LOUTENENT SHAL____ arested as Bardstown was under Martile Law They was conveyed To GENERAL WOOD and Was Released As the orders was To Arest Every officer and Soldier after night But CAPT H and Lout Snot noing That Such was orders they was Dismissed
next morning was Thursday of Jan. 1862 We tuck up the line pof March for Camp Morton about 5 miles from Bardstown and about twelve from New Haven We Staid at Camp Morton from Thursday night until Monday morning which Place I Enjoyed my Self very well WILLIAM HOWARD OR HARRISON, JOHN HARRISON, JAMES BURNETT AND HENRY HEDDEN, JERD NENELL (?) WESLEY GRAY and LOUTENENT W. HOWARD came UP To See uss So Did HENN(?) and COL. EASLEY
we Left camp MORTON 6 day of January on Monday morning for This Place which is called Camp Wicliff in Larue county we got one mile Past New Haven That night and camped our in The Woods with out our Tents CAPTEN TAYLOR and SNIDER came over that night with most of There men to see uss Staing Some our (hour?) or Two CAPT. E. HEDDEN and most of his company went Back with CAPT. SNIDER and men I saw JOHN SULLIVAN and DICK PUGH and A C The Boys That was Sick we had a Jolly Time After staing one or Two hours with the Boys we went Back To our camp I saw BOB ACVEN or AKEVEN At the Bridg__ (torn) one of the ard The next morning I was on of The Advancen gard and we past up Muldars Hill The Road was Turnpike Sopme of The Boys wood Get Whiskey and Get Drunk After getting up Mulders Hill we found The road guarded To our camp we are encamped in the Woods There is some 18 or 20 thousnad men at this time We are under BRIG. GENERAL NELLSON The small Pox is in one of the Indiana Regments I am cook doe our mess as I have no Duty To Perform
This is Monday the 12 of Jan. 1862 it is Turning cold
H. C. Terrell
13 of January 1862 it commenst snowing and snowed All night and All of CAPT. HENNEDS men was Taken with the Diarear from some cause or other CAPT HEDDEN is not fit for Duty LOUT. SAMPSON and ____ McCAMMELL is not fit for Duty
This is the 14 A Fine Day J. T. HOUCHINS came in Camp To Day from Home it is ____ that old UMPHREY MARCHEL is Being Defeated and his men scatered So that they will not Get To Geather soon The Boys is out on Rotation Drill I am Sitting in my Tent with JACOB BROWN, JAMES NICKELSON and WILLIAM RAMSEY is Sick BENJIMAN S. REID is Sick JOHN SUTT is we Stand Guard To DAY I am well and Get Dinner Today Diner is over.
Mt. Eden Spencer _____ (torn)
Camp Wickliff Jan 14, 1862 It commenced Raining To night and Rained all night it has quit this morning 14 I am sick this morning There is some of the Boys is Home Sick BENJIMAN S. REID is Sick this morning with the Diareah (/) JAMES McCAMMELL is Sick BENJIMAN LONG Got Breadfast I have not Been out of my Bunk yeat I want some whiskey for stew
16 Jan. 1862 It is a fine morning CAPT. HEDDEN men and my Self is out on Pikcet Duty Some five miles from Camp Wickleff on the Watters of _____ Creek and some better Today we left B. S> REID, JAMES McCAMELL, JAMES SIMPSON, B. S. SAMPSON Sick in Camp. Went up to a still hous wheare BEN LONG an ___ BROWN and POLK is ___ We got some Good Bear I brought some Down and Boiled it and Sweetened it some of the Boys was sick from Drinking it CAPT HEDDEN and LOUT HOWARD Bought a Pone of cornbread Capt and Lout stand (?) out MR. BROWNFIELD AND (?) got supper bed and breckfast
17 We are waiting for the Releaf to come and Releave uss it is Cloudy This morning an company of cavelery went out this morning for some purpos We left our Picket post and come in To camp when we got in BEN. S. REDD had a letter for me form my wife sent by JOHN O. SULLIVAN he was in Camp this morning But I did not see him I was glad to hear from home I was glad to see my Babbys Hand on the Letter I will Keep it To Look at I want ANNEY BRISPEN (?) Every Day and night I Dreamed I saw my wife and she wood not Speak to me nor ANNY (I believe, Anny is his dau. Annie Margaret) either. I dreamed that JAMES HARRSION was Dead it is now q/2 after Two oclock The Redgement has gon out on Batallion Drill This evening our Company is not on Duty To Day
10 minetts of 3 oclock P. M. Heavy cannon ___ heard in the Direction of Rewsane(?) and Buckner I think They are fighting at the advance guards JOHN CHADWICK Briart (brought) in JAMES FORD capt from Shebbs in New Orleans was acquained with my Father in The ___ 1815
STEPHEN H> MADDEX Sone of ELLEN TERRELL Daughter LYNCH TERRELL living in Henry county he is in CAPT. LONGS Company letter F. It rained all night last night
18. it was raining this morning So that our cook could not Get Breckfast soon I went our this morning and found that LOUTENENT SAMPSON Had Resigned and we Have to Alect one This morning I have Just Ate Breckfast and Ate one Slice of Good ham BEN S. REID is not yeat well I received a letter from my wife and was Glad To hear That they was all well I am agoing To see COL. W. C.WHITIKER if he will let me go Home and Settle some business of importance it is very muddy To Day I am in CAPT. HEDDENS Markey in conservation with the officers We have been putting Bresh in our Tents So that we ___ Keep out selves Dry and Healthy when we come to this place it was so thick with Bushes That a Dog could not Get through without skining his sides or Knocking out his Eyes But we have cleaned it up so that it now Readdy for cultivation the Land we ocupy belong To one MR. McCLEVER on of his sones is in CAPT. HEDDEN company There will be an Election for first LOUTENENT HENRY CHOAT is spoken of As canidate for the office JOHN SUTT is Sick To Day BILL CARPENTER is ______ JOHN SUTT is fun(/) JOHN EASLEY is in CAPT. HEDDEN markey with me as is WILLIAM ROBERTSON
18 January 1862 It is night, it is raining The Ekiction is over HENRY CHOATE is elected first Loutenent he is Treeting to Bear The Boys that has to stand on Guard To night has A Hard Time in th emud and rain Thank God that I am not on guard To night I will close for the night as it is Dark and Raining I am agoing To Drink Some Bear with H. CHOAT.
19 it rained all night last night CAPT. HEDDEN Sent for BEN LONG To Drink whiskey and BEN Got Drunk and GEORGE MINTER was so Drunk That the Boys Had to Pack him To His Bunk BEN S> REID is still sick so is JAMES NICKELSON and JOHN SUTT we have been out on Roal call this morning at 6 oclock A. M. it is so muddy that we had To Get Bresh To Lay down To walk on To keep us our of the mud This is th Sabbath and I have kept it as such
This was instection (inspection?) Day, but it was so muddy the Colenell WHITIKER countermanded we went out on Dress Peraid This evening I went and Put a letter to my wife Rend (?) RUSSELL is Post Master in our Regament I am in my Tent with my ____ Talking about Home and Times that M___ Past and if we could not enjoy our selves in That Way we wood Be Sad Some Boys is singing some of the Old Time Songs we live on Hard Bread and coffee and Bacon and Beef and Beens and Hommany It rained so very hard last night. The wind is in the north this morning and it is Turning colder I am standing guard To Day and I am not well To Day The Baker is fixing To Bake Bread for uss and we will have soft bread to eat we Have Been Living in Hard Bread and fried Bread my Bones Akes To Day Some of the Boys is not well it is the water it made All Sick But we are getting youest To it and I thot that in A few Days we will Be All Right again about 2 oclock P. M. , one of CAPT. LEES (?) men was on guard and he was sitting Down when GENERAL NELSON came bye and he Did not get up nor salute the general; He was put in the Guard hous and Tied and had to sett in That condition for 24 hour without Any Thing to Eat.
