Virginians that moved to Shelby, Spencer, and Nelson Counties
These records are of families that left VA around 1800 to move to KY.
Prince William County, VA
Prince William County Deed Book 1749-1752 (Abstract)
Page 28 – This indenture made the 25th day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and forty nine between Abraham Farrow of the County of Prince William, a ship carpenter, of the one part, and Charles Wells of the County of Stafford, a planter, for forty four pounds current money of Virginia ..(a piece of land near Quantico Run of 222 acres).
Prince William County Deed Book Q 1763-1768 Part II (Abstract)
Page ? – Between Samuel Wells and Ann his wife of Dettington Paris and Prince William County of one part and Thomas Attwell of the same Parish and County of other part witnesseth that for the sum of one hundred and twenty pounds current money of Virginia Samuel Wells and Ann hath granted to sell unto Thomas Attwell .. one parcel of land containing two hundred and twenty acres being in the aforesaid Parish and County and being land given to Samuel Wells by his father Charles Wells, deceased, first by Deed of Gift and by his Last Will and Testament in writing recorded in Prince William County and bearing date first day of January one thousand seven hundred and sixty four.. in witness where of Samuel Wells and his wife Ann have set their hands and seals.
Prince William County Deed Book R 1765-1771
Page 330 – This indenture made the (in Lease twentieth) (in Release twenty first) day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy one between Haden Wells, millwright, of Stafford County of one part and Haden Edwards, planter, of Prince William County of other part witnesseth that Haden Wells for one hundred ponds current money of Virginia.. that tract of land containing one hundred and sixty acres and sixteen acres adjoining.. and conveyed to Charles Wells deceased and from him to his son Haden Wells..corner between Benjamin Wells and said Haden..
Prince William County Deed Book T, 1774-1779
Page 83 – this indenture made this fifteenth day of February in the year of our Lord God one thousand seven hundred and seventy five between the Joseph Lacey, Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Anthony Coplin.. of the one part and Carty Wells Jr. of the Parish of Overwharton and County of Stafford, planter, the other .. witnessed by Carty Wells Sr.
Page X – Indenture on 5-16-1776 by Thomas Stapleton and George Rainie with a land description containing the following: being a line of Francis Stone’s now Samuel Stone’s land … being part of a tract of land granted James Bland by patent from the proprietor of the Northern Neck of Virginia dated tenth day of September 1711.
Page 422 – articles of agreement indented made and agreed upon this tenth day of November in year of our Lord 1777 between Nathaniel Smith of Parish Dettingen and County of Prince William on the one part and Carty Wells Sr. on the other .
Prince William County Deed Book U, 1779-1784
Page 533 – This indenture made the fourth day of October in year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty four between George Wells of County of Stafford in Commonwealth of Virginia, blacksmith, and Mary his wife of one part and John Pope, merchant…
Page 25 – This indenture made the seventh day of June one thousand seven hundred and seventy nine between John Hedges of County of Prince William and Commonwealth of Virginia of one part and John Hedges Jr. and Robert Hedges Jr., sons of Robert Hedges and nephews of the first mentioned John Hedges
Prince William County Deeds 1791-1796
Page 430 – This indenture made and entered into this 10th day of March (or May) one thousand seven hundred and ninety four between Spilsby Stone of one part of County Prince William and Mary Hedges of County aforesaid of the other part, witnesseth that in consideration of marriage …
Page 659 – This indenture made and entered into this thirty first day of March in year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety six between Archibald Carr of town of Dumfries County of Prince William of one part and Carty Wells of County of Prince William of the other part … sold 30 acres of land to Carty Wells and heirs.