21 (1862) It snowed a little Last night and DR. GOON is sick this morning He went to Hodgenville and He Ate A fine Dinner and He is sick this morning from it. The sone is about to Shine out To Day The Boys is A fixing To Send Thear money Home some went in To it and some wont I have not gon in To it and if I can Get my money I will Either send or Bring it Home my self I made me a cup of Sadge Tea and went out Bpought a lofe of lite Bread and that is All I ate for my breckfast I have Ben to the Doctor and got some medison for my cold now after Diner and The Boys is About Going out on Batation Drill BLUFORD SAMPSON is fixing To Go Home He Starts Tomorrow morning my Head aches this evening our Pay Roll is filled up and sent off This morning and if nothing happens we will Get our pay in a few Days and How the Boys will make their money Flye for Something to Drink and ate I would like to give A true and accurate Act of Every Thing That Happens since I left Home I Have Takin one Powder for my cold I am not well Anuff for Duty To Day This Evening while the Boys was out on The Batallion Drill A messenger Arived with A Dispatch That ZOLLICOFFER was kiled and about four or Five Hundred of his men was Killed and all of his guns was Takin and ALL of the Bagaeg and Equipment and a Lot of Prisoners of all the Shouting That you ever Heard it was Hear The Ohio and Indiana Redgements was Rejoysing as much as any set of men could Be They wanted To Be in a Fite But it is not To late yeat and if we can Get To help ROUSAW whoop Buckner we will Be sadssfied I and BEN S. REED made uss A Big stue of Hollan Gin for our cold and CAPT. HEDDEN and JAMES NICKELSON and HENRY CHOAT and GEORGE MINTER Drank some of our stew and I feel a grate Deal Better This morning and if nothing Happens I will be well in A few days I am agoing To See The Doctor He Did not give me Any medicon as I had Some To Take The officer Drill was this morning I saw one man fall full length with his gun he masured from 6 feet The boys is out on Squad Drill I am sitting in my Tent and writing I have saw Report of The Battle with ZOLLICOFFER GENERAL THOMAS whiped his men and kiled old ZOLLY and PATON it acured on last Friday night and concluded on Sunday morning when GENERAL THOMAS found that ZOLLY men had scattered in All Directions GENERAL THOMAS Took Some Eighty Wagons and Equipments and Took Twelve Guns and all of their Ammunitions and They Lost Some four Hundred men we don?t know How many ____ men was kiled yeasterday News came from the Battle of Mill Springs and The Compleat Distruction of Zollicoffer and of UMPHREY MARSHAL and the next news we want to hear is That BUCKNER is whiped out or that we may Help To Be it There is no important news only That the sun is Shining the first time for several Days the Second time Since we have Been in camp and if the weather will Keep clear we will be in good Health in a few Days COL W. G. WHITIKER (should be W. C. for Walter Chiles) has gone To Louisville so some of the Boys Says. I have been sick Today I have had a Petts (plaster?) of Muster seed TO my stomache I made me a cup of Sage Tea and that is All I Have Eaton To Day With a Little Litbrear (?) with it. The Boys has Gon out on Batalion Drill. BEN S. REED is still sick JOHN SUTT has the Rumatium BEN LONG has the chills But is Better This evening The Vapt has had some of the Boys a cleaning up Before the Tents and the Tents is cleaned out and the fresh ___ are To pas through This evening It is clear One of CAPT. McCLEAVAR men shot off his Right fore finger To Day the Doctor Says it Looks Suspicious I Have just eat my supper or rather Drank my coffee I have not ate anything that is ___ This morning is as Bright and clear is Spring you wood have Laughed Last night To seen the Boys when CAPT. HEDDEN brought some letters from home. JACOB and ELSIHA and NATHAN BROWN and B. S. REED and SIMP McGAUGHEY Got some three Letter JOHN BURNETT got Two They was Rejoysing in camp Tp Hear from Home WILLIAM M. BURNETT?S wife had a Daughter after Twelve years of being married he lives in Mt. Eden, Spencer Co., Ky he has named it a long name MARY RHODA MILI BURNETT on more name wood Kill the Little ThingBEN S. REED is Riting Home he is sick yeat WILLIAM LONG is in our tent I went out on Squad Dril;l this moring But I did not go out on Rotation Drill this is Ohio Redgements wnet out with his Band of music they Plaid Dixey it was Beautiful I was in LOUTENENT HOWARD Marke I thought of Home when I heard it. A. P. PROCTER has arieipess on his face and Head he has gone To the Hospital this morning this evening E. D. MASSE and JOHN SAMPSON came in camp I was the first That Saw Them I Rajouyst To See Them E. D. MASSE says That my Letter Got To Mt. Eden on Wesday evening and LOUIS PUGHTook it to my wife I have just Been Reading the Bible _ 3-14-15 chapters of Proverbs condeming the wicked
This is Saturday morning the 25 of Jan. 1862. The Roll has been caled and we have a good Hot Stove and we are very comfirtable it is near 6 oclock this morning we Have not washed yeat But we are just going to wash this morning is Dark and Cloudy and cold. The guards is mounting and the officers is going out To Drill this morning we Have Eate our Diners and JAMES HOWARD LOUTENANT and CAPT. E. HEDDEN furnished blacking and Breshes To the company so that they might come out on Dress Parade in good stile with their Boots and Shoes Blacked and all of their clos clean and themselves clean and nice as it is Sunday.
WILLIAM SIMPSON just arrived in camp from Home on Crooked Creek in Anderson County and Brought Some Letter To the Boys which make some of them Happy to Read them. E. D. MASSE and JOHN SAMPSON and William Simpson Got Passes in Bardstown To Come to CampWickliff and when they got to our pickets they was conducted To GENERAL NELSON and he Past them to our camp Just red a Letter To ELSIHA BRWON from his Aunt NANCY WISE and She Gave the Boys Good Advise.
26 (Feb. 1862) As nothing of importance transpired last night I will Give a Discription of the Generall Inspection Every Soldier was required to have hjis Tent fixed up clean and nice and All of our Things stored away in Good order and All _he men To come out on Parade Dressed in his Black suit and cap and His Blanket Roeled up Tight and fastened To His napsack and His overcoat folded up and Placed inside his Knapsack and we must Have our Guns clean and in Good order and have forty Round in our catridge boxes and then we went out we was formed in Line after going through the Manuell of Arms the Loutenant Gave oders for the Rotation in By companeys Right Whell and we was formed in To collums then the Guns was inspected Beginning on the Right At the first company after inspection of arms then the Blankets and purson and clothing that you had on was in speected after that the company stacked arms then Broke Rank marched Back some few spaces then ___ Rank about face then ___ Napscak then opn open napscak Then and Inspection of Clothing that is in napsack and if any soldier is Deficient in Any Examinations he is Sent To the Gard Hous But when we formed Batallion the collers (colors?) ca,e out wit the Brass Band acompanying it after ____ and the cullers (colors?) Tuck their Stand then the Bank marched from Left to Right Then the General inspection commenced After Enspection was over we marched To our Tents and about ½ of an hour The Enspection officers Come To inspect our Bunks when they was Seen coming each enspection mess was formed in Line Before his Tent and saluted the officers as they Advanced To Each Tent After He had Past we went our way as Suted us So we Staid in camp it is near Diner Time the Officers of in Spection was LOUTENENT McCLARY FROM 4TH Ohio Redg. COL Whitaker Loutenent COL/ Culten Humpys (?) Ky Each caten of His company Some of the Boys is Riting To their Sweethearts that is grait satis faction in Riting To them But the most sadisfaction is when they Receive letters from Their Sweethearts Especuly JAMES McGAUGHEY I HAVE BEEN Reading the new Testment the 8-9-10-11 chapters of Saint Matthew Also the 12-13 kept the Remainder of the Day in Dress Parade with E. D. MASSE and JOHN SAMPSON and WILLIAM SIMPSON and Late in the evening I went over To the Col. Quarters. He being absent I went To the Post Office Their I found CAPT. E. HEDDEN RAND RSUUELL P. M. DU A. B. COON E. D. MASSE JOHN SAMPSON and others Telling jokes DR. A. B. COON Telling That He Had Anelised the water And I won?t Tell what He says is in the Water. Then E. D> MASSIE and my Self went in the Hospital and when I entered the sic was Lying on Both side of the Walk some very sick Some swaring some Black guarding and some Telling Jokes WILLIAM LONG formerly of Mt. Eden is Hosptial Stuard After Staying Some Time E. D. MASSE JAMES NICKELSON and my Self Left for my Tent it was very Dark the lIght from Each Rent Looked Beautiful and when we got To our Tent we Found some of the Boys writing Letters To their Relations and intended Relations Some of our messis still sick B. S. READ is Some Better This morning J. S. McGAUGHEY is Better BEN LONG is still sick JOHN SUTT is stiff in one Knee with the Rumatisim I (t) commenced snowing about ½ after 12 oclock A.M.and when Bugall Sounded this morning I was Just getting up There was no fier I went Down To the cook fire and got fire and made the Tent Hot Wh Have a stove that Keep our Tent warmer and the Boys That have no stoves come in and crowd our Tent full We have ___ to Keep them out for they spent their 27 money for some other purpus when they could Have Bought their stoves it wood onley cost some 20 cents Each and then they could of Have Been Comfortable There is Some Thirty on our Sick List After Breackfast this morning E. D. MASSE Wm. Simpson John Sampson Left for Home it is A Bad Day I went over To COL> WHITIKER To iff he wood Permit me To Go Home with CAPT. E. HEDDEN on next Monday he said I could Goe he wood Give me a Pass But GENER NELLSON Had To Sign it he Did not know whther He wood Sign it or not the orderly Swigart (/) came in our Bunk and detailed Nathan Brown and my Self To do and Extry Duty and Report To Headquarters the we had To Report to general Hesen (/) in th 4th Ohio Regiment Their we went Down the Pike Some Mile and ½ To work on The Road we was getting up Rock whn __ I got Down their I found That in conversing with A Citizen found That He was from Anderson county and That I Had saw Him often his name was LEFFLER It wood of Zdune you Goed To See the Boys Tramp TrampThrought the mud or Loblely on the Pike it was as thin as Still Slop you could See from Fiftey Too Senventy five At one cite it Has Been Raining To Day when we came in our Supper was Ready I have Eate my Supper.
28 (Feb. 1862) This morning I was up A few minutes Before The Bugal Sounded for Roal called and mad a fier and Lighted a Candle so the Boys could see How To Dress and How to Put on their Calviages (?) Bakes and To Get Their Guns we have To be out with our Equipeag Every morning A few minutes Before Six oclock A. M. About that time you can Hear The Bugals in Every company in the Hale Brigade or Division The Bugal Sounds as Headquarters first then At every Company then the Drums Commences and for A few minutes you can?t hear nothing but drum drum drum As qucik as thy ceas the the Roll commences and every man that is not out acering To orders and is not Sick he is Put on guard That Day The :ist of Gurads is made out Before night and when Role is caled at night They let them know who is the guards for the next Day and night it Don?t work well for some of the Boys Gets Sick that night Some mornings we have To Report some Twenty T Thirty on the Sick List and it wood Do you Good To See Some of the Wood Be Sick Eate Their Breckfast Then They Have TO Goe TO The Dr. he gave them medican according To their complaint Some don?t Trake the medican at all I was To Go on Guard this morning when I came out with my Gun and nap sack on JAMES McCAMMELL (McCampbell probably) our orderly Let me Know I was Excused By Order of our captain I went to our Captain an I Being out of money and our Sutler(?) Had some Good Bear Cap. Treated JAMES McCAMERALE JAMES S. McGUAGHES and my Self To A Glass of Bear our Capt is as fine a man as the State ca afford he is At This Time out on officers Drill I am in his Markey A riting on his chest The Wind is Blowing fore the Sotherner ___ This morning it commencesLast night and the Ground is a considerable Settled This morning Since the morning has Past the Sun has come out and the Day Looks very much like Spring Some of the Boys Talk of if they was at Home and it was drie Enugg How they wood plow They Boys curses the cecesh Partly for Their Being hear and they want all the Leaders To Get Killed nad their fowlowers To have they same fate and the cimethisers aught To Be in Purgatory I have just Eate my Diner and settin in my Tent Talking with the Boys about me Agoing Home with CAPT. E. HEDDEN I went to COLLONEL WHITIKER and He gave me a furlos To Goe Home and CAPT. HEDDEN and myself went out To Headauarters To Get GENERAL NELSON To Sing it when we got over to Headquarter the General was not Their and DR. A. B. COON cme on the same puros But not with the same ___ with us Capt. And myself walked over the Little Bridge where we could see all of the Tents of Eight Rege. At one cite They was out on Batallion Drill you could Hear The drums and pipes and then Brass Band Plaid Dixey The wind Being High sometime you could not Hear the Command It was a beautiful Sean and By and By we saw Three very nice ladies vewing The Drills Two of these was Miss Johnson from Green ( or Miss Green) The Brige that I spoke of crosing is acorss the waters if Nolin where we are encamped at this time and Have been since we came to Camp Wickliff
29 Feb. 1862 It commeced Raining Late night very hard it has Stopped this morning we are awaiting our Breckfast it is muddy as every thing this morning Capt and myself went to see BRIG. GENERAL NELSON
THIS MORNING He was at McDucle?s when we saw him I was surprised He is a fine Looking man will wight upwards of Two hundred lbs he Has the apearence of a Gentleman hje has Something in his apppearance that indicates more Than millitary man when we got to see him the General about our furlow we Had To Go To acting General over this Division To Get our furlow Signed he Signed it Then we went to GENERAL NELLSON he Signed it But my furlow Had To BE sancioned By GENERAL BUAL (buell?) He sent it to GENERAL BUAL by mail To Day But, He Told me that He Thought That I would not get it I Toled the General That I Had not ___ any hopes on it So I wood not Be Dispointed But my Business Caled me H0ome for TO Settle Some administration Business Capt and my self came Back to our Regament The Capt. Left for Home DR. A. B. COON Left for Louisville it is Raining Today COL. WHITIKER Sent for me This morning and wanted to Know if I got my Furlow Signed I Toled him what the General said and if GENERAL BUELL signed it That I wood not Have Time To Go Home and Atend To any Business The Colen Said That if it was Signed that I Should Have the Time Required To Go and atned To my business and Get Back.
30 (. 1862) (note: not 30 days in Feb.) JAMES HARRISON and JACOB SNIDER came in from Baconneck Bridge from POPES Redgemant He Says that The boys is in Good Spirits They Say that we will never Be in A fight He say That they was At McCook Division and They Have so many men that it is impossible for us To Go forward it commenced snowing Last night The snow fell one inch and ½ deep and the mud is Deeper The Duck will come Along and shuvel the mud up for uses JAMES HARRISON and CAPT. JACOB SNIDER Left for Home this morning They intend To Go To THOMAS NEWMAN in Bardstown To night I sent my bocket (pocket?) Book with my papers in it by JAMES HARRISON our Gard is out at this time shooting off their Guns The man that has the Best Shot Gets Released from Duty for one weak it Has been Snowing very Hard To Day But Has quitt I have Been making a ax Hannell To Day for the First time in Camp Saw (sirs?) it wood done you Good To Se the Boys Drunk Bear and countarband the Boys is Building a Hou for a Gun Smith Shopp.