Prince William County Deeds 1796-1799
Page 477 – This indenture made and entered into this nineteenth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety nine between Carty Wells and Peggy his wife of County of Prince William of one part and James Hollerday of County aforesaid of other part .. for 265 pounds 15 shillings .. sell 163 ¼ acres .. witnessed by John T Ford
Page 478 – This indenture made the nineteenth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety nine between Carty Wells and Peggy his wife, planters, of County of Prince William of one part and Benjamin Carney of said County of other part .. for 67 pounds 10 shillings sell 45 acres of land
Stafford County, VA
Will Book 1748-1767
Page 120 – will of William Knight, witnessed by Carty Wells, Sr. and Carty Wells, Jr. on 8-25p1765
Page 61 – estate of Geo. Hutchenson, received of Samuel Wells on 6-14-1737
Page 68 – inventory of Richard Moore by Samuel Wells, appraiser on 9-13-1737
Page 118 – estate of Anthony Litton, creditor Samuel Wells on 7-4-1745
Page 108 – estate of John Holliday, appraiser Abram Bridwell on 4-5-1744
Deed and Will Abstracts 1780-1786
Page 12 ? Isaac Bridwell
Page 42 ? appraisers of the estate of Isaac Bridwell are William Botts, William King, and George Wells, June Court 1784
Page 60 ? estate sale of Sabina Botts, value and divide estate by George Wells on 6-17-1785
Page 110 ? executors of estate of Aaron Botts, James Ford and George Wells on 5-10-1790
Page 122 ? estate of William Botts, George Wells inventoried on 3-14-1791
Page 128 ? last will and testament of Josias Stone proven on 10-10-1791
Page 128 ? Henry Bridwell and George Wells evaluate changing a road on 10-10-1791
Page 88 ? James Bridges at an estate sale on 12-2-1785
Page 152 ? last will and testament of Joseph Reddish approves, Joel Reddish posted security on 3-13-1793
Page 128 ? Spilsby Stone, Josias Stone, and Valentine Stone, executors in the will of Josias Stone, entered bond of security on 10-10-1791
Page 33 – This indenture made the 14th of April 1783 between William Bridwell and Elizabeth his wife of the County of Stafford and the Parish of Overwharton of one part and George Bridwell of the other part witnesseth that for the sum five shillings hatth sold land bounded beginning in line of Cart Wells Sr. deceased…that is allotted for Simon Bridwell, with line of John Bridwell deceased…
Page 38 – this indenture made the 14th of April 1783 between William Bridwell and Elizabeth his wife and Simon Bridwell of the other part sell land beginning in line with Carty Wells Sr. etc, includes 50 acres, the old plantation whereon John Bridwell, deceased formerly resided and now in the occupation of Sarah and Elizabeth Bridwell daughters of the said deceased.
Page 49 – Elizabeth King and William Carr, she sold land purchased from Isaac Bridwell, beginning at Abraham Bridwell’s corner line running between ____ and Isaac Bridwell, witnesses George Wells and Jesse Bridwell
Deed Book P, Deed and Will Abstracts of Stafford County, VA 1722-1728 and 1755-1765 by Sparaico’s
Page 126 – Charles Wells, Carty Wells, and Samuel Wells on rent rolls on 7-24-1750
Page 138 – indenture 10-9-1759 between Lynaugh and Ester Helens of one part and William Edrington of the second for a sale of land
Page 84 – Charles Wells’ land mentioned in an indenture
Page 105 – indenture between James Mc Daniel and a tobacco company to sell one slave
Page 126 - Isaac Bridwell on a rent roll 7-24-1750
Deed and Will Abstract 1699-1709
Page 16 – Samuel Wells assigned to a grand jury on 10-9-1700
Page 55 – inventory estate of Edwards Clements by Samuel Wells and Thomas Lund on 2-25-1702
Page 104 – inventory of estate of Stephen Palliseres by Samuel Wells and Thomas Lund on 9-12-1705
Page 114 – Robert Richards left his estate to George Monk and Samuel Wells on 4-10-1706
Page 68 – James Reddish, December 1703, paid a fine for shooting wolves
Page 73 ? Thomas Wells did confess judgment to the estate of Francis Hunt for 104 pounds of tobacco for goods purchased on 11-13-1703
Page 92 ? At a court held for Stafford County November 9, 17o4. To all Christian People .. I Thomas Lund of county Stafford. the 9th day Novr. 1704.. in consideration of sum 770 ponds Tobo. In cask by John Wells of afsd county paid.. have sold all that parcel of land lying in Stafford County conta. By estimate 70 acres given to Thomas Wells, father of above said John Wells by Thomas Speedy late of this county and bought of Thomas Speedy by Christopher Lund, father of above said Thomas Lund and since fallen by escheat and escheated to Thomas Lund?..
Page 96 ? an inventory of the estate of Thomas Wells taken he 29th of November, appraised by the Honour x Wells, Thomas Lund, John Bunbury, Charles Martin.. returned to the court March 14, 1704
Deed and Will Abstract 1810-1813
Page 333 – At a County Court began and held for Shelby County at the Courthouse in Shelbyville on Monday the twentieth day of January eighteen hundred and twelve, Carty Wells of this County came into court and declared that he does willingly and freely give unto his son-in-law, Thomas Fristoe and Lydia his wife and heirs of Stafford County in the State of Virginia, one Negro boy named Lewis between 9 and 10 years old, which is ordered to be certified as the Law directs.
I, Thomas Fristoe, do hereby certify that I have brought into this State the within named Negro boy Lewis about 9 or 10 years of age, on the 15th day of June 1812. This Negro is now in the County of Stafford and State of Virginia.