30 ( 1862) This evening the cannons was firing Heave in The Direction of McCOOKS on Green River Though I suppose they are only prackticing we are in thirty miles from McCOOKS Division I went down to the Branch to wash this morning I Heard A Red Bird Singing I Have Been Reading 52 Chapter of Psalms To the 60 chapter I have just come in from officers Drill the sone is shining bright this morning About 11 oclock A.M. I saw a snake yesterday and saw one To Day Some man had found it and Put in a bottle
Feb. 1, 1862 It snowed this morning But Soon cleared off and the sun is Shining Bright and the mud is near Knee Deep I am on guard To Day SAWYEAN DEPEE (?) Left Camp This morning for Shelbyville The wind is in The north To Day It is a Little Cooler To Day |
Feb. 2 (1862) I stood guard yesterday and Last night and was not Permitted To Go To my quarters To Sleep I stood 2 Hours and off 4 hours The ground is frozed this morning The Duck shuvel cut up the mudd Last night They don?t visit us much of Late I was toled Last night That Two fo our Boys as We was coming To This camp Shot a Secesh and Kiled Him He Got To cursing them as Dammed Union soldiers when one of them Shot Him Through which was A Dead and no fuss made it About it WILLIAM H. TIPTON was sent to Louisville To The Hospital the guard ______ went A Round Last night By the officers of the Day and He Had not more Than Got A round Before the officer of the Briggade came in and the guard Halted (/) out caled To A _____(?) Then He enspected the guard after Enspection He went the guard Rounds He Tuck with Him To Guards and the corporal of the guards with Him for A Guard. Diner is ready the Boys Has just come in from Enspection After Inspection it snowed A Little we went out this evening on Dress Parade and it was Snowing and Sleeting thenit commenced Thawing
3 (Feb. 1862) This morning it is muddy Again I wish that the Ducks would come a long and shovel the mud again This morning we did not Have Soft Bread A nuff for ALL the Boys and we Had To Divide it so that all the Boys could Have it Equly and we Had To eat some crackers Some of the Boys cursed and swore and Tore Around like some Drunkerd But it was all To no purpose for They Had To East it anyhow I sent a letter to my wife ( His wife is Eliza McDonald, Sullivan/O?Sullivan Terrell, D/O John & Nancy McDonald of Spencer CO., KY.) this morning
Feb. 4, (1862) Nothing new this morning only That JAMES NICKELSON and my Self is cook for this weak it is some cooler this morning and clear and frosty and Pleasant nothing new this morning only COL. WHITIKER went yesterday and Picked out A new camp Ground for His Redg Down on Green River about 20 miles from Hear This morning I went outside of Guard To Get Some Hickory Hooks To Hanfg our Pots on To Cook our dinner about that time it was guard mounting the old guard was firing off their guns in All the Regmants then the 5 Drums and Brass Bankds in the Different Regemants I thought that it was a Pleasant Dream To Listen To I was so Taken that I Stood Some Time in Deep Meditation untill The Bank ceased our Boys Has just come in from company Drill I stood out some marow of the Beef Bones for To oil my Hone and Gun JAMES HOWARD came By and He Gave me five cents To oil His Our Diner Being over JAMES NICKELSON and my Self washed up the Dishes The I read a letter That RIHARD FLOYD get from His father Then we went to Getting Supper and after Supper we Have to cook That night for Breckfast and we have to Have Breackfast at ½ of 6 oclock and as soon as Breckfast is over we Have To commence Diner so we are Buisey all the Time The cCannons was firing Heavy Last nite in the Direction of McCOOKS Division.
6 (Feb. 1862) CAPT D. HEDDEN came in in the evening of the 5th he Brought Cannells (Candles?) with Him JAMES BURNETT ESQ and M. C. (g?) HOWARD came in with him commenced Raining Last night it Rained very Hard and the mud is A. S. (as?) Deep in our camp but we have our walks all laid with timbers Breckfast is over and I Had Some butter that SIMP McGAUGHEY Got from Home JOHN BURNETT Gave me some Blackberry Corgal
7 (Feb. 1862) The order To march was received we was To Start next morning To Greenriver The ____ Bring called Every one was Getting Ready To Start when the order was countermanded The Boys was sadly Disspointed M. C. HOWARD and JAMES BURNETT left this morning for Home
8 (Feb. 1862) JOHN WHITEHOUS and old man NOLL nad his sone and WILLIAM ROBERSON little sSone came in yesterday evening it commenced snowing Last night
9 (Feb. 1862) old man NOELL and his Sone Wm. Robertsons son Left hear This morning for Home it is clear and the ground Hard frozen this morning This is the 2nd Sabbeth of Feb. and JOHN BURNETT NATHAN BROWN IS Singing in our Tent this morning I am so Horse Than I cant Help them this morning
10 (Feb. 1862) it is still clear and the fround was Hard frozen I went out company Drill in the exercise of ANNE (?) After Diner we went out on Batalion Drill it is clear this evening I have just come off of Batalion Drill The cort martial was in cesion To Day and when it Gets through I will Give The Details COL. WHITKER reduced the surgant To the Ranks and the 2 Surgunt To the 5th Surgents Place an appointed NATHAN BROWN 2 Surgant and GEORGE MINTER Ro the Place of 4 Sargent it snowed last night and Snowing this morning we Have Benn on Squad Drill and out company Drill we Have just come in from Camp Drill it Has quit snowing and the Snow is Melting it is 1/2 in deep the wind is from the South There is only about fifty Effective (?) men fit for Duty At this time in our company
12 (Feb. 1862) This morning is clear and A fine Sugar Day The Birds is Singing fnley we Have just come in from Squad Drill the wind is in the South this morning we are out on Pickett Duty To Day out on Nulders Hill some eight miles South of New Haven. The Day feels very much Like Spring on a Little Rany this is the finest Day since we Have Been in Camp WILLIAM HAWKINS B. T. REED JAMES NICKELSON MR. (/) WHITE nad my self is at one point. We brought Two Heads of Cabbage and I cooked them for Diner and you may know That we had a good Diner the Cabbage Broth was fine with Red Pepper in it There is a hous Some fifteen or Twenty steps from us and fore Prety Gearls Their
( Appears some lost her for events of 10 Days not recorded, written by Mary Harp Franklin, a g-granddaughter of Henry Clay Terrell)
(In the year 1999 the original journal was discovered in the possession of gg-granddaughter of Henry Clay Terrell and it had been divided into 4 pieces and given to 4 descendents of Henry Clay Terrell. 3 of those have been found. I have had the original journal in my possession for a time and can attest to the fact these pages are gone. The spine of the book had been broken and has been hand sewn back together. Hallie)
Feb. 24, 1862
Nothing of importance transpired only we met a flat boat an pier(?) loaded with wood about 10 loads this morning. We met a part of a bridge floating down the river that Was Burned and let down by the Tebles or our men We Have Just past cantoni (/) Ky. We have _____ past line past an The line Between Tennesee and Ky. fifteen miles Below fort Donalson We are in Tennesee At 10 o?clock a. m.
24 (Feb. 1862) We Have just eatin our Diner the left Bank of The River is rugad Cliffs and acasionel a small bottom ___ with Watter. We have just past Fort Donalson it is onky fortified Place Just above Doven (?) Fort Donalson and Dover is on the Right Bank of The River as you go up Stream There is a Strong force at Donalson ____ is Place an job(?) of their work som 30 yard is Part. We did not Stop So we did not Have a chance to see the Work only next the River. BUCKNER had His men in Good quarters. They Had Cleaned cut The Timber and Built their small Cabins To Stay in We are going on up The River To Overtake our Boats They are in the Advance about Two oclock When we past Donalson Their was Some 20 Steamers Lying their with Soldiers and Provison on Board We have just past the Lady Franklin with Hir chimmeys _____ off The N. W. Thomas just come up an Laned wit the Franklin The river is very High and full of Drift about 3 oclock P. M. I saw a Sawmill the first Tennesse squirls I Ever saw just now CAPT. HEDDEN caled my Attention To a filed of wheat That looked verry fine like April Time. Just now I looked out on the Right Bank and I Saw a Railroad and Depe Running up the River we have just past the Iron Works that our forces burned down last Monday where BUCKNER Had His Cannon and Balls made at An the Right Bank of the River we have just passed WILLIAMS WOODYARD and the Bluffs with a white flag floating over his house We wnet up the River some 5 or 6 miles Their we come to the Louisville and Memphis Railroad on the River and some little village Their Has Been A Greate-deel of Rain Since we left Camp Whickliffe the 14th of Feb. But we Have Had Two days of clear
23 24th (Feb. 1862) The Son Setts clear This evening it is down now and we are running on up To overtake The Advance Boats at Clarksville Tenn.
25 (Feb. 1862) I went to Bed and Slept untill Boat Stopped I woke up And gut up in Time to se The Piwet Brige At Clarksville At midnight The high or lights on Both sides of the River I went to Bed Again And Slept until 6 oclock A. M. when I got up and washed
When the Steamers Union Line ___ Past us going up we Expected To find our Boats at Clarksville But They Had Advanced on Toward Nashville we are traveling up in the Reare The sun is just Rising when I looked out on the Left Bank and my eies fell on some Letters on a Bluff or Clift of Rock some 100 or 200 feet High Thrs is (/) I saw the letters B. R and Wood Some 50 or 75 feet from the Top of the Clift and some others that I would not make out we were running Due East corse This morning is Clear and the moon shined Bright when I first went out from the Apearence it will change about the 27 The we may look for A change in the weather We have just eaten our Breckfast our officers are eating now Cliffs arise on Both sides of The River To a conciderable Hight The Bottoms are covered with watter and Houses and ____- with water I looked out and saw W. H. _evell and G. M. Hedbal ___ on the Cliffs The steamer Monarch just passed by us about 9 oclock A. M. We are about 24 miles below Nashville it is now dinner We have just past a marked Batrey that Has been deserted and Left six cannon Some thrown down the clift and Waggons broke to Peaces We have just got to Nashville about 1 oclock P. M. The Ra___ead Bridge is Burned down and the Rebles Have Left Nashville is in our Posiseon without firing a Gun The stars & stripes floats over the capital. The Enhabitence are wile with Delight at the Site of our Troops The Wire (/) Brige is Destroyed two the Railroad Bridge was a Pivet Brige we are just landing on the Right Bank of The River As we go up we landed and Marched Through the Town toward where NELSON landed This morning The Rebbles ___ MORGANS? company from Lexington was the last to leave we marched about Two miles out of Town and just as we was About striking camp our Picketts was fired on by some Cesesh that was Housed (?) up and killed one horse and wounded one man Their was Some Eight or Ten Guns fired We was formed in a Le(?) a Hallowed square and Loaded ready (/) for action then you wood have thought that their was Some 6 or 7 hundred Coverally (/) as ___ from the fuss they Kept as they came down the Pike past us But no enemy came We laid down on our guns at night and up at 5 oclock this morning
26 (Feb. 1862) Our Boys brought in one Cesesh Soldier This morning the artilery past in Advance last night. Everything was read for action in case an attacked our caverely (?) when retreating last night ran against one of our artilary wagones & Killed the horse and crippled Rider We are marching to find a good camp Ground The people is glad that we are in their State (?) McCOOKS and RAWSONS (or RANSAWS) Division is across the river in the Land of Dixie.
27 (Feb. 1862) It is clear we have WILLIAM HARRISON yesterday evening POPES Reag. Landed and is in Camp Just above us on the Pike from Nashville to Murfreeborrow CAPT. SNIDER came in camp this morning JAMES HARDESTY staid in our tent last night with uss and He Brought a Canteen of molasses and I had a fine Breakfast off of them JOHN SULLIVAN CHARLES BROWN HENRY RITTER WILLIAM COOK NATHAN BROWN JOHN FAWKX JOHN COGHILL and a Lott of the boys including DICK FOSTER stoped to see uss and staid two or three Hours with uss. Mitchals (?) pickett was driven in last night by Reble Rangers and Killed one of Michals Horses our pay master came in our Teag this Evening and commenced paying our Reag. But did not get Through Paying RICHARD FOSTER is in our Tent and will Stay with uss To night He did Stay wil uss
28 (Feb. 1862) Our Paymaster Paid us off this mornig I received Thrity seven Dollars and 25 cents and I sent $10 dollars Home to my wife on the 3 of March I went down to CAPT SNIDER company this morning and saw all the Boys and enjoyed myself very well
4 (March, 1862) I staid all night and the Pay master in and that company is mustered out this morning to Get their Pay I started to my quarters last evening But it was late So that I could not Get through the guards It is Cloudy today and Thawing a little it is about 10 oclock P. M. I went out with CAPT SNIDERs company to a citizen House about 1 mile from camp where their Pay master was
March 1862
4 Payig off POPES Reag I got five dollars that was owing me from THOMAS HEDDEN that He owed me. Before I left Home and He owes me sixty cents yeat then I started to my Reag. The orders from GENERAL BEUAL (BUELL) Was that no man could pass without he had a Pass from his Brig. Or Reag. General and I had no Pass and when I went out with SNIDERS company I was out of Michals Line (?) So I thought that I wood come To my Reag. So I started and maid the Trip without meeting Any Centinal I come through clear I went out on Serimins (?) to Drill in the Evening after Drill I was apointed to wait on E. W. BROWN and H. CHOAT as They was sick and I Have no Duty to Perform only atend To Them They are in the Capt. Tent.
5 (March 1862) I have just fixed H. Choat A bed up off the Ground and some boxes and Rails Laid Acriss them then Some Straw then his matress So He is very comfortably fixed it is very warm (/) to Day it Rained The fore part of the night The Sone shines Accasionely To Day An Than is Flying Clouds but it is getting Pleasant an Thawing come it Turned very Coled in the After Part of the night The company Has Gone out on Batallion Drill Their was one Hundred and fifty reported Sick This morning and our Maig_r He Took the Dr. Place This morning and Put a Lot of them on Duty so we has As well Have no surgon(?) He cant Decid wheter a man is fit for Duty or not or Gos Home as the Mager Takes the responsibility on him Self or Better Takes the Privelige To decide and Puts them on Duty that is A duty (?) not fit for Duty But some of our Boys goes and Buys Bread and malasses and milk and Eats to much that is makes Them sick This is a Day Long To Be Remembered By our Boys This Evening the was ordered out to witness the execution of a soldier that Belonged To the 24 Ohio Col. He Shot at one of the officers The centence is he shall be Shot I did not fo for that _ _ _ I did not want to see it- - - - Have to see one of our men shot for shooting at an officer when the Cecesh will shoot At you in ______ S. WATERS, E. S. BROWN, J. SUTT, N. S. BROWN, T . HARRISON, W. CARPENTER, W. HARRISON, J. M. WHITEHOUSE, THOS. OR T. S. WHITE , J. O. MALONE, W. ROBERTSON, JOHN McCLAIN, JAS. McCLAIN , T. WHITE HOUSE, I BROWN (Here a few lines illegible)
5 Day of March 1862 Day is snowing A little now I have Just Come in from Getting some wood for the stove in the Capt. Tent to keep fire for BROWN and CHOTE I have just bought finve pies for the Boys to eat They cost 10cents each only 1 Half Pies I have to go & get more wood for the night JAMES H. HOWARD and __OR GE minter IS IN OUR Tent writing Letters to Their Friends At Home JAMES H. McCAMMELL and JOHN CARIGE (CARRIS?) is in our Tent Talking of the Soldier was shot yeasterday Evening. (or startin) at Will Creek We bought 4 lbs of Butter and 40 eggs for $1.50 It was very cheap Their was two Ladys A going To Nashville To Market with Eggs Butter and Dress Turkeys they could not get through our Pickets To go town they sold their eggs at
(this is a listing of the men in Henry?s company)
10 cents Per Dozen to and old gentlemen that live At our Post He sold to our Boys at 15 cts. Per dozen our Boys went out this morning and got some corn Bread at _ate Sweet ? to uss. WILLIAM HAWKINS and BRISCOE and myself went out This morning To A Citizen Hous and He gave us Som cornbread and Briskett? And A canteen of sweet Milk. This is a fine Spring morning it is the Sabbath and the wind is in the South West and it will Bring Rain when we come in Camp from off the Pickett WILLIAM LONG and HENRY C. CONNELEY had come in from Home They say that B. S. Reid Had gone Home on a furlough for Thirty days and to live. I receive A letter from my wife Last evening and All was well it was Ritten the 2 Day of March She had Received two from me one from Evenesville and one from Paducha I wrote one letter to Her since I came to This camp and sent Ten Dollars to Her This is a Blustery March Day and I am standing guard To Day The Wind is in the South West this morning and it rained all night last night but Has quit Raining this morning The news has reached hear that the Rebles Has Left Columbus and they are Leaving Richmon Vir (Va) if that is So it will not be long before we will Have A Big Fight or Peace will be made So wrote it Bee This morning was Blustery But, the sun comeout about Ten or Twelve oclock and it has turned out a Beautifell evening . The wind in the West I am stationed at a well To guard it To keep the Cesesh fromgetting watter or Putting Poison in it The sun is nearly Down now our Reag Is out on Dress Parade now
11 Day of March (1862) I have just come of of Guard and Have Cleaned my gun This morning just beofre Diner orders come in for us to Take one Days Rattions with uss.