Virginia Parish Records
Overwharton Parish Register 1720-1760 by William F Bogher
Henry Wiggonton married Margaret Bridwell md: 11-12-1750
Charles Wells son of Charles and Mary b: 1-10-1740
John Wells son of Charles and Mary b: 7-3-1742
Benjamin Wells son of Charles and Mary b: 8-22-1751
Eleanor Wells daughter of Carty b: 2-21-1750
Eleanor Wells daughter of Charles b: 4-19-1747
Peyton Wells son of Charles b: 8-7-1744
Carty Wells married Elizabeth Onsby md: 9-28-1738
George Wells son of Carty and Elizabeth b: 11-18-1743
Isabel Wells daughter of Carty and Elizabeth b: 10-31-1741
Sarah Wells daughter of Carty and Elizabeth b: 10-10-1739 d: 4-13-1741
Philadelphia Stone daughter of Mary and Josias b: 9-22-1755
Mary Stone daughter of Mary and Josias b: 4-28-1753
Valentine Stone baptized 4-30-1751 Jean Reddish daughter of Robert b: 1-28-1741
Margaret McDaniel daughter of Jane and James b: 1-8-1752
Margaret McDaniel married John Powell md:2-10-1752
Mary McDaniel daughter of James and Martha b: 1-6-1740
Bridwell McDaniel married Lucy Lea md: 4-9-1758
Samuel Bridwell son of Jacob and Elizabeth b:3-6-1756
Elizabeth Bridwell daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth b: 12-26-1753
George Bridwell son of John and Lucy Baptized 1-26-1754
George Bridwell son of John and Lucy b: 12-6-1754
Simon Bridwell son of John and Lucy b: 8-11-1757
Samuel Bridwell drowned in Quantico Run d: 11-27-1753
Benjamin Bridwell son of John b: 4-15-1752
Isaac Bridwell son of Abraham d: 5-2-1750
Margaret Bridwell married Henry Wiggonton md: 11-12-1750
Betty Bridwell married Richard Simms md: 10-15-1750
George Bridwell son of Isaac and Abigail b: 1-26-1750
Mealy Bridwell son of Samuel d: 11-8-1749
Mealy Bridwell son of Samuel b: 8-x-1749
Mildred Bridwell daughter of Samuel and Mary d: 2-23-1746
Margaret Bridwell daughter of Jacob b: 1-12-1748
Sarah Bridwell daughter of Abraham b: 1-25-1747
William Bridwell son of Isaac and Abigail b: 2-10-1747
Mary Bridwell daughter of John and Lucy d: 2-22-1746
John Bridwell son of John and Lucy b: 8-10-1749
Mary Bridwell daughter of John and Lucy b: 6-19-1745
William Bridwell son of John and Lucy b: 10-19-1740
Thomas Bridwell son of Jacob and Elizabeth b: 1-21-1746
Robert Bridwell married Elizabeth Jones md: 1-13-1745
John Bridwell son of Isaac and Abigail b: 12-7-1744
Isaac Bridwell son of Abraham and Mary b: 6-17-1743
Sarah Bridwell daughter of Abigail b: 5-23-1743
William Bridwell son of Abraham d: 4-5-1743
Sarah Bridwell daughter of John b: 1-13-1743
Elizabeth Bridwell daughter of John d: 10-1-1740
Elizabeth Bridwell married Aaron Garrison md: 5-10-1740
Isaac Bridwell married Abigail Green md: 1-20-1740
Thomas Edrington son of William b: 8-17-1743
Ann Edrington daughter of William b: 3-19-1751
Christopher Edrington son of William b: 4-16-1749
John Edrington son of William b: 11-14-1752
The Register if St. Paul’s Parish, 1715-1798, by John B. C. Nicklin
John son of Samuel Wells d: 8-10-1716
Samuel Wells d: 9-9-1716
Joseph brother of William Wells d: 12-9-1717
John Wells and Frances Barnfather md: 6-18-1723
Samuel Wells and Susanna Brandison md: 7-8-1723
Thomas son of John and Frances Wells b: 9-17-1724
Anthony son of Samuel and Susanna Wells b: 2-27-1725/26
John son of John and Frances Wells b: 2-12-1725/26
_______ of Samuel Wells b: 5-2-1730
Elinor Wells d: 12-15-1729
Charles son of Samuel and Susanna Wells b: 5-12-1731
Charles Wells and Mary Edwards md: 12-10-1733
Samuel son of Charles and Mary Wells b: 9-16-1734
Contributions by: Chuck Wells
Other Wells Documents
Submitted by Chuck Wells
Harrison Wells
Coleman E Wells
Aaron & Nancy Bridges
Wells Wills
Bridges Deed
Wells Marriages
Spencer Co Marriages 9-4-1854 to 11-4-1879
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