12 (March, 1862) This morning we was summoned up By the Sound of the Bugal at 4 oclock A. M. and after eating Brackfast was formed in the Line of March which was done Before Sun Rise and we was the first out on the Road Reday ? to March, The 6th Ky and 6 Ohio 1st 2 V 21 Ky41 Ohio and the 9 in and 9 in Regt of Caveraly (?) one battery of McCOOK Division and we marched out to the farm of ANDREW JACKSON which is called the HERMITAGE We are now Resting in A woodland Pasture and the Sun Shines Pleasant and warm when we halted and was about _______________________--had to form the culler (colors) and the orders was Given for the cullers To fall out in line culler Barrer (bearers) fell back in Ranks COL. HAZEN Roat (rode) up and told the culler Barierer ? if He did not get out in line and that Dam quick He wood cut His Dammed Head off Says He it is no Laffing matter we are in the farm that oncedBelonged to ANDREW JACKSON We are in On Hundred yas (yards) of his hous a man by the name of COX lives in the Hou at This Time it is a fine Larg Brick I have my Canteen full of water that came out of the well This is the 13 of March and GENERAL JACKSON?S Birth Day We went out yesterday TO celebrate His Birth There is Division a going out to Day to Celebrate His Birth our men marched To His Garden and Marched A Round his grave is in the East corner of his garden I did not go over as I was one of the guards
13 March 1862 It is raining this morning it thundered and Litning last night Some of the Boys thought that this Hole Army was Fiting But when we awoke up we found that it was nothing more thanThunder our quarter master Has resigned and gone home.
14 (March 1862) This is a Beautifull Day The sun is Shining and the mud is drying up fast We have been on Shirmish Drill after Diner it Began Cloud up and Look like Rain we went out on Division Drill and about the Time we got out in the field and formed inline it commenced Raining COL. HAZEN sent out a Dispatch for us to Go To our quarters which we did in quick Time and it is raining very Hard now it has been one month To Day sine we left Camp Wickliff There is on Thing I hHad Liked to off forgotten To mention which is of importance what some of the Boys ________- spend their money so folichly when at Camp Wickliff Their was whiskey To Be Had At An Anormas Price Fifty cts a Pint now we have to Pay one Dollar for half pints a day or two ago they paid $1.25 for 3 half pints and fifty cents for a small can of oystem (oysters?) Anuff for one meal for A man an Every Thing acording Taobacco is the only thing that sells any thing on reason and it is Hie Anuff I tell you ww pay for one qt. Of molasses 20 cts and 10 cts for a Small Half pie Apples we get 3 for 5 cents The news came To day that MAGER HOLMAN was superceded by MAGER PIRTLE There is a general regoysing over it
15 (March 1862) It rained all night lasting pt ? COL. MORGAN The Diner (?) of alll who encountered Him cerroundied by Two _______ and when He found He was serrounded He He Raised A flag of Trace He was taken and Brought to Hedquarters and they Hold him a Prisoner
Saturday March 15, 1862 It is rainging this morning and muddy ____ our ____ is wett this morning the watter Ran down through and Has got the Straw wett I have just finished writing A letter to DANIEL McMULLEN
16 (March 1862) This is the Sabbath and WILLIAM LONG Has gon To see if He can getA Pass for Him and I __ Go to Town But he did not get it on act of the officer of the Day not saying how many Was Absent I had just eaten mt Breckfast and had molasses JOHN SUTT is sick So is JOHN BURNETT. This in the Sabath and the 16th day of March 1862 We got orders to march in the morning There is
pesent To __ it was A small Testament containing the _____ the ____ ___ It is worth To more than other Tre______ that I could have
17 (March 1862) Camp A Jackson T_______ 6 Ky. Regt. Val The sone is Shinning Bright and we are getting Reday To Start an got off Before Eight oclock A. M. The 6 Ohio Has marched out and gon we marched on to Town then we tuck the ranklin Pike it and The Chatanuga and Nashville Rail Road Runs in cite as far as we Have went we are About 13 miles from Nashville amd Have camped CAPT. E. HEDDEN company is on Pickett guard To night RICHARD FLOYD, JOHN BROWN, JAMES NICKELSON, THOM BURGEN, THOM HURLY and my Self is At one station in the Woods Between Two Fields This is As fine A cuntry As I ever Saw Anywhere it is near Dark and I will Have To Stop Ritting as we are not have fire in the Enemys Land at night
18 (Feb. 1862) But the night being cold I struck fire about 3 oclock A. M. and Sat on a Rail and Slep A Little The Birds is Singing this morning nerriley the Timber in This Part of the State is Balck Walnut Sugar tree Hackberry Elm and Black Hickory Ash the Land is Levell and Rich there is a Range of Enobs Running South on Both Sides of the Franklin Road some Distance off we was at the futt of one all night on Pickett when we come in this morning All of the Briggade had marched out and we Had to March quick Time To overtake them we marched on to Franklin in it is situated on the south West side of Big Harpeth it is a Beautifell Town it ___ __ __ of the finest court hous in it I Ever Saw and Some of of Prertist young Laddys I Ever Saw one young Lady one only one in Town wavied her white Hankerchieff as we past and the boys waved Their Hats and some of them said your Head is Square it Raised a mighty Laughf we past on Through Town and came out in the County it is a fine Body of Land on the Road and Trunpike we past yea____ evening By the name of Benton and this evening one by the name of Spring Hill we are within one mile of Sp Hill encamped in the Beach woods after supper was over NATHAN BROWN and myself made a Bed of Leaves and hay Down and H. CONELEY with uss and was sleeping very sound when the Bugal Sounded For to Get to Arms and our Camping was up and packed Reddy to March out to meet The Rebbles Their was an Alarm given by some of the Picketts But it turned out To Be fales So we Went To Bed again and Had not Benn in Bed Long Before we Had to Streach our Tents as it commenced Raining The alarm that ocured last night was caused by McCOOKS Picketts and NELSONS Picketts come in Contact with Each other and Resulted in no Damage Done on Either side only our Picketts capturing McCOOKS men and Brought them in To Headquarters Thursday
20 (Feb. 1862) morning is clear and Bright and we Tuck up the Line of March and marched to Sprig Hill in Maury County then one company of the 6 Regt had to guard 14 waggons and one Train we are resting in the edge of Spring Hill A small village This is a Beautifull Part of the State the Land is Productive of Small grain The Peach Trees is ou in Bloom The wind is in the north west Every man Had To Pack His napsack unless xcused By the Dr. I saw Some new Kinds of mocking Birds we marched about two miles west of Spring Hill and encamped in A Woodland Pasture in a Beautifull Part of the State Adjoinging our camp is A field that cotton was raised Last year our Sutter (?) Brought in Some Brandy and I went up to Capt. H. MARKS and found Adjitent SHAKELFORD and Leutenant ARMSTRONG in Their The Capt Hauled our a Bottle of Brandy and Treated The ____ The Rest of the Boys went out And Bought chickens and Brought them in and Had Them cooked an They Had a chicken Heart (?) They Paid as High as 75 cents Each
21 March 1862 Camp near Spring Hill west of Spring Hill It is cool To Day and Cloudy This is A Day that we Did not have much to Dwo We are in Tweleve miles from Columbia where the Cesesh is Encamped nea 40 thousand
22 (March 1862) It Snowed Last night A Little and is cool this morning nothing of importance Transpired in the Last few Days on Last night when the names of the guards was caled one man Said that he wood Be Sick and they wood Have to Put some on in His Place and it so happened that He was sick. The orderly Had Him To go To the Dr. Amediately But the Dr. excused Him But He eate His Breckfast We was out on Shirmish Drill and after Drilling Some Two Hours we came in and the First Thing we Saw was E. D. MASSE and WILLIAM BROWN The Boys was glad to see them As __ they was Going Home Mr. MASSE Brought some Brest chickens and bread and cakes and A can of Peaches that was a great Treat for uss I cooked one for supper and Some Sausaghe and one piggon WILLIAM BROWN is Sleaping in our Tent E. D. MASSE is in CAPT. H (HEDDEN?) Tent It is Raining A Little To night
This is the 23 (March 1862) Sabbeth and is clear and cool MR. MASSE is reading MR. LONG To ___ Some Provision such as Butter ___ and Mutton and such other Things as they can get this was inspection Day all of our gun and cartridge Boxes and napsacks and clothing and in Purson To ss If Every Thing was clean and in good order some of the Boys was ordered To Be Taken To the Branch and washed it snowed this evening and last night
24 (March 1862) And has snowed this morning We had orders this morning to clean up our quarters which was Done in quick Time for we went over in A cotton field and got some cotton Stalks and Swep out our quarters WILLIAM H. BROWN and E. D. MASSE Started Home this morning They started with CAPT. E. HEDDN Dog WILLIAM H. BROWN Tuck A quantity of Letters and mones Home To the Soldiers familys I sent Two Letter and Twenty Dollars To my wife I sent Ten Dollars from Camp A. Jackson JAMES NICHELSON and my Self went out To get a Sheep for CAPT. HEDDEN and we went out about 3 miles and came to an old gentleman By the name of SALLOMON BUNCH He sold us a ____ Sheep And the Lady was verry King To us for we was Invited To Stay To Diner which we did whe Had a vey nice Diner WILLIAM H. TAYLOR from 26 Regt. Ky. Vol. From Davis and Ohio County Ky. NATHANIEL J. TAYLOR _____ Sune (?) WILLIAM L. BROWN Ohio All thre from Ohio we are sitting around the fire Side we are Emcamped on Mayen (?) Cheare (?) Farm when we came Back to camp B. S. REID had come in from Home he got in About Eleven oclock A. M.
24 March 1862 When we was about to start last The old Lady for sone Sage She Gave me a Paper of Sage for To Make Tea for the Boys that is Sick we cooked the Sheep Liver and Hart for our Supper and Devided it out in our Tent and gave GEORGE MINTER and JAMES H. McCAMMELL A peace I ent some Home made Sugr that was Sent from near Mt. Eden to J. S. McGAUGHY by His Brother THOMAS
This is 25 (March 1862) a nice morning the sune is shinning Bright the wind is slowing a little from the South East The farmers down Hear is fixing To Plant their cotton I was on guard this morning and Hearing the names of the guards caled I Heard one mans name caled that Struck my mind That I wood ask him if He was a connectio of HENRY BOHANNON of Shelby County He informed me that He was a Sone of the man Hoom I Had Enquired for His name is (left blank) Bohannon I was Riting when our Regt was forming in Line To Go out To Squad Drill when My attention was drawn off By Loud Chears By our Boys COL. WHITAKER Had just come in the officers and men crowed around To shake Hands with Him To See Him he Look verry thin and Bad But in Good Spirite.
26 (March 1862) I stood guard yesterday and last night it was a Pleasant night and this morning. The wind is in the North West and some clouds fling. The Small Pox Has made its Appearences in our Regt. One of CAPT. STINE men is down with it one of CAPT LONGS men is Down with The verry ____ our Boys is going out To guard Drill WILLIAM CARPENTER is very scik JOHN BURNETT is still sick and is no Better the Officer from The 41 Ohio is Drilling our men By order of COL. HASEN our men don?t Like it much But they cant Help it COL. WHITIKER Rote to COL. HAZEN yeasterday evening To in form Him That He did not want officers from other Regt To Drill His men for His officers could Drill them I have Been out on on Batalion Drill I have a Bad cough But it is Better,
27 (March 1862) This morning throwas (?) A gloom over our Camp ocasionad By the Death of one of our men Hed had not Been well for Some Time Before we Left camp Wickliff which place we Left on the 14 of Feb. he was left Behind with Loutanant HOWARD But Stood the Trip and came to Camp Andrew Jackson whdn He was near exausted But Still Kept up untill a few Days Back when He sunk under the Fatte Deseas the Ohumona (pnemonia?) He Died in His Tent The Boys Had sat up with Him until about 1 Oclock P. M. when they fell A sleep He expired Between that time and Day light CAPT HEDDEN is making arangements to Have Him Dacently Buryed about sunset The Boys came in from the Prosesion the weather is fine and our Boys is 29 (date) out to Pickett To Day JAMES NICKELSON and my Self is cooks this weak commencing the 27 (date ?) I have been washing To Day I washed 13 peaces at 12 ½ cts peace we are preparing To leave in the morning Every Thing is Getting Ready we Have Drawn 30 ( Date?) Pare of Pants and Two More Tents this Evening
29 (March 1862) We marched out this morning We are at Rutherford Creek At the Bridge resting and getting water COL. WHITAKER told me this morning That when we Got To wheare Their was Plenty of Bees and Honey That he wanted me To Bring in A stand for Him as we past By generall BUELLS Head quarters then the next was McCOOKS Divison I saw THOMAS COCHREN Col of A Caverally Regt we are resting on the Bank of Duck River it is now about 11 oclock A. M. CAPT. L. VINCENT is Encamped on the Bank of the River He is a cosen of mine by Marriage the Boys finds a menny A man that they are aquanted with I went over To one of the Sutlers (/) in the Louisville Leagons and Brought Ten cents worth of Sweet Cakes we are resting and Have been for Some Two Hours There is some three Regt across The River At this Time MY FATHER CAPT Z. (Zachariah) TERRELL crost this River forty seven years Ago coming from New Orleans with His men they Had To Waid it then and we have To waid it
The 29 of March 62 As the Cesesh Has Burned Down The Bridges now 4 oclock we are across The River we waided it we striped off our Pants and Hsoes The current was verry Swift we are Resting in the Town of Columbis a Laeg Twon it is situated on the Sout Side of the River we went out about 2 miles and camped until about 1 oclock P. M. on the 30th when we was ordered To Strike Tents which we did I being deltailed To load The wagon which we did in A few minutes our Troop Commances Pasing By this morning and they Have been Pasing all DayThis is the Sabath And a Delitefull Day JAMES NICHELSON and my Self is with the Waggon To Day as we are cooks we are at the fare ground in ___ near Columbia The Land is fine it is Lime Stone you can find plenty of Stone Down hear the 2 ___ cavelrey is incamped At the fare ground The advance is mooving and we Have To follow The cavelary of ___ Boys is Just now moving out in The Advance of our Trains it is About 3 oclock P. M. it is about 4 oclock P. M. And we have Just overtaken our Regt. We Had to Dubble quick for About Two miles and I am Tired. I am sitting on A Pickett fence of Seder our Boys is in A beartifull Place we encamped on General PILLOWS farm Right on the Avenue in Front of His hous His Hous is very fine one of the finest cituation I ever Saw
31 March (1862)We are up looking from 1 oclock A. M. Till Day Light we have loaded up and Started out we are awaiting for our Regt. To move out JAMES and my Self is with the wagons as we are the cook we Get our napsack Haled (?) Our Rgt is To go with the Waggons to gurad Them we are for a Five Days March at the Raits of fourteen miles per Day we Have Traveled over Some of The Best Land that I ever saw and The finest Buildings That There is in the Citty of Louisville I don?t wonder for They are so Evertion ? ____ Tha t they want the pore class of peple To nuckle Down To Them and not Have anything To Say or Duo in Govermantle affairs if they could Suckseed they wood not allow us Pore man To Speak To Them we have Just Past a small Town a Beautifull velige By the name of Mt. Pleasnat in Maury County (Tenn) we Encamped for the nite in an Stalk Field
This1 Day of April 1 1862 This morning I made An April fool of CAPT. HEDDEN and near all the company That our men took GREEN HARRIS and others of the Boys that Had gone To Buckner from our neighborhood was At Head quarters As prosners They went Dubble Quick Time To see Them and got fooled. As our Boys was about Eating Their Breakfast their was firing of Guns Heard on the Hill side about ¼ a mile from us The Bopys was formed in Line of Battle general NELLSON came Riding up and Ast for The Commander of this Regt. M ____ COL. WHITIKER answered and NELLSON says Why in The Heal are you not with your Tegt. Col. Told Him That it was nothing But some Gurads fioring off Their Guns NELLSON Raod off up the Hill with His Guard and as we was marching up the Hill we Had orders To Go Back which we Did and Eate our Breadfast an Loaded and Started for our Days march This is a fine clear morning it is now about 11 oclock A. M. we are watering our mules on A Small Branch Between Two Ranges of Cliffs or High Hills we are on the Pike leading to Florence.
Alabama April 1 1862 One of our officer Shot a man Last night The went to him for corn he Told them that he had no feed for His enemies and lot (/) up a Good Deel wheir He was Kiled that maid the citizens very civil and kind to us we are now climing up a verry Bad Hill The Divison Train is on the Hill some of them Stalled The 6th Ky Teams Never fail as yet we are in Lawrence County Tennesse we are forty miles from Tennessee River we Have just Past through a milliage By the name of Henry Ville we encamped some five miles from Henryville
April 2 (1862) in the woods A High Rige it is Raining This morning we are waiting for the 41 trains To Pass we follow in The Reare of them The county that we are in is very Pore Land Wet and Small Balck Jack and some shesnutt and Sasafras and Shovmake (Sumac) Bushes They rais a quanty of Fruit The Land that is improved is woth from four to Eight Dollors unimproved Land is worth Two Dollars Per Acre as we past on down we for one Time in Tenn. Saw The old stars and stripes floating at a Jentleman?s Hous near the line Between Lawrence County and Wayne it is a very pore county and Broken and Hilly we encamped a the Parker furnis
3 (April 1862) and moved out this morning for Florence where Conl. GRANT is Awaiting our Arival nothing of interest Transpired yeasterday only the confiscating of A few mules oceanionaly We Past on over some mountains covered with pIne and chestnut we past through Waynsboro the county Seat of Wayne county we are encamped senven miles west of Wayns Borow on a Small Creek This county Gave fine Hundred majority of the Union you can'?find a Rebble in This county this morning
4th (April 1862) we are on our March out of a Stalk field when we encamped it Has The Apearences of Rain it Has Sprinkled A little this morning yeasterday Evening just Before we stoped we Past one of the finest Springs that I Ever Saw it come out from under a Cliff and Run Water Enuff To of Run four or five Large Mills and fish comes up out of it They have a Fish Trap at To cathch them as they come out as we Travel along I had as well State that we Have a miserable Road and the 41st Ohio wagons stalled ever Hill and Bad Place They say Hear comes the 6th Ky Waggons they Have no Trubble They can Go any where Their Teams is very pore and Kawkey There is some find Spring in this Part of The State we are Traveling Down a creek By the name of Harden Creek And the Road is of Quick Sand and Some Time The Horses and Wagon Goes Down So that They Have To Get Some ten or fifteen men To Help them out There is about 20 men Deatialed To Every Train To Guard and Help Them out 12 oclock we entered in To Hardin county We Have Just Past over Hardin mountain it was So Steap in Places that They Had Ropes Some 200 feet Long and men To help Pull The Wagons up Some Went up without Help The 6th Ky Had ___ Pulled up we can Hear The cannon firing At Corintho (?) They are fitting Their Today as we Past over we went Down A ruff Branch Then we Had To Pull A nother mountain that wars than The first That I named Ruff mountain Then we past on Down a Long crooked Ridg Timbered with Pine chestnutt and Oak and Hickory The 6 Ohio Boys Broke open A store and Tuck some $200 worth of goods our Col. Condemed wich conduct and Saye that His me (Men) Shal not Dwo the Like But shall not Suffer for Something To Eat we Struck Tent on A Small Creek
5 (April 1862) and this morning Every Thing was wett as it Rained from midnight Till Day after Breckfast we drove out for our Days march Florence Eleven miles from our camp our boys Had one slice of meat for Their Days Rashions we are Short Two Days So will Have To Confiscate some thing To Eat The Road is in a fine fix as it is up one Hill and Down Another and Lets (?) up so Rad (?) That The Teams that is Behind Has To Be hope (helped) is along But the sone is Shining and the Road is Drying us we come along The 3 of this month we met GRANTS men fixing The Telegraph an from florence To meet BUEL They Had Laid near 30 miles They Had only about 30 miles To Go To meet gel BUELL He commenced at Nashville and when we left Camp Spring Hill He Had Past their and I suppose that By this Time they Have completed it this Part of the Stae is Still porer I saw GENERAL HAZEN Arest a Privet This morning for Entering A citizen Hous His irders was that no man was To enter The yard of a citizen To Day or he wood cortmartialed Sonca (/)
6 (April 1862) About 7 oclock we Heard the firing off Guns so fast that we Knew that their was a fite and we past on Down to Sava__na Their we thrice (/) Lon a nuff To Eat our dinner then we left our overcoats and Blanketts with the Wagon we Started with Two Days Provison in our Hoversucks and we marched out To the Pittsburg Landing we arived just in time To Save our Army from fallin in the Hands of The Rebble force They had Attached about 3 oclock A. M. and got in our camp before we was Aware of it and they Fought Desperately untell BUELLS forces crosed The River The Scale Turned Against Them and Against nigh we Had them Drove Back To our camp that they attacked uss At they Stay all night on the field So Did we and it rained very Hard that night we was Drawn up in Line of ( a line missing ) from the River and you could Hear A Shell whis and in A few minetts you could Hear the report of the Shell and it Toted (?) where ever it Fell
Next morning 7 (March 1862) The firing Commenced Vert Heavy in All Directions we was Throne over on the Left or neat the center the firing commenced very Heavy from A Battery of the Rebbles our Batteryes and small Arms Soon Sillenced it and CAPT. HEDDEN and CAPT. MARTIN and their men captured from Batteres and when our men Got The Rebbles Started They made none (?) nother stand I was wounded in the Hip and Had To Be Taken off the field By one of our men JOHN SUTT He is one of my Acquaintences I only I only Shot (?) Two on the Shots it Hurt my fealings To Think That I Could Not Dwo anymore But it So Happened I think I shot one man in the Actio (action) When I was Shot we was protecting our Artillery That is the Reason that we Suffered so much for they Directed all their fire At it had Six men Killed and 13 wounded
I went to the Landing as soon as I was wounded I Had to walk nearly Two miles and I was in as much Danger of Being Hit By a Cannon Ball or Shell for They fell Think and fast when I go To the Landing Their I met our Surgon and Assistance Going out To the field They ___ and Sent down to The River To get on Bord of a Boat The wounded was brought in So fast that we Had to go up on top the Hill To some Hospital Tents I made my way the Best I cood I found The Boys a Tent The Tent Being Two Small the Boys Had To Put up for Ballence we was Taking on if iur Boys We Had Hay to Lay on nothing to cover with it rained that night and some of the Boys wasLaying in watter next morning
The 9 Day (April 9, 1862) They was Taking the wounded men on Board The Steamer Citty of Memphis They Tuck on Board Eight Hundred we then Left the Landing A little after Dark and ran down to Savanna where we Lay the Ballence of the night we left their on the next morning
Wednesday 10 (April 1862) and ran on Down To the mouth of the Tennessee River atr Paducha where we arrived at after Dark After Laying there Some time we left for mound citty which Place which Place we Reached Before Day Light on 11 of Aprile We was Attanded To By the Ladys from the Hospital with aranges wine Brandy and As Soon As they could make the Arrangements we was Conveayd To the Hospital Some 75 or one Hundred yds from the River After getting To our Bed Everyman was Dressd in Clean Shirt and drawers and our names All Taken Down and the no. of Bed and Letter of Ward ours was W The Procison is good we Have Coffee Tea meat Butter and good Lite Bread I had mush and milk for Supper The other night we Have sixty men in our ward it is the 3rd story and Large and Ayery We are on Sepperate Beds Steas (Bedsteads?) About 3 feet High and 3 feet wide it Has been raining for one weak from the 6 At night untill this morning Last ( line cut off the bottom of page)
13 Day of April 1862
my Life This Hospital conducted By the Sunity Commuth (Commission?) There is Two woman To Each Room I Have Been in the Hospital A little over Ten Days and Have not Been out To the Door for the Mussel of my Hip and Thigh Hurt Two Bad To Stir much our Dr. Told me as Soon as we Got able To Travel we was To Be Sent Home for A while untill we got well I find that There is A great menny men Hear Looking for Their friend and Ralatives They cant ALL get in for the Hous is guarded and iff (no words on rest of this line)
Hospital At Mound citty 13 Day ALL (April 1862) was To Set in at one Tme you could not get through To
weight on the the Boys the Surgons Pass them through As they Have Time to Pass them out there is a Lady with a young chiled in Her arms She Hunting her Husband or Sone or Brother But could not find Him in our Ward Then as She Past out in Stept an middleal age man looking for some of His friends and Relatives I mett my old Friend A____ WATTS from Bardstown, Ky. He furnished me with Paper ink and Pen and He went out and Got me five stamps and Braight in To me He Lives in This Place He is A sone of ELYA S. WATTS of Bardstown Ky This one since I Saw the Elephant, He is Enermiss Beast
14 (April, 1862) The sone Shines Bright it is Beautiful wather it is Delightful To Sea How Tender the Sisters Treats them wash and clean your fac____ and Have you clean Before they Leave You.
Submitted by: Hallie at HDBM@aol.com |
